[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

According to statistics a GM Mercy can achieve 6 rezzes in a whole average game, the same amount you need for the achievement. However, you would need to do that without dying a single time in the whole game, so unless you make a bargain with the other 11 players, yes, it’s impossible. About the unprising event’s achievement, I can’t remember how it was, so I can’t help you, but considering that bots have better aim and sight than a lot of players, I think that the uprising event will be incredibly more difficult, as Valkirie won’t help at all, and Resurrect won’t allow you to recover from a bad situation. If Reinhardt die, it will be game over, that simple.

We have already explained it a lot of times, you only need to read the forum. 1.0 had the same base as this current design, excepting an E ability. Before you could play engaging and keeping your teammates alive, something that you can see now in OWL. That’s how old Mercy was really played. Just add a few 2-3 man rezzes and that was the average old Mercy.

Why do we say this rework has been a failure?
1- It pretended to stop hide and rez. Now hide and rez is mandatory all the time, each 30 seconds and each time you use your ultimate. Mercy must hide now more than ever before. That can’t be called a success at all.
2- The rework goes against Mercy’s identity and core. Turning Resurrect into an E ability was a terrible mistake. It made her incredibly op at the beggining, but after all the nerfs, it only punish the Mercy player and encourages bad game (you can play suicidal knowing that you have an “undo button” each 30 seconds). Also, Mercy is supposed to be a mobile character. Her current kit slows her down. Try to explain us now how “slow down” fits with “mobile character”.
3- The rework turned Mercy from an unique, iconic and epic hero into a generic healbot. This one is simple. Valkirie is not unique at all, it’s redundant. Before the rework the voice line “Heroes never die!” was immediately recognized as a Mercy’s and Overwatch’s thing in and out of the game, and turned her into an icon of all the supports. Valkirie is just lower Pharah’s flight + higher Lucio’s amp it up + lower Orisa’s ult.
4- People want to have a challenging character. Before the rework you had to think all the time and mastering Mercy was really difficult despite playing her was easy. Nowadays, one of the complains is that Mercy’s skill floor and ceiling are exactly the same. Statistics give us credit here, as they show that a bronze Mercy only performs one successful rez less than a GM Mercy player. In addition, Valkirie removes all thinking about healing. You don’t need to think when to use it, nor who to target, you just hide, target the target in the middle of your team and hold M1/M2.
5- Valkirie is useless. Before I wasn’t too sure of this, but seeing statistics from OWL, it has become clear to me. Mercy has less win rate when she uses her ultimate than when she refuses to use it. Also, she is not able to counter anything, and she can’t save her teammates at all. Her win rate is the 3rd lowest in fights where she uses her ult against an enemy team that uses one ult.
6- Resurrect is just suicide, it destroys all your mobility and takes no skill. You have to think where and when to hide, but that’s all. It takes luck or skill from your teammates to babysit you, but not from you. You are only a burden for them. That’s not fun.
7- Toxicity has skyrocketed since the rework was made. I don’t think I need to explain this one, no one likes being yelled all the time and harassed in and out of the game, I guess. Before the rework this didn’t happen at the levels we have now.
8- Mercy’s current kit is extremely flat and redundant. If you think 1.0 was simply heal, rez and repeat (you are wrong about that anyway), now it’s only heal and repeat.
9- There is no reward in playing Mercy nowadays. Before you could earn epic plays and feel proud of yourself. Now the only way you can do that is playing Battle Mercy, and that’s not what she is supposed to do. She is a extreme risk vs very low reward now. Her in flames rate is the lowest of the game, that give us credit here.

What we want that will make Mercy balanced and fun? There are a lot of different opinions, but honestly, this design can be corrected easily just bringing back old rez with some tweaks or iterations and setting Valkirie as an E ability, because let’s be realistic, it is indeed an E ability nowadays, not an ultimate anymore.


I main mercy and I still love to play her. She is still my favourite hero to use.

All the mercy changes have done is force me to swap to lucio on attack point maps like Illios, Oasis and Napal. Whereas before I’d just pick mercy for everything.

At times i find Mercy a risk to play. I don’t resurrect play half as often as I used to. So if my team starts to lose a defensive position, an attempt at a rez might expose me too much to gunfire. So I find myself falling back more often than not.

On legendary. Impossible without Mass Res. I made it last time without exploit’s and Mass Res was very important to win that. With Val Mercy, only something like suicide. Unless they make the mode way more easy, which i don’t want. It was to much fun.
With Valkyrie? Not so much. Again something which will be less fun because of her rework.


I hope they will eventually realise how much they have harmed the game with this rework. Halloween feels like a bad joke seeing the witch rezzing all her teammates when you can’t do that, you have only one clunky and suicidal rez. Uprising event was difficult even with Mass Rez, having Valkirie it will be near to impossible if Reinhardt dies, because… is Mercy’s current rez shorter than the rez everybody has in that event or not? And if it is, how much? Just half a second shorter? That’s stupid. Finally, Mercy has sprays and a lot of things in her cosmetic set (sprays and all that things) refering to Mass Resurrect. This rework has gone against Mercy as a character from the beginning. I hope they will realize that someday.


Uprising wasn’t related to any real life holiday, so they may easily skip it. Besides, they don’t have lazy option to allow more heroes, like on Halloween - there was all heroes mode (ironic, that Orisa and Bastion were great against omnic rebels).

In the event it was something like 3-4s i think. It was longer but not much. Mercy’s res now will make almost no difference, except that it is less polished than the other ress…

It will come back, Jeff already said that and the old Uprising will be back too. And i also think that this was the best Event overall so far (financially and for the community)…? So i don’t think they will drop it, also it was the only story event so the community which loves the story of the game would be really upset if they do that, i think.

If I remember correctly, the “complaints” started when popular streamers like Seagull started blaming Mercy for their own misplays. Seagull mains Genji, but he tends to prioritize killhunting over teamplay, and completely ignores the enemy Mercy until she uses her ult to reverse his kill streak.


meanwhile, I really hate that the mods are merging anything that mentions mercy into this thread even if it isn’t feedback. Do they even read the topics or just see ‘Mercy’ and hit their merge button…


Hide and Res… nothing more nothing less.

Yes but the current 3.1 is like heal… ignore… heal… ignore… oh a wall… res… There is nothing skilled with hiding behind a wall to do a 5 metre range res…

Not to mention if you cannot be engaging with Mercy 1.0 then you need to get good… literally more matches are won with Mercy not going into ult… because what she does in Valkyrie can be easily done in base form.

Well they only make up 1% of the community and Mercy is currently 12th place in the pick rate and out of that 1%… 3.12% are playing them and their DPS and Tanks are likely a lot more sensible and don’t die in difficult spots to res.

At my tier I’m telling people sorry can’t go over to heal you or sorry can’t res you… because they keep playing recklessly.

But still the average death of a GM is still the same… averaging out at around 7 ish… so I guess it is down to positioning and team work on the DPS and Tanks part.

Attempting a res would be a bad play… falling back is the correct answer if it isn’t safe… or committing suicide and resurrecting with the team. If your team complains… then it is on them for being too unskilled and committing mistakes that gets them killed.

The effects are the same as old res… Cast time is 1 second but effects happens at the start then for 1.25 seconds the revived players/cast are immobile and invulnerable. Bringing the res time to last 2.25 seconds

Mercy is only invulnerable for 1 second… but without Invulnerable she would basically die during that time.

This is why I hate one tricks… Seagull might be a pro Genji but he did it by stat abusing… to kill hunt as Genji and raising Elimination, Damage Done, Reflect, solo kills and Dragon Blade kills will basically give you more SR… yes on a Performance comparison system there are a ton of Genji’s but majority of them are mediocre at best…

Also Kill hunting is Genji’s job but they have to flank without dying… they basically have to go in ahead of the team expecting that they will not get any heals and they need to use Health Packs from time to time. To die and expect Mercy to pocket you is just stupid… because Genji is a flanker who tends to be in the enemy rear getting eliminations.

Hope it will be back, but it will be pointless to have Mercy, when all heroes have exactly same ability to get incapacitated teammate back up. Should be obvious enough even for Jeff.

Everything is said.
Hope people will realise how awful this rework has been…
#Revert Mercy


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I had my best time with the game during the Uprising Event. Now i get more and more the feeling that Vakyrie will destroy that for me as well… Sure we will get a new mission, but i like my european characters too much to just ignore the old campaign…

I have the feeling that this is going to be very sad

They’ll probably use Mercy’s old ult the for the event. It’s a PvE event afterall. Just because Mercy was changed for balance doesn’t mean it has to change for a PvE mode. Just like what they did for the Halloween event.

We didn’t have a Mercy to play, but Mercy of enemies. It wasn’t a “gift”.

It’s not supposed to be a gift, but you’re right that it was for the enemies. Blizzard is more than capable of changing Mercy from live specifically for the PvE event regardless.

Trust me, Blizzard folks are on it when it comes to feedback. Just because they are silent at the moment doesn’t mean they aren’t reading/watching.

They always pay attention when it comes to the community. I don’t mind if they are quiet, I want to know what (if any) actions they will take about Mercy in the current meta.

Depending on how long Attack/Defend goes and how I mesh with my teammates, it’s possible I can get more but I usually average 6 as well.

Honestly, I had no idea I could get the ‘Huge Res’ achievement after all of the reworks but I got it recently and was surprised, haha. It’s definitely doable in QP in a 10+ minute match.

Admittedly when the Mercy changes first started occurring the reasoning was to stop hide and res but I can’t help but to do that now with the slow animation time & lengthy cooldowns. I will always be a Mercy player but it’s frustrating to deal with!

I really wish more people understood the distinction between someone who is good with a hero who makes your life hell vs an imbalanced character that actually needs tweaking.

(For example …) Me saying Tracer is OP doesn’t make it so. Is she annoying in the right hands? YES! But then that means she is being played like she is supposed to be. Certain characters are meant to be disruptions to an enemy team.

Saying someone is overpowered just because they know how to work a kit and are doing their job for a team is shoddy game sense.

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Anyway it will be a kick in the part A of the butt

Because if they didn’t the entire front page would be littered with complaints threads because the state they’ve left Mercy in is ridiculous


ideas for rez:

allow instant rez, and then slower her for 1.5 -OR-
don’t trigger the cool down if she doesn’t get the rez off

or you could her a unique ULT mechanic, where as soon as her ult meter hits 100% she obtains a rez and the meter gets set back to 0% immediately.

she can stack infinite rez’s, she can hold 256 rez’s each round, ya know?

thanks for reading

it would also be cool if she auto-damage boosted when healing an ally with full health.

I’ll just throw this one in two, a different ULT could be that she can over-heal people. if she pops her ULT (that lasts 10 seconds) she can heal Reinhart up to 1600 health. It would be kinda like Lucio’s but wouldn’t disappear over time.