[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I deepheartly hope they will have to realise now that this design is not as good as they thought (indeed it’s bad). Now we have some good names behind complaining too, it’s clear that not only two people are complaining and it’s clear that it’s not a matter of balance anymore. Also, the “play another character” thing seems to have no value with this people, so that’s another good new.

I think someone posted that one or two megathreads ago… it will be very hard to search the link, I’m afraid.

Tbh I believe that Mercy is focused enough on healing/boosting. They are her basics, so she will use them more than rez. The problem I see is that with valkirie you can make up your skills because you don’t really need to be good to solo heal your team now. If you have valk, you can solo heal your team (of course, if heavy damage is done, you are doomed). That’s why I call valkirie an ez mode. I think that should be sacrificed for her own good, because good Mercys should be easily differentiated of average ones. Having an ability that allows you to make up that is not good.

The point if we would have to keep valk I think should be giving her more power to her rez and unitarget beams and sacrificing her chained beams, or reducing a lot her secondary beams.

That being said, I still would prefer rez as her ult and another E ability, valk or not.

Well, I think it’s potentially a promising/good sign that EeveeA’s thread hasn’t been moved here yet. That usually happens once every day, sometimes twice a day, and it still hasn’t been moved as yet. I hope they are taking Mercy into consideration now, even if they don’t respond here or in that thread for some time still.


I guess since they listen to streamers’ opinions and such (not saying that’s always a bad thing), more and more prominent players are coming and speaking about Mercy. This is a good step :slight_smile:


How about we keep it simple:

  • No chain heal
  • No super regen
  • Rez is instant during Valkyrie

Ultimate is impactful.
Valkyrie isn’t zero-brain mode.
The total capabilities of the hero are balanced.

If that’s not enough, add a little extra heal and move speed to Valkyrie until it’s seasoned to perfection.


Doesn’t that just make her ult a 1 instant Rez though

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Reduce healing capacity by a total of 6 x 5 (300 HP/S) + 20 HP/S (Regeneration) in exchange for the equivalent of a single instant Resurrect (At most doing the equivalent of healing 600 HP, most likely 200 HP)

Essentially remove any survivability she has and remove the actual purpose of using Valk. Great suggestions as always!


Ultimate will still be unimpactful whether it has instant Resurrect or not.

Nothing can amount to the impactfulness as Mass Resurrect unless they give her and her team Invulnerability.


I’ve been thinking about the possibility of her getting a new ult centered around that, but ultimately I scrapped it because:

  1. Lack of counterplay, and with a cast-time it would probably be too late once the cast is finished.
  2. Lack of versatility.
  3. Difficulty balancing (could easily be too strong or too weak depending on what duration or AoE you settle on.
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Invulnerability would be much more of a pain to play against then Resurrect trust lol. Resurrect just needs to go back to her ultimate and that’s it.

I suggested this idea before actually.

Resurrect (Q)
New LOS Requirement
New Blockable by Barriers (Because if you can’t kill a person behind a barrier why should you be able to Resurrect them from behind one)
New 1.75 Second Cast time with no movement penalty
15M Radius
New Resurrect will now heal allies with a 300HP burst heal.
(Added because Mercy was reliant on her team dying to make Resurrect useful)
New After the cast time, Mercy will have her health fully restored
(Instead of Invulnerability since Mercy was able to solo carry games with her old ultimate)
New Can be cast even if allies aren’t dead for burst healing.
New 1950 Ultimate Charge Rate increased to 2200 Ultimate Charge Rate

Valkyrie (E)
5 Second Active time
15 Second Cooldown
Unlimited Ammo
Flight Speed back to when it was first released
New Uninterrupted Passive Regen Removed
New Either Stronger Single Target Beam 80HPS and 40%DMB OR Chain Healing/DMB will be 50% weaker so 30HPS and 15%DMB
Increased GA Range
New Beam Range distance reduced to 1.5x from 2.0x.

