Favorite owl team

Houston Outlaws.
LA Gladiators.

I was born & raised for a decent part of my life in Flatbush, Brooklyn, New York and ever since I was little I’ve rooted for New York based teams.

So when the Overwatch League announced the New York Excelsior, I just had to root for them.

It honestly feels nice to win stuff after rooting for the Knicks for so long (James Dolan, Isiah Thomas & Phil Jackson have been bacteria and viruses that just won’t let the Knicks grow into a strong team).

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Houston Outlaws for sure. Here’s why:

  • Professional, articulate, good attitude, sportsmanship.
  • Represent Texas (my home state), even toured here to meet fans (I actually got to see them, they gave out free signed posters which was cool, hundreds of fans in line too).
  • I wanted to support a non-Korean team because the Koreans don’t really need the help (this is a compliment btw).
  • They’re a brotherhood, they supported their teammate Rawkus after his father passed away. I was also impressed how they hugged Effect who was struggling with major stress after another major loss for the Fuel.

They’re not the best by the numbers but they can get there. Also they have a Youtube channel and they’re kinda goofballs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUHlS3rRn9Y

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NYXL from day 1 because this is MY city.

Shanghai Dragons.

There’s an S, and a more different S. But unfortunately no consummate V’s.

-Pat Sajak

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Dallas fuel because I love the colours and the players


I liked Boston uprising before they were one of the top players.

Just cause i like the blue and yellow and Boston is closest to where i live really.

Dallas fuel because I love drama

Gladiators. sureHey

I really like Shanghai, Philly, Seoul and Houston. I was cheering for Boston, hoping they could snag a perfect stage, but now that’s over I’m not really following them so much. I also like Ark on NYXL, he seems like a nice dude.

I’m not certain it is Florida anymore tbh. The reason I liked them was because it was clear they were just having fun, but they’re far too serious now. Only fun walkout in recent memory was when Zappis was revealed, and that was midway through stage 2. If they drop Manneten I might have to unstan

Dallas Fuel because of EnvyUs history and the most positive player in the league, Mickie

Boston Uprising.

I live about 40 or so minutes away from Boston. I’ve always been a Patriots fan and the owner of the Patriots owns BU as well. The players also seem like they are always having fun but also seem like they really care. They also make it very easy to cheer for them by being a great team.

I’m 3 skins away from having all the OWL D.Va skins. Mostly because I just want all of D.Va’s unlockables… I’m so close to another, this stage ended and I’m TWO COINS SHORT! :stuck_out_tongue:

Gladiators :purple_heart:, Fuel :blue_heart:(ye still supporting them) and I really love Dragons :heart:. Still waiting for the 1-XX

Outlaws. I like a lot of their players, and they all seem to get along really well which is nice to see :slight_smile: (also Rawkus’ and Coolmatt’s hair on the same team have incomprehensible power.)

Used to like Fuel a lot, but after the trading of Custa (I know, I know, he took it. Still sad, though.) and the treatment + release of Rascal (Plus they need to free Cocco) the Outlaws kind of surpassed them. Still have a soft spot for Mickie, though.

My favorite team is Dallas Fuel, they aren’t doing so well right now so I’m temporary switching to San Francisco Shock since I like Sinatraa. I hope Dallas Fuel can get it together and do good since I like Taimou.

The region-naming for USA teams (NY, LA, SF, etc.) is comical to me, since the teams/players obviously have nothing to do with their region, and thus there’s no reason to take pride in my “local team.”

As a result, I mostly just don’t care about any of them. I slightly favor Shock for trying a few more unique approaches than other teams.

NYXL followed by FUEL.