Fear not! Skillrat is here to stop Baguette!

…Apparently you missed the last bit of this post before making this rant.

If you want to complain about why you hate Junkrat so much there’s like 300 posts you can find to type this.

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probably, but even then I pointed out some new information pointing out flawed map design that are now flawed due to junkrat buff.
or probably have been flawed but I’ve only recently noticed.

lol this is truth, its Brig and Junk, in my first 5 games.

He wont be dead tho, this nerf only hurts spammers who look at the enemy spawn and hold Left click. besides that he’s very viable.

No skill to counter no skill.

Competitive First Person Shooter E-Sports Ready


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What in hell were either of you doing in a 1v1?


No screw pharah, even when I’m not playing junk she’s annoying to fight against. How can I have fun if I’m getting decked by a pharah spamming me? its even worse considering that she flies. Her rockets do too much splash dmg imo, even if she is an attack hero.

Both teams got into a brawl, but they ditched their Reinhardt and he was headed into the fray behind his team and I wanted to see if I could take him, so it was just me and him while everyone else was busy with who knows what. It’s not hard to isolate a Reinhardt if it’s your goal for the match anyway.

well that must’ve been a crappy rien because I can deck brig with her really easily.


But did you win the match?

He wasn’t the only Rein I’ve done that to though. I stopped after a while though, maybe they were all flukes.

I keep thinking how absurd it is that people have been calling both Junkrat and Brig OP at the same time, when one hard-counters the other… seems contradictory.

ehh, maybe. She can be taken down with like 2 to 4 swipes tho, It isn’t even that hard. were the riens that you were fighting even swiping at you?

Yes, but brig’s self heal and cooldowns let me come out on top any way.

he is getting a nerf in the PTR so… more baguette?

hmm… then idk how Its so easy for me.

Its just for spammers tbh, doesn’t really affect pro junks at all

(also you can trust me, junks my main)

I think it will have the opposite effect, actually

not he is not viable more than before

brigette blocks your ult and the funniest part is that 2 squshies or a tank can hide behind her shield

you could shoot supports without them blockin your shots before but now we got a support that you cannot kill unless she makes mistakes

junkrat is the only one i can see being more viable than before

right now the real problem for me is that I cant enter the game. It might be a network thing but my wifi is fine. I just hope I can get in by OW anniversary because I saved up for a few skins and ALL THAT EFFORT SHALL NOT GOT TO WASTE!

(I should probably mention this problem has been going on for a straight week, so)