[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I think it would actually be pretty good tbh. I don’t think it’s fair if we allow McCree players to one shot us behind a barrier so why should Mercy be allowed to Resurrect players behind a barrier. It goes hand in hand. It would work like a lock on. Mercy would see her team get deleted and the number of fallen allies would be brought up on her screen just like 1.0 and you would still have enough time (because of the cast time) to dive past the enemy barrier to get that Resurrect off. Would increase the skill ceiling of the hero by a lot. Which is something that this hero is lacking.

I’d have to disagree. Comparing McCree, a DPS hero, who kills people even without his ult to Mercy with Mass Rez doesn’t quite compare well. It’s Mercy’s one time to use resurrection, whereas McCree can do the flashbang FTH combo whenever he likes.

And I don’t see how it would increase the skill ceiling. Rez isn’t strategic like most abilities. If you see 5 teammates down, you aren’t going to just ignore it. I shouldn’t have to be afraid to save a game just because I see one Mei, Orisa, Winston, Symmetra, Rein, etc.

There is no skill there, at that point it’s crossing your fingers and hoping they don’t notice you, but they always will because you are in the center of the team with the LoS requirement. With McCree, you are usually perched somewhere, giving yourself strategic positioning. But with Mercy, you’re always right there no matter what. You have to be there or else nobody gets rezzed.

Also, Mercy is supposed to be an entry level hero. It’s kind of the point of her hero, given the lock on healing, the 1.5 second fly away ability. It’s supposed to be for new players, and it’s what got me into the healing cast. She’s good for that.

  • Mass Resurrect cast time would actually be less than Mercy 1.0 original cast time.
    I feel the way OP explained your idea would feel a lot better for the Mercy player.
  • Free flight is something that I enjoy and having no CD GA would be a little awkward to me to utilize.
  • Think about the times you could jump off a cliff and use Valkyrie and fly back up freely again you would just fall to your death because nobody will come save you.
  • Passive Regen on Valkyrie would be too strong and she would become unkillable on a shorter cooldown and that would just cause problems.
  • Chain healing would be better but having it reduced to people around the main target would make more sense.
  • Mercy already outputs enough healing and damage boosting making it even stronger would be too good

I think it should compare the same as every other hero. You are bringing back a target back to full HP behind enemy lines. If we are keeping Valkyrie that means she could fly into the skybox and push Resurrect which would cause an uproar in the community because she is already hard to kill in the air and then she would just bring back her team and be perfectly safe. I’m thinking about the other side here and it’s something that everyone else should be looking at as well. DPS heroes have a lot of counters to their ultimates so why shouldn’t Mercy have the exact same counters if she is bringing people back to life. I think DPS would find it fair if Mercy had to go through the same requirements as them in order to get Resurrects. It’s just like other support ultimates (Moira and Ana not included) Lucio and Zenyatta also have their ultimates denied by barriers so Mercy’s ultimate should do the same thing.

They reworked Mercy on PTR. I comlpained, DPS and Tanks said “She is fun, fair and have a much higher skill ceiling now!”.
They tweaked Mercy on PTR. I complained. DPS and Tanks said the same thing.
They got Her on live - the same story.
A few weeks later - everyone realised, that their favourite youtuber was wrong and new Mercy is OPAF, but is fun to play though (not in the same way she was).
They nerfed her. Others complained. They nerfed her again and again - Mercy players asked to stop his madness, but when they finally stopped, it was too late.
Mercy is not fun, not impactful and her skill ceiling is a little higher than her skill floor now - she even was harder to master in her pre-rework state.

I don’t ask for revert. I hated 2.X from the beginning. I tried to play her, but whatever, D.Va, Tracer, Widow, Ana is much more fun.
Perhaps, another rework can possibly save her - the hero I loved to play as, as I love this game. But “she is in a good state” and its unlikely that we will see another change (not a nerf) in a half of a year.


But I say the same thing: Mercy can’t rez people with her base kit, it’s only an ultimate ability. DPS heroes kill whenever they like.

Also a cast time allows pretty much anything to counter you, especially if you keep the same slow. Flying or not it’s easy to counter.

I’d also like to add onto this: Multiple DPS ults break and or don’t care for barriers. Pharah’s ult easily breaks barriers, and Hanzo’s ult goes through them. Mei’s ult certainly doesn’t care for barriers. Genji and Soldier can move around them, Doomfist also doesn’t care for them. McCree is the only real DPS hero ruined by a barrier.


The problem is on Live she is technically in a balanced state. It’s just her impactfulness isn’t where it should be. Where she is balanced is Valkyrie no longer buffs Resurrect in any way which makes her balanced. She is now really reliant on her team to utilize Valkyrie by staying close to each other but we all know how bad it is for everyone to be clumped up trying to utilize an ultimate because one ultimate can easily shred through your entire team because her ultimate doesn’t provide enough healing output to do anything.

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I know that she is balanced, I feel it too. But she is unfun and non-impactful and that is the main problem for me and many others.

And against a good dps (especially widow), Valkyrie after its nerfs now is just “Kill myself” button, if you dare to peek behind the wall.

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Ok… but Mercy can heal kill potential can’t she? That’s where healing comes in… She outputs healing to her teammates so they can’t be killed by means of damage.

And it has been proven to be balanced to have a cast time. How would we know if it’s easier to counter? Her mobility would come into play and would be really effective in securing Resurrects if utilized properly. It’s not like she’s going to be punished by that awful slow in the air… she will still be able to move freely which is something her kit needs to be again.

Exactly so I’m still unsure as to why this iteration of Mercy would be flawed in any way…

But DPS can out damage healing. At this point we begin to dive into a multitude of variables we can’t foresee.

And I never said the cast time was bad, but if someone is stuck in a small spot given if you go too far you lose the # of people being resurrected, you aren’t exactly running a mile. I agree she needs to be able to move freely, she desperately needs that mobile flow in her kit, but walking doesn’t exactly defy the enemy.

I’m not saying if someone sticks up a shield she instantly loses her ultimate and she can’t do anything about it. She still has time before the Resurrect cast time is finished to get behind enemy lines to Resurrect her team that’s where her mobility and Valkyrie would come into play to help give her mobility in order to successfully pull the Resurrect off. Just like how McCree and Soldier can run past the shield to damage people Mercy would be able to dive past the shield in order to Resurrect

What is she able to do while casting? There is a lack of detail, as her current cast doesn’t let her do anything.

She would still be able to use GA and it would make sense as to why she should be able too.

So the number of people you begin to rez once casting starts stays forever until you either die or they are resurrected?

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Not to mention the cute spray is near impossible to get. Stay alive for 6 resurrects. Um you get it every thirty seconds and games are how long?


In one of my recent games, when i asked why they didn’t wait for me to group up before they pushed, they literally said “cause ur useless lol”

Hurts man, hurts


That is correct it would make the most sense while still retain her mobility. I fixed it on the actual post.

Apparent this thread is back which is nice, though I still don’t think 1.0 is the way (da wae) to go just because it has less issues. I still think iterating 2.0 or reworking a 3.0 could resolve the problem better.

After reading the balance design, I have a few questions and concerns. Hope it could be addressed.

  1. Will there be compensation for the new E Ability? Something like toning down primary healing or increase GA cooldown or something. Directly having a new ability cause significant power creep, especially a really strong one.

  2. Since you mentioned Lucio’s ult, does the effects activate right after casting? One thing I thought of is to time the cast, and then use GA+Valk to fly in, or just rez from above and behind similar to Barrage, which might cause an even bigger hide and seek problem

  3. I don’t think this rez should give any personal buffs to Mercy. Having the ability to fly and GA boost while rezzing is very good already.

  4. Personally I don’t like abilities that is very strong with a very long cooldown, this to me feels like that hero has an extra mini ult. Also these type of abilities often can only be used once in a fight which is not the best for activeness. For this Valk I think this can play a bit better

Duration4s / CD12s
No longer gain chained beam, instead beam power increased to 100HPS/50%boost

I think this would be more flexible as an ability and showcases the skill of the player better.

I wish Blizzard would just realize they’ve made a mistake with her entire rework. The way they handled this has been a huge joke, and an even bigger slap in the face to Mercy mains and support mains in general. I would love it for them to make Resurrect an Ult again. It would be great to stop feeling like a glorified health pack when playing Mercy.