[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I’ve done that many times. I still feel like she’s overshadowed by all the other healers right now. Rez is good but just not fun. How do you even get a POTG with her anymore anyways?

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If we would reward Mercy for being Mercy, that would end in more potg with Mercy just healing. This is the problem with her on fire situation.
It’s okay how the system works but in my opinion it really should reward team playes more than solo plays.

Hmm damage boost should get you on fire… if your team mates land their shots but besides that its either land your shots and get eliminations or cast resurrect

Literally no other way to gain value… majority of us average out the same value for healing done

Also on fire means performance and performance means potg/sr gaining

Mercy has gone from a decent healer to something that is just not balanced, and not for the OP way either. How she was at the beginning was fine and felt perfect the way it was.


Resurrect and the res player goes on to kill things or u eliminate stuff and cast res

They should consider rewarding a successful rez with a lowered cooldown (20 seconds), more “fire”, and some ult charge. Right now there is a ton of risk involved with little to no reward for the Mercy herself. Also, this would make it easier to distinguish between bad/average/good players.


Except their goal was to discourage rez as much as possible, since Mercy is mobile healer and nothing else.

“Hey guys, we made this character that can rez people, but don’t actually use it. We don’t like it.”

Sounds like a Kaplan thing to say, tbh.


I think what they wanted was to lessen the impact. A single rez, with all the current restrictions when performing it, could probably survive a slightly lowered cooldown for when it’s successful. It will still be just as rare to pull off, it’s likely most people wouldn’t even get a chance to use it again within those 20 seconds. Personally, if they want rez to be as insignificant as it currently is they might as well remove it and call it a day.

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Here is catch: if you remove rez, it isn’t Mercy anymore. And due to balancing around most skilled players, single rez looks impactful enough.

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I dunno I think holding E and using the mouse buttons to “cast” your heal/damage boost would work. Obviously it would be a toggle beam option, not a click hold.

Well, then they will have to rework rez completely, because right now it’s not a pleasant experience at all for those playing her.


I think it should prefer the teammates who died first

If they keep rez as ability, it’s impossible task - it will remain frustrating either for Mercy or for enemy team.

I get enough on fire with Mercy and her base kit with res, that is not the problem. My concern is that you don’t get that “BAM! On fire!” moment anymore. Something which tells you that you just mad a big play.

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For God’s sake forget about mercy and check my symmetra thread she is the only one who needs serious attention.

Ult charge would be a no… also the res function wont really work since there no skill involved with the casting of resurrect skill besides common sense.

Atm Mercy gains ult 4 points per 1 healing done on a 60 hps… she doesnt gain for self healing but she gains 3 charge per 1 damage a boost hero does damage and 1 charge per 1 damage so that 20 per bullet that lands… 40 er headshot

So thats 240 points per second out of 1950, include the 5 charge per second and thats 255…

255 - 1 second 13% (full 60 hps done)
490 - 2 seconds 25% (full 120 hps done)
735 - 3 seconds 38% (full 180 hps done a near 1 shot from dying dps)
980 - 4 seconds 50% (full 240 hps done)
1225 - 5 seconds 63% (full 300 hps done/half a Roadhog or D.Va)
1470 - 6 seconds 75% (full 360 hps done)
1715 - 7 seconds 88% (full 420 hps done)
1950 - 8 seconds 100% (full 480 hps done with Reinhardt

Hmm normally it takes me about until the end of an engagement to get Res or valk online then again… there has to be about that much resource available for you to heal in order to gain it… and the sub healer has to allow you to heal (which is why I oppose Passive Moira and a Mercy combo)

Hmm will have to test it

Yeah but then she will gain ult even fast since Healing is 4 charge per 1 healing and 1 charge per 1 damage

This is the Mercy Megathread, purely designed to talk about Mercy. I’m all for making suggestions to help out Symmetra, who’s really been treated abominably, but there is no reason we can’t discuss more than one character at the same time. Coming her demanding people stop caring for their main is not going to help Symmetra.

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Well, it’s nice seeing people writing his opinion in a constructive way, even if I disagree.

I get that some abilities can be frustrating, every ult of the game (with a few exceptions like Widow’s) can be incredibly frustrating to play against. For example, if I see a Genji ulting in front of me as Mercy is just a “why I even try it?
I’m dead.” However, there is a problem with Mercy and her Resurrect. If you remove Resurrect, Mercy loses her identity. It’s so simple as that if you think about Mercy the first thing that comes to your head is her old iconic “Heroes never die!” voice line. It’s her core, and changing it into an E ability was a mistake, that for sure. Non a single hero has had his/her identity distorted that drastically.

Abilities are way more used than ultimates. That’s because ultimates are more powerful than abilities. That’s why changing Resurrect into an E ability was a mistake. At the beggining people said “Hey, why you complain about her? You will rez more people!”. In fact, we did, and that was the problem, it was incredibly op. Such a powerful ability shouldn’t be used so much. Now she still has her identity but it’s twisted and distorted, it’s unfun and undesirable to use.

Honestly, I would change it to be her ultimate again, but allowing some counter play. I agree that Valkirie wasn’t what we needed, but also Resurrect should have been tweaked, not removed from its place. Now we are trying to suggest some ways to achieve that point. There is a suggestion up there (post 320 or 321, not sure, the longest one) that could satisfy all people, I think.