[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

My bad, just venturing out of the mega thread to tell people about the nerfs we need to make to Valkyrie to make way for it to be fun,

That thread didn’t last long unsurprisingly

I’m sorry, but no. If I’m forced to fly around and hold down MB1, then that makes her a braindead hero with the worst and most boring ultimate in the game. It won’t bring up her skill ceiling to just press MB1 and have much higher healing output in a chain. It won’t.
It’ll make her ult a discount Zenyatta ult, except with less healing, and far less engaging. I’d rather play Zenyatta in that case. Or Moira, her ult is a lot more fun than Mercy’s, as boring as it is compared to other ults.

Zenyatta is essentially a MacGuffin for Genji’s story. And yes, Omnic extremist group, not living, hence Mercy can shoot them. She cannot, however, harm living life, as it is simply against the path.

FUNNY, on the Seagull video the problems I saw in the First match were:

  1. Fighting OFF point, they gave up their dominance of the point several times allowing the enemy team to capture it repeatedly.
  2. “Mercy ALWAYS hiding”, except she wasn’t. She was behind her team, which died and she had Rez so she used it.
  3. They were feeding Mercy’s Ult. Seriously, how often does Mercy get 3 Rezes in one match? Once or twice at most, but this one was able to do 3 Rezes an all but one was not a “Huge Rez” of 4 to 5 man, thus 2 Tempo Rezes.

On the second Match:

  1. “Mercy is hiding top”, except she wasn’t. She was damage boosting a player who was on the top ledge shooting down onto point.
  2. Everyone on his team KNEW that Mercy was above, but no one went upstairs to get her INCLUDING Seagull.
  3. NO ONE was getting on point, especially Seagull (if anyone bothered to notice).
  4. He had his Ult up, but instead of using it and going onto point he tried to flank and was taken out.

Third match:

  1. Before match even starts he says he wants his teammates to go after Mercy, but then who is getting the kills. He was, but he was not killing Mercy (but yet he WAS getting Mercy a LOT in the Match). In fact he said he was killing everyone but couldn’t kill Mercy. He’s a flanker, part of his JOB is killing off healers, not just killing off everyone else an expecting his teammates to take care of Mercy. This in a Solo Que game.
  2. Mercy did a couple of Tempo Rezes. Now would have been the time to take her team out. But…
  3. his team STILL fighting off point, a LOT.
  4. His main complaint was only 1 healer his team, with someone going Reaper (which he says is not a good pick). But solo Lucio healing his team for 3 matches, till halfway through the 3rd match…

Really funny, looked more like they were outplayed because they only had 1 healer, an off Healer Lucio. This in a SOLO QUE game. The other team had 2 healers the entire time. Yet is was always Mercy’s fault, an she was “Hiding”. Even though his entire team knew where Mercy was, none of them were killing her except him (for the most part). They also were feeding the entire enemy team Ult charges, including enemy Mercy who was working her butt off to heal her teammates (that Genji WOULD have died, but Mercy was healing him instead of a tank). An most importantly, they were not fighting on point for 3 matches. Overwatch 101, stay on Point/Payload or you are gonna lose.

Yep, it was all Mercy’s fault, an she was “Hiding”…


I understand that you don’t like it when the devs mess with your hero, I get that Valk is a boring snore-fest of an ult, but Rez was a pain in the butt. I don’t mean those 1 or 2 man tempo Rezs, I’m talking about when the Mercy was hiding and telling her team to die in a pile, that was stupid and annoying for both teams.

I don’t blame you if you liked that playstyle, but for a lot of people playing hide and seek or having your hard-won teamfight reset made the game a lot worse. It wasn’t fun to watch in pro matches either.

Devs already said they aren’t planning to revert her last I heard.

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I never got this, didn’t even know it was a thing until I came onto the forums way back when :confused:

Not every Mercy main did this (I know I didn’t), and the ones I saw that did, paid for it by getting team attacked by the enemy that found them :expressionless:


the ones gaining elo did though, more rezes means your doing more for your team, meaning you gain more sr and lose less sr, people abusing the sr system basically.

… did I missword something
I want to NERF the extra beams, but buff THE PRIMARY ONE
Meaning that 200 or whatever healing would be on a single target which would make Mercy much more skillful as it requires the same micro managing of helaing as the base kit.
Adding secondary effects like damage mitigation or something else are other ways of doing it.

I’m nerfing the passive things that make the ult just a “float around and hold MB1” and buffing the parts that would make her have to focus on what’s going on.

You know funnily enough your talk about omnics as not human… you do know that Overwatch has an omnic ghandi right? Seems even the fandom has within it the monsters he had to enlighten.

Mercy’s former ult, it was so much better.


Formal ult? I believe you mean “former ult.” and I agree. But this’ll be locked anyways…

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100% agree with this (by the way it’s former)

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LOL thank you very much!

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Resurrect It.

Resurrect the Ultimate.
Plz. Blz.

I have made So many points as to WHY This would be a good idea.
Mercy’s Ult was Amazing.


Exactly. That means I’m forced to hold down MB1. Thank you for proving my point.

Okay, and this may as well just be a different ability and not an ultimate. An ability to temporarily buff her healing. This isn’t nearly special enough or game changing enough to constitute an ult. I may as well play Moira and heal multiple targets for similar numbers, and harm enemies, with my ult. Or play Zenyatta to save my team from an ult.

Okay, and this makes him a fleshy human how?

Well, that “NERF VALK” thread wound up in here hilariously fast. Also, what would nerfing something that’s been nerfed as much as Valk has already even accomplish?

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@mod: was browsing at mobile, hard to scroll above, but well, thanks for the heads up.

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… If that’s what you think about the main beam then what do you do the rest of the game?
I myself hate valk for many reasons and one of them is how Valkyrie takes away things like healing priority from the base kit without giving anything in return. If we did this you’d atleast have an ult that dosen’t take that from you.

Moira heals 140 while on multiple targets it can still be out damaged bymany things. 200 however even on a single target could save them or grant that McCree just enough survivability to stun that Reaper or whatever else. It provides options and makes it more engaging as a result.

You also shot down other ideas like the mixxing of battle Mercy into it because it’s against the character and you say it’s against the character cus… well because the battle mercy intro dosen’t exist and because you don’t understand how omnics are very much sentient life in Overwatch.

Also the battle mercy idea kinda gets shot down cus Jeff even said in the developer update pertaining to Mercy that they buffed the pistol for the battle mercy’s out there, they nerfed it later for reasons that actually pertained to the sheer volume… on the PTR Nano Mercy was doing more then Nano Visor

Working it into an “E” ability to make room for an Ultimate… :rofl:

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My thread wasn’t about nerfing it (that was the clickbait which worked, got more attention then any other thread I’ve made that wasn’t just snark at the devs)

Was just explaining the places we could nerf so as to redistribute the power in valk to more active places like the main beam and maybe a secondary power connected to the ult button.

I wanted to nerf the passive power such as the duration and the chain beams specifically so we could buff other aspects of it

Mercy is statisically balanced riht now so we cna’t just flat out buff her, anything we do has to go hand in hand with nerfs
That thread was me explaining which parts of the kit can be nerfed fornet gains making the nerfs just as awesome as the buffs