[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Because they want people to “forget and get used to the new model”.
Well nice strategy really. But by giving players worse and worse versions of the “new Mercy” that was really badly designed from the start of the rework… Kinda contradicts the whole thing.

And so we have only silence. They are not stupid. They know they have nothing to say that will make sense. Since they are literaly breaking their promises to the Mercy playerbase patch after patch.

Well some of us doesn’t have an attention span of a general autistic child, and can still kinda remember things :woman_shrugging:.


More SR based on more/bigger rezzes. They changed it after they announced the rework, apparently ignoring the possibility of it influencing how people were playing, especially at higher levels. But they changed it all the same.

Eh, that’s 20k. Which WILL be hit. This is like a record. Good job, Blizz. It takes a certain amount of obstinacy to ignore this many posts. Plus all of the other mega threads.


I mean they also throw popular mercy topics in this garbage and it ends up having more comments than its supposed to. Regardless a response is unlikely to happen. I dont really think they do have to say anything as Angela37 said above. I forgot what Jeff said last year about DVa something alont the lines of “If we leave something overpowered in the game for too long people get used to it and need it more. We should have never let DVa be soo strong for so long” and stuff like that.

Thing is we DONT want her to be overpowered and DONT want her to go back to being a must pick. She just isnt fun though and there ARE ways to make her fun while keeping her balanced that are still probably being ignored…


Too bad there are a lot of us who are just as stubborn. And the fact that Mercy isn’t fun isn’t going to go away. Maybe they are hoping those who hate Mercy’s state will leave. Well, it worked for me. I hope they are happy.

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So I don’t know if this was stated previously (and if it was I apologize) but recently Mercy has surpassed Zenyatta in OWL once again, despite all her nerfs, to claim top spot as the most picked healer in the pro scene.

I don’t expect them to answer me questioning what they intend to do about her once again climbing to must-pick territory because her Ultimate is on E, but to beat Blizzy to the punch in the event that it gets thrown into the void, here is the link thread I posted here for convenience.

I wonder how long this will go on until they realize that the Rework was a mistake…

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


A way they could improve Mercy is when you press ‘E’ (not next to a character), she could use her old ‘ult ready’ voicelines “I’m ready to revive you.”, since then I won’t have players typing or saying in voice chat “Why no rez?”, even though 5 seconds ago, I just rezzed someone lol.

They seem pretty committed to it so far.

I’d like launch Mercy back, please.

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Isn’t it funny, that all teammates can see if Mercy has Valkyrie, but not a single one of them will ask her to use it?


Could’ve fooled me.

I’d rather they go into a rather lengthy discussion with the people who play the character and see if/how things can be salvaged.

I’d even take a “behind closed doors/NDA” type of meeting, if only to be able to hear the whole story, with all the nitty gritty details. I’d be fully prepared to “stay a while, and listen” if that’d get things cleared up.


They can’t say much, without risking company’s reputation. And even if you get chance to hear their story, you won’t be allowed to keep any evidence of it, so it will be like it never happened.

Okay, I have read every single post in this thread and it seems to me that people are very divided on this “Mercy” character.

She is better in terms of usefulness, but not better in terms of a hero experience.

It doesn’t feel good knowing that you giveup your ability to defend yourself (Blaster, GA), and giveup your ability to help your team (Healing Beam, Damage Boost). With the slow it just adds to your feeling of weakness.

This is what really makes Resurrect feel bad: The feeling of giving up control over Mercy.

Once “E” is pressed that’s it for the next 1.75 seconds the game plays itself, and you have little more control than spinning around.

The result of that is you don’t do Resurrect in combat unless its made safe for you, but that’s not in your control either.

I understand the balance changes, but it leaves me to wonder a way to make balance that does not cause a disempowering feeling.

Valkyrie doesn’t help in this either.

And then when some people jump to the conclusion that I just want OP Mercy; I feel completely misunderstood. :disappointed_relieved:


Makes me contemplate what is happening at Blizzard…

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Cut to that gif of Donald Glover walking in with pizza

That’s a good comparison…

I think with that it reminds me that only some tweaks and it wouldn’t be that oppressive.

Plus it would be weaker than single point Rez on a cooldown, so she wouldn’t be played as much in the higher tiers of play which I think is fine.

Tbh I think it would be way easier if they tried to turn her shield generator into an E ability instead of TP. Just place it somewhere and it shields the nearest friendly character in a certain range. Turning TP into an E ability seems way OP.

So, you only have fun winning? Then please, go play Tracer, git gud with her and you will be a godess without any real counter but other Tracer.

Mercy is bad design, she takes no skill at all, she encourages bad game from everybody, she is unengaging and she contradicts herself. Before the rework she had a good and high skill ceiling while being balanced. That’s what we want to see changed. If you don’t want to get it, that’s your problem.

No, we don’t want her OP, please, just write this inside your brain. We want her complete as a character and well designed. Now she is bad design. Her problem is beyond balance, it has nothing to do with simple balance. That’s why she needs a new rework.

Finally, your argument of not changing her because she is unfun is a horrible fallacy. She got changed just because she was unfun (Blizz’s #1 argument for the rework). Now she is unfun to play as and with, she is only fun to play against because you can kill her easily or just ignore her and kill her teammates indistinctly. She is a sidekick healbot, not a hero. If people find her unfun now, they have the same rights as people who found her unfun before to be heard, and probably even more because they PLAY HER.

P.S.: Next time, could you divide your text in different paragraphs?

They play her mostly to pocketboost/heal Widow and Pharah. Do you see that different from pre rework? Pros have discovered Mercy’s basics, that’s like discovering the wheel. If they thought before that Mercy’s only input in the game was her rez, that was a huge mistake. Her basics are the same, so her style out of her E and Q is the same. Her E now is just an undo button for stupid mistakes, usually suicidal so best pros refuse to use it (look at Ark). Her Q is completely unnecesary because it’s used for winning already won fights, it’s just a consolidation ability. That’s not an ultimate and could perfectly fit as her E ability.

Do you remember one year ago, when Ow showed off their more than 30M players around the whole world? Well, I can guess such a huge amount of people will pay more than anything OWL can bring to them.

Also, once again, Mercy’s problem is beyond balance. She is not fine not because of her balance but because of her current design.

Clearly you didn’t get the point.

Yes, they tried Valkirie first during the game’s development as I heard, and it was an incredible failure. Bad past should be in the past. Blizz should have learnt the lesson. Now they must fix what they broke when it was fine at first. She only needed QoL changes, never an entire rework.

I explained this case, but I’ll rewrite it because it’s an experience of mine. I play Heroes of the Storm too, and I am a Nova main there. Some time ago she had something similar to Mercy’s treatment but without her OP period. I’ll explain.

Nova works as Widow, she is a sniper. She was a circumstancial pick for your team, so not really a good character in terms of balance, bit up. She had a specific build of talents that allowed her to kill almost any character, tanks included, that she targeted. I never used that build, but people complained because of it and Blizz, instead of just balancing her talents in order to stop that combination, decided to rework her. She got completely gutted and fell to f-tier because there were plenty of characters who could do the same as her in all aspects but easier and better. She started receiving little QoL buffs all the time around a new talent called “Master Sniper”, the most similar thing they left to her old game as a sniper (she buffed her damage with succesful shots, but lost all of them if she didn’t hit an enemy character).

She didn’t only suffer her rework, her mains were vilified too and her entire character was considered useless, and her players flamed just by playing her. She was turned into taboo on forums, as people simply didn’t let anyone to speak about her.

Finally, it took more than a year to Blizz to revisit her. They decided to change all stealthy characters because of new complains about that ability, so they had to balance them all again. This time Nova had a huge rework in the right direction and now she is fine in all aspects. Viable pick, fun and with different styles of playing depending on your likes. End of the story.

What all this means? I think they will have to revisit Mercy sooner or later. By now, we are suffering a bad design the same as Nova players had to do. She has a nice pick/winrate only because there are not more character with so tough basics as hers, and she has unconditional fans too. I don’t know how much time they will have to take, but I hope she will be finally changed for good.

Then they are forgetting that one thing is leaving the game and not paying them anymore and another one completely different is to stop complaining and stop wanting changes for good.


What reputation? Of bumbling idiots? Seriously, an intern could’ve done a better job. I know I would’ve.


Gonna need a source on that one.

Why? Because it happened. I don’t think they announce SR changes.