[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I mean, it seems like she gets picked a lot, but it seems like she mostly gets stuck to a high DPS character and isn’t doing a lot of her own play?

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Looking at ultimates alone makes zero sense. Moira has a terrible Ultimate. Does that make her garbage? (I mean it kinda does in prop play but i’m not getting into that). Zarya has a great ultimate. Does that make her a good hero?


MERCY WILL NEVER DIE!!! :heartbeat:


That is what Mercy has been since day 1. There is a reason why pharmercy has its own name.


Tell that to Ana, she literally hits q and does nothing else with her ult.


Great to see people acknowledging Mercy is still being used and viable at high levels despite her changes over time.

I enjoy playing both as her and against her at the moment and I can admit insta-res was not fun for enemies to deal with. :smiley:


With ana once you hit q you can go back to doing other things with mercy you hit q and have to hold mouse for 15 seconds as your team dies.


Or hold M2, or swoop into a rez, or bring out the pistol to take care of a low enemy…

It’s just an all around better Mercy.


Hi Cascadia.

Whilst I appreciate Mercy players are upset with the changes, this thread is talking about her pickrate climbing in OWL not asking for a discussion of her recent balance changes.

There are threads to discuss her balance, this isn’t one of them. Thanks.


I mean, you can fly, you have a better passive, you have better GA range, you have better beam range, you have chain damage amp and you have chain heals. For 15 seconds. Your Resurrect is also better bc of the flying move speed and the passive. Like do you want her to be reverted? Because that isn’t happening. She is objectively a powerful hero. If you don’t want to play her, don’t.


But yeah. I’m really glad to see Mercy is so well distributed troughout the ranks and even in pro play! Gives me hope for what the dev team can bring to other heroes.

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I have serious doubts about those pickrates.

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So you want to buff Mercy because she’s viable in all ranks and pro play? Got it.

I don’t know what you’re replying to. Forum is being bad again.

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It also helps Mercy that the map pool is very Widow/Mercy favored. Hollywood B, the entirety of Gibraltar, King’s Row, and Volskaya A are incredibly good Widow maps, so therefore Mercy’s pickrate will be pretty great this stage.
Plus, with how strong Zenyatta is she’s always going to be a good support since Zen/Mercy is so strong.

I hate when people say “nah that’s just the pro scene Mercy still sucks”. It’s a huge dismissal of all the hard evidence that Mercy is a solid hero.

Of course the map pool helps Mercy atm, but tbh if it isn’t Widowmaker its Junkrat, Pharah or even Bastion on Junkertown. There are maps where she is pretty weak but they aren’t that common.

I know. I’m just Mercy’s still a solid support but I feel like a lot of pub players play her wrong. Instead of hard pocketing or picking her in maps with heavy high ground prominence, a lot of people just run her as a standard main healer in every situation and then complain that she’d being outperformed by other heroes, mainly Moira.

Nobody looks at how and where she’s used; they just dismiss her pickrate because “lol they are pros who cares what they run”.


I watched that Valk get steamrolled in Boston vs. Shanghai tonight. It was a little painful.

For my money, I’m happy to acknowledge that Mercy’s value is all right at the moment, and she is no longer game-breaking (which is of course very good). But wow she’s not very interesting to play compared to what she used to be.

I don’t hate her, and I still play her when the situation demands, but it feels a little more like doing my chores and a little less like dynamically participating in a fight. I don’t even mind damage amping our DPS carry–I’m plenty happy to enable someone else to make the showy plays–it just means there’s not much to do.


She has the weakest ult by far.


Exactly. Mercy isn’t an all-pupose hero and never should have been. The problem goes the other way too though. People picking Moira on like Numbani A defense where she just isn’t that good. Learning where to use certain heroes and where to flex is very important for understanding the game.


How is this true when compared to prerework, where she had worse mobility and no E ability at all?
Regardless of whether or not you like the new Mercy you can’t deny that she objectively has more to do.