Favorite skin for your main?


  1. No paywall skins or exclusive skins
  2. Challenge skins do count
  3. You must say it for each of your mains
  4. Have fun

I main Mercy

My favorite skin is between Winged Victory and Witch


Torb main, favorite Iā€™d say is Viking.

However, I also love Santaclad, Magni and Zhang Fei. I know Iā€™d love Surf ā€˜nā€™ Splash but I wasnā€™t playing the game whenever those summer events were going, so I never had the chance to get it. Maybe this year though.

Also, as an Ex-Mercy main, itā€™s always been Devil for me, none of the others even come close.

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The Boston Uprising skins for Zenyatta, Doomfist, Bastion, and Orisa.

Not sure if that breaks the rules but I didnā€™t spend any money to get them.


Moira main and Sigma main.

Moira - Scientist, hands down, its very simple yet looks so nice.

Sigma - Rime, I used to be a Mei main but over time i didnā€™t enjoy playing her as much, but when this skin came for Sigma, idk, I just instantly loved it cause iā€™ve always liked the ice and cold design stuff.

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Winged victory or combat medic

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Mcree: Mountain Man, Sherlock, Vanhelsing.

Junkrat: Beachrat, Junkenstein, King.

Hog: Literalky any event skin and Mako.

Tƶrb: Surf nā€™ Splash, Cybjorn, Chinese.

Tracer: Pilot, T.Racer and Will Oā€™ Whisp, Cadet Oxton.

Mei: Honeydew, Beekeeper, Yeti Hunter, Pyjamei.

Brigitte: Riot Police, General.

(I canā€™t decide on these things! :sweat_smile: )

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Thatā€™s a lot of mainsā€¦

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I main doomfist and this is my favorite skin for him

But I donā€™t have it

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My three most played are Tracer, Rein & Lucio

Tracer - I have around 15 of the OWL skins I earned from drops, I tend to swap and change now and again. If I had to pick one, itā€™d probably be Fusion. OWL aside, Cadet would be my favourite.

Reinhardt - I use Dallas Fuel skin, but Crusader is probably my favourite.

Lucio - Equaliser

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Hope you get it soon!

I main The Queen Moira

My favorite skin is between Blackwatch and Scientist


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D.Va: Death Wing Skin


Do HoTs skins count?

Sigma: Rime. Tho I also really like his default, especially with the Archives intro

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Well if itā€™s any skin at allā€¦ for Reyes it would be Military (you know like the S76 one)

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Thatā€™s my favorite reaper skin too! I donā€™t know why itā€™s my preferred but it is.

My favorite skin in the game is Mccree deadlock (I dont consider myself a Mccree main, buts hes alright to play), Again, its very simplistic but so good. Simplicity works well with skins.

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Oh not the Soldier 24ā€¦ that is hot thoughā€¦ like super hot ahhhh

I mean there is a skin called ā€œMilitaryā€ for S76 which a lot of other OW members wore in a canon art pieceā€¦ I want that for Reyes lmao.

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Ashe is my favorite hero/main, so I would have to say Rose. She looks so beautiful with blonde hair and an all pink outfit.

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Lego Boi Bastion ofc.
The sentry mode sounds is a lot quieter and I can hear better if someone is flanking or behind me.

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