Title says it all. What hero’s do you think look the best design wise? Even though I don’t play her I love how sombra looks with her sleek outfit, cool haircut and her hacking glove. Even better in her day of the dead skins.
I imagine a lot of 12 year olds got into Genji based on looks.
I guess McCree was the “coolest looking” for me when I started
I remember coming to the conclusion that I liked Junkrat’s design the most before I started playing. Like out of all the characters I didn’t really care for any of their looks.
Definitely Ana.
Just such a badass grandma.
From the very beginning, I falled in love how Mercy looked like.
A battle medic, bleached blond haircolor, beautiful and using angel gears.
I really loved how Soldier 76’s “Commander Morrison” skin looked aswell. A blonde guy, looks hot as f€@# and his coat and outfit is amazing.
Also I loved how Symmetra’s lightblue technology gear were looking as how beautiful she looks like aswell.
I’m a big fan of puffy jackets tucked in, so his sleeve and those goofy pants of his always appeal. His tattoo is super intricate, and the sleeve (that he’s actually wearing properly) has a really cool design on it too.
The hairtie/scarf adds a lot of energy to his movement, same with his belt, and him keeping a gourd at his belt shows a bit of insight to his character at first glance.
I knew just by looking at her, she was the key to becoming the biggest migraine to my enemies
bastion, mei, and dva
ps I dont even play em any more
I still play some dva but not like i used to doe
now rein genji winston orisa
Just the way how transforms alone is pretty gorgeous.
Mei also has a pretty cool design.
I also think Zarya has an interesting design. A swoll Russian woman wielding a level based laser. That’s just cool.
(Heroes like Genji, Hanzo and Mercy do I find the most cliche characters in the game)
Mei, not sure why she just looks awesome, i love how she carts this massive tank on her back, and the whole arctic explorer vibe.
This is a really hard one to answer. The characters are all designed in such a way to be equally “cool”. With few exceptions.
I think I’d go with Ashe overall, if we’re allowed to include BOB and some of her skins.
Have you seen the male design for Mercy?
I would love to have that Mercy than the current one. The current one is very cliche, but that one looks interesting.
I agree completely. That is a much superior and much more interesting Mercy. As you said, current is a boring cliche
Most unique looking hero in the game.
Literally floats and nobody knows how
Only proper Omnic in the cast
Slickest animations in the game
Best victory poses
every single event skin is either the best or at least top 3 for that event (even Skullyatta