Guardian Angel (Shift)
Remains unchanged

I think this will put a new skill ceiling onto Mercy which is desperately needed. Resurrect as an E ability on a CD just feels cheap and wrong. It needs to be earned again. The changes to Resurrect as an ultimate will give Mercy more flexibility and freedom and bring back her game-changing aspect back which she desperately needs again. The New additions will solve the problems that Mass Resurrect needed in order to make it fair to play against. Cast time isn’t bad or unhealthy and will require a lot more skill to pull it off but the slow is just unhealthy and doesn’t flow with her kit.

Valkyrie as an E ability would work much better than an ultimate. It will give the Mercy more freedom and more playmaking options. I like the versatility that Valkyrie has brought Mercy and it’s a good addition to her kit. It should enhance Mercy’s SUIT and WEAPONS, not her ABILITIES! Having an E ability to use freely and effectively is what she needs. She needs to have something to use that she isn’t dependent on her ultimate and Resurrect to be effective.

Just some thoughts hope you enjoy the read!


I only played a bit as the old mercy. Also I think mercy’s mobility is a bit rubbish.

Against walls, fine. Against Payload, signs, poles, lattice work walls, etc. not so good. If it was modified to prevent the latter items from preventing Rez it wouldn’t be bad.

Umm, NO!!! We can’t get off a current solo Rez 90% of the time with punishing 1.75 seconds cast time. With a 50% damage reduction maybe Mercy would survive casting, but the way you have it written Mercy would still be “Sniper Bait” even with no movement restrictions. I’d still say a 1 second cast time.

Please no, it was already hard enough to get Mercy 1.x Rez Ult. With it going to 2200, instead of 1950 or lower, Mercy would only get 1 Mass Rez/Mass Healing per game even if solo healing. With 2 healers…

Other than those three (a modified LOS on first one), it sounds good.

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Blizz can actually adjust the threshold where it’s considered valid even if slightly covered by a small object or not, so i guees it’s only a technical problem that blizz has to look at

that’s true but you would have no movement penality in a radius of 15m from where you ult, if i understood that correctly. Surivability will skyrocket if i can just jump, run and avoid in that 15m circle.

you are right but considering the gargantuan size of the healing burst + rez that’s the only way to do it, on top of that i’m pretty sure you will do much more then 1 ult per game. Usually i could do 3 or 4 on standard plays and i’m certainly not a t500, you just have to adapt to the new version, i’m sure you could do it

please do not think i’ve wrote this to go against you, it’s just that i had the feeling you where just worried by the numbers, keep in mind that this is just one of the many versions proposed on this forum and even if blizz actually likes it they are gonna accept it at their terms and their balancing… altought i really liked what Macster wrote and i would certainly find this version of Mercy incredibly enjoyable

I certailny did, thank you. And if you could confirm i understood correctly the part of the radius Macster you would do me and Roseblite a favor, thank you for your time and patience.

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What we’ve been discussing removes the chain healing/boosting and puts much more healing on her single beam during Valkyrie. If Blizzard wants her healing-focused, then let that happen with her better single-target healing beam during Valkyrie. And removing the chain-whatever gives Mercy back the need to prioritize her targets. Damage boost doesn’t need anything special during Valkyrie either.

And galXieranger and I have also suggested 2-3 instant rezzes during Valkyrie (although I doubt people who hate rez in general would ever allow 3 instant rezzes even during a shorter Valkyrie duration).

In essence, we are bringing back rez to her ult and removing the stuff that makes Valkyrie feel weak and boring.


it would be sure better then what we have now

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A lot of the suggestions would be better than what we have now.


almost any of the suggestions to be fair…


I disagree. I felt like I could do something with the two instant rezzes during Valkyrie (assuming you saved your one). I’d take that back with a reduced Valkyrie duration, removal of the chain stuff, and giving a lot more healing on her single-target beam. I could at least counter SOME stuff with the instant rezzes.

I would love mass rez back, but half the battle with Valkyrie is the duration (dilutes the ultimate’s power) and the chain nonsense (no prioritization).


Do they still read this thread? There’s so many replies. Just wondering.

Did they ever read this thread?

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