The workshop is in a fantastic place, right now. Here are some things that I think would be pretty cool if they were added too.
The ability to change Max Ability Charges
Set Cooldown works with abilities with charges
Set cooldown works on abilities that don’t normally have cooldowns (Solider’s sprint, Bastion’s reconfigure and repair, etc.)
The ability to set charges on abilities that don’t normally have them
A set max cooldown command
A pathfinding action that doesn’t take 2 weeks to code
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Most of these things are already requested:
With the release of the workshop on live, that means that the old thread on PTR feedback is really no longer viable…Plus it kind of got buried in other threads as well there are a lot of old suggestions that were added by the devs, overall it got out-dated fast.
So I thought I’d remake it into the form of a wiki-thread, which makes it easier to read for everyone involved.
Down below, feel free to edit the thread and add your own suggestion…
What about community solutions?
My solution:
This is a pathfinding/navigation algorithm for dummy bots that works on a map specific graph. I originally made it for one of my own modes, but I want to share it as an easily integratable resource.
By using this resource you can make dummy bots walk from any position to any other position of the map, if you have the corresponding graph.
Share code: MF6V4 - Version 1.01
What is a graph? A graph can be imagined as a network. It consists of a set of nodes, wich are connected by edges.
For an Ov…
HuKuTa94’s solution (wich is easier to use):
Path Node Builder
Video tutorial
Easily create AI navigation for your mods!
Build your own navigation network for your dummy bots. Compile the project into 3 vars: NodePositions, NodeConnections, DistanceMatrix. Copy them and paste in the “MAP” rule. Then copy all rules and subroutines from EXPORT BLOCK and that all! You can use it in your PvE mods!
Build mode: allows to create of new nodes and compile/build project;
Edit mode: allows to connect nodes and delete selected nodes;
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OverPY and OSTW have also neat Pathfinding Algorithms may you might check them ouit.
OSTW: Pathfinding · ItsDeltin/Overwatch-Script-To-Workshop Wiki · GitHub
OverPY: overpy/modules/bots at 7f38a4fffc54a8153a28f9ee399e96fa5cc05b65 · Zezombye/overpy · GitHub
Last one has specific bot integrations for your required needs. But in total you have many learning receipts to work with, the workshop community is amazing.
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