[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Apparently any thread asking about the pre-Valkyrie Mercy gets merged into here, unless it’s to talk about how Mercy players are one-tricks who need to just give up and fall into line.
Clear bias and all that, but also doesn’t that just make this thread waaaay harder to follow for the developers that are ‘checking it daily’? A lot of the content merged into it is irrelevant to the changes this thread is made for.

To me, that suggests that either this thread (despite the name) is to be used as reference for upcoming changes to Mercy from bottom to top. Or it’s just the void that Mercy players are cast into.

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People who make accounts just to post “Mercy is fine” in a Mercy Feedback thread confuse me.

It’s not like you actually read anything here (judging by your heavily misinformed opinion on “this community”). Please get off of reddit and read the previous comments on here before lumping an entire community under one category. No one wants Rework Mercy. No one wants Mercy as top support. Thanks and have a nice day!

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


i wish blizzard would just look at this, they made this just to ignore all complaints about mercy in the general discussion.

…balanced?? mercy 1.0 was far from balanced. they won’t revert her to 1.0. if they do revert her it’ll be to valkyrie first state with a few of the new changes.

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Whatever helps you sleep at night little one. :slight_smile:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


I would like to see them implement a system where you can easily alternate having the GA prefer beam target or not during the match. It would do amazing things to the flow of her game-play and definitely make her more fun, at least to me.

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With how long it took them to add skin selection before match, it’s going to be a while.

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tysm, my fellow mercy supporter

I’m still a bit wary on their decision to bring back Mercy’s old voice line… Hmm… Like what do they have up their sleeve?

Could you imagine if they also gave her some sort of revert with her old voiceline? Talk about heaven :heart:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Mercy’s pick/winrate are fine, nobody discuss that. Her basics are fine and strong (M1, M2 and GA) and that’s why she is still viable. However both her E and Q are awful and make her boring and flat design, with no difference between ranks. She takes no skill now. Her Resurrect contradicts Mercy as a mobile character. Valkirie decreases her winrate and is redundant.

She needs another rework, and this time, one in the right direction. Resurrect cannot be balanced and fit with Mercy at the same time as an E ability, and Valkirie is too weak as an ultimate, it’s just a glorified E ability with a resource bar. The needed changes are obvious. Swap them and tweak them. Leave the rest. Done. Fun and balanced Mercy again.

False, her viability relied on both her M1 and M2 the most. Resurrect was her last and most powerful resource, but the last one. It was only her only viability if you played hide and rez, and as I pointed before, that could have been eliminated too easily as a valid strategy. Also, if the problem was her lack of an E ability, just add one, but never her ult. Now she is really unhealthy, as suicidal play is a good option because you have a flying undo button each 30 seconds.

She is not fine as she is right now and nobody wants her op again. In fact, we prefer her being a troll pick but fun, as before the rework during seasons 2 and 3.

The point behind those suggestions is if someone could think that hide and rez would continue being a problem then. I’m not saying that they are the best options, I know each one of them have some risk. However, I would like to try any of them over this current design. And about the console problem, I still don’t know what could be the problem. Symmetra for example has 2 ults and an E ability, but she is playable on console I guess. As a pc player I find her a bit confusing sometimes, but I can deal with her. I think if she had an E ability it could be configured somehow. If not, just create an E ability that fits with the console controllers layout.

Yes, she wasn’t balanced because she was a troll pick indeed, something more desirable than being a mandatory pick again as first Valkirie was. If not, just tell me why Blizz buffed Mercy twice before the rework and why her pickrate was between 5%-0% during seasons 2 and 3, even with Pharah having her best days.


hmm… understandable indeed.

I would seriously rather Rez be completely removed at this point. Mercy sucks to play now, I hardly ever get the chance to use my ability. I’d much rather an ability I can use than cling on to Rez when it’s basically just “Press this button to die” now lol. I would miss it, but it’s not worth being miserable playing a character I spent so much effort and time practicing with. Don’t even get me started on her useless ult. Here I am 76 and McCree! Ult me down! You’re WAY better off combining a Zen ult with an Orisa ult.

I distinctly remember the introduction of the rework. I was very critical of the decision to overhaul a character who, by Blizzard’s own confession, was one of the most favourite in the whole game, in an effort to make her ‘more fun’. Again, that was the official reason for the rework…which made no sense to me at all (if she’s considered fun by a disproportionately high amount of players, why would she need a rework to be fun?)

Anyway, it came out, and I thought it was nonsense. I played with friends, and we thought it was nonsense. She was sooo overpowered compared to where she was before. It was insane, and totally changed the pace of the game from systematic to frenzied…and yet it was the most fun the game had been in a long time because of it. We didn’t realize it’d STAY that way, hence the problem, but it was a wild transition.



I think there’s some confusion in this thread about skill ceiling and skill floor, so I’ll try to explain. All heroes take a certain amount of skill to play, either mechanical (aim, cooldown use & timing) or situational (what we call gamesense, ult usage & timing, target prioritization, shotcalling, communication). Some heroes require more or less skill to be effective, which is what we mean by skill floor. A good example is Lucio – at lower tiers, you can still be fairly effective with his kit, meaning his skill floor is fairly low. Having low skill floor heroes is good for the game! The majority of the playerbase plays at gold or below. There’s nothing wrong with this. Lots of people are picking up this as their first FPS game, and it’s great to have heroes that are slightly easier to start playing with while learning the ins and outs of Overwatch. This is part of the reason why Mercy is so popular – her base kit is excellent, and fairly easy and intuitive to use.

A character’s skill ceiling is more difficult to define, but look at characters like Genji or Ana – there is a HUGE difference between the stats of a bronze and a GM Genji, which basically means that putting in the hours to train & improve your skill with these characters results in having a much bigger effect on a match. The “ceiling” is reached when an increase in skill doesn’t correlate to an increase in impact – you are already “maxing” out a character, so to speak, using their abilities in the most efficient way possible such that there is no room for improvement.

I can confidently say that all of the heroes in this game have a reasonably high ceiling – except Mercy, that is. This rework has actually LOWERED her skill ceiling. A low skill ceiling is a big problem, and the reason people playing her are calling her “no fun.” These players don’t want Mercy overpowered again – they only want their skill and hard work to translate into real tangible impact in the game!

Let’s look at her new abilities in turn and discuss the ceilings and impact of each.

Cooldowns in this game require either mechanical skill (like Tracer’s blinks) or gamesense/timing (Genji deflect) or, more often, a mix of the two (Ana grenade). Mercy’s E requires no mechanical skill besides, stand close enough. You can’t even choose between two rez targets if the souls are on top of each other! Since there’s no way to improve mechanically, the only way to use this ability “better” or “more efficiently” is knowing when to press E – but it’s been shown through statistics that, on average, Mercy is getting about the same amount of rezzes per game across all ranks. This is one of the warning signs of a flat ability – the skill ceiling is just barely above the skill floor. Sure, a bronze Mercy will perform more risky rezzes and die, but it’s just as risky to rez at higher ranks when the enemy is more focused on killing an immobile Mercy, and so the decision on when to rez hinges almost entirely on, will I die if I press E? There’s little point in saving the rez for another target, when the ability is this hard to pull off – you’re better off using it as soon as it is safe to to maximize impact. So, as soon as you learn when it is safe to rez and when it’s not, there’s not much else to learn, practice, or improve upon with this ability. You cannot charge it any quicker or use it more often by being more skilled. Using this skill at its maximum efficiency is based entirely on whether or not you can press E and not die, which is a fairly easy lesson to learn when you are punished with death for using it incorrectly.

Mercy’s new ultimate showcases what I’m arguing even more clearly. The skill ceiling of using this ultimate is practically nonexistent, as it seems to be used almost exclusively to increase Mercy’s survivability and movement. Her once-difficult job of beam management is made stupidly easy through chain beams. Her once-difficult job of staying alive is made so much easier with self-healing that never stops, and her incredibly fun and engaging movement and positioning ability, Guardian Angel, the main ability that separates good Mercy players from bad ones, is instead turned into a mindless “hold spacebar and hide.” Do you see the pattern? Her ultimate lets Mercy do her normal job… except now it’s even easier to accomplish! There are also some statistics that say that she is even less impactful during her ult, as flying up into the sky with glowing wings can make you a damn easy target. Her nerfed mobility during Valkyrie means it’s even more important to hide while using it, and the absurdly long range of her beam makes that pretty easy, too.

Is this what we were promised?

A “more engaging” ultimate… that lets her do her normal job, except it does it for you, doesn’t counter any enemy ultimates at all, removes the fun and hectic flight path of GA and lets you instead be motionless in the sky, and has no downside to disengaging from the fight and hiding in safety at max beam range?

A “more balanced” resurrect ability… that’s available at the start of the match, is “earned” by simply waiting 30 seconds, is extremely punishing when used in a risky setting, and therefore is limited to only during the safest of times, like before and after team fights, to save your teammate that extra walk back from spawn… Engaging and impactful!

Do you remember having to fight for that last 5-10% of her ultimate, back when it mattered? Efficiently using both of her beams to maximize ult charge, healing riskier targets, staying in the fight and making riskier plays in order to charge it before the enemies got their ults… Pepperidge Farm remembers.


that could be your fault, you can’t rez and run anymore, i’d check your postitioning. i’m okay with rez. i only die when i’m too far up.

Like I said, can’t help memory issues. You can clearly see some of them in this thread. My other points were to point out that there are other great support options out there.

And if there were not a lot of x5 before, it would be the same if mass rez came back.

I want to keep reworked Mercy. And probably all the Mercy mains who are tired of hiding behind a corner waiting for the team to die on point every single match as well. NO skill was required to play her back then, just a stale rotation of: Heal up your ult - tell team to die on point - hide behind a corner somewhere - fly out and insta-rez without worrying about risks or counterplay - repeat. Personally I want to use my brain when I play.

Plus, such a powerful ability like resurrection of other players is something that needs counterplay and should take risks to successfully pull off, which is exactly what reworked Mercy is about.

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Definitely not my fault when I almost always have a Tracer or Genji on me just waiting for me to use it. Standing still for like 2 whole seconds is asking to die. She is a high priority target, whose whole kit depends on mobility. I still rez, it’s just I’d much rather an ability I can use frequently. I don’t care to have a small handful of resurrections when she could have a different more useful ability.

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Whatever helps you sleep at night little one. :slight_smile:
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Yikes, this dude. This is exactly why people dislike Mercy mains.

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it scares me how much time you have on your hands but i do indeed see your point. p.s: your writing is amazing