[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I’m not a fan of battle mercy and nerfing her heals during valk to 40 even if it means both beams are on along with being able to shoot sounds really bad. I want to heal my team so I’d never pop ult if that was the case. I like the concept of res having a resource, but I do miss resing three people at once.

That’s totally fair, as sated though the reduced healing + damage boost beam was just a side suggestion under “Other things Valk could do”, I totally agree that mercy’s focus should be healing.

That’s what I thought, but I had to read that part a few times before understanding what you were suggesting so I didn’t want to mention it and turn out wrong.

Are the devs even going to revert Mercy? Jeff did say that they don’t have any plans on reverting her.

With that said, I’m still hoping that they will do something about her current state and make Valkyrie more impactful.

Jeff has said that, but I think this is a great way to fix the problems with res so I hope they explore the possibility. If anything they could do everything in the op and just reduce the max number of revives to 4 or 3.

Jeff, please read this thread. It’s filled with amazing ideas!

Some interesting ideas here, but sadly like the previous megathreads there probably won’t be a two way discussion to getting Mercy in a better place than where she is currently (e.g. her ultimate being lackluster). A new megathread was made and already there are threads being locked and asked to post there :frowning:. I guess all I can do is hope this time they are actually listening to the feedback and not using the megathread mainly as a means to keep the forum tidy of complaints about Mercy.


I don’t think they should reduce the max number of revives… Like if a Mercy player can get 5 players Resurrected then they deserve to get 5 people. It shouldn’t be decreased in power… The big thing is impactfulness and something that this current Live iteration of Mercy is lacking.

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I agree with you. I’m just worried about people complaining its too op.

Having healing needed to be done that high Mercy would still get the same amount of Resurrects per game maybe even less tbh some games you could go 9000 in healing and win the match, that would be dependent on your team taking damage. She doesn’t need another team dependent ability she needs a game-changing ability that would be hard for her to utilize and pull off but be super impactful if done so.

It would still feel really bad to use… Since you are trying to pull off an ability which acts like an ultimate still. An ability is something that should be utilized often and have a slight impact on the fight. (Ie. That’s why I suggest Valkyrie being toned down and added to her E ability on a shorter uptime longer cool down that way she can participate in team fights more and giving your team the edge on a fight). The way Resurrect is playing out it doesn’t feel like it shouldn’t even be considered an ability but it almost feels like a mini ultimate. If Mercy’s Resurrect became 5 people again it would make her ultimate more impactful. We can see even Resurrecting at least 1 person is impactful, but she is punished with that awful movement speed slow that takes a toll on her mobility which is a key attribute of Mercy’s kit. I don’t believe Mercy players should be rewarded with a mini ultimate I still feel like it should be earned. The way you are putting it sums up my idea, Resurrect still needs to be earned. Which is something you had to do with Mercy 1.0 you needed to EARN Resurrect as an ultimate if I’m not mistaken?

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I think every redirected thread has all of the posts added to this one. Correct me if I’m wrong. And it’s also kind of confusing. I keep thinking I’m in the wrong thread.

Yeah, the amazing opener to our thread is here thank god. I hope people don’t miss it since they just added our 100 replies.

Why don’t you just make her rez instant. No other changes. 1 rez every 30 seconds, instantly.
Boom, good hero again.

oooo 398 replies so far… not bad… hope Blizzard takes this as indication that we want Mercy fix.

At the end of the day, this is still a feedback post. and downvotes are no longer a thing so I can’t be silenced for simply having an opinion.

I really like Mercy the way she is on live servers right now, the rework was very much a success to me. Rez feels very fair and balanced on a 30 second cooldown with a cast time. free rezzes in the pre-fight is nothing but a good thing.
It’s gotten sickening playing comp games where every single push we attempt is halted because ONE GUY dies and the entire team thinks “All of our preperation means nothing we have to wait for 10 seconds”

Rez is very balanced, and I believe it’s VERY fair that Rez can counteract prefight picks. it’s like a new utility for Mercy’s rez as opposed to the old “Sustaining a teamfight”, rez is now used for “Keeping the momentum going”

and Valkyrie is one of my favorite ultimates in the game, it’s still crazy powerful and it amazes me that people don’t see that

Healchaining alone is powerful but being granted unlimited movement, increased speed, and uninterrupted regen is CRAZY strong. and it’s all for 15 seconds.

Mercy can dictate an entire team fight with Valkyrie, and she can also abuse it’s low cost to spam it for her allies ultimate charge with chainboost. and there are many ways to get it back very fast.

Valkyrie is fun and powerful not because it’s huge impact or anything, it’s fun and powerful because it’s on so OFTEN. Valkyrie time takes up like 3 minutes worth of a 15 minute comp match, and the momentum and base power feels great.

Mercy feels great, I love the rework. She’s one of my favorite heroes now

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Hi Akira.

How are the stats today?

Too OP for the aggressive Mercy playstyle… the Passive Mercy were an issue in 1.0 because they played it safe and the DPS didn’t or couldn’t do much about them.

Truth be told… they don’t perceive us as a threat… no they rather fight Roadhog who we are healing and give us feed for our Ultimate charge.

Also if they going off what Pro’s and YouTube uploads are showing… then thats where they went wrong… Jeff knows about the Aggressive/Battle Mercy’s that engaged… what he and Blizzard and the rest of the community didn’t realise was the sheer number of us out there… no jokes… if I was to play serious with Mercy 2.0, 2.1 and 2.3 it was like a Triple or Quadruple boost in performance.

Also the individual Res’s are bad because it denies individual picks… as oppose to the one shot use Multi-Res Ultimate that could only be used when the ultimate was ready.

For example, at the very start of the fight, say like if Widow, Zen or a DPS succeeded in an ambush and put the opposing team into a 5v6… Mercy could instantly reset the fight back into a 6v6.

Res ult was better because that only denies deaths mid or end fights and using it was like a big trigger for counter ults.


I think she has found her place now.

You guys wanted her focus to be healing more and now the nerf assessed that. Since her res mechanic is highly situational ability.

The only thing I dont like about her right now is that I feel the res takes too long which makes it pretty much a death sentence if it is out in the open.

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I competently disagree. Its just a worse version of Zen and Orisa’s ults. Sure you can swap, but a jack of all trades master of none isn’t powerful.

It may come up often, but now I can only use it effectively if we push with a damage boost or I ult just as the enemy pushes to get some healing going around. I use it maybe 3 times max a match. Normally just twice. One good one and one at the very end that’s only used because the timer is at 5 seconds.

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And what is that place, if you can tell me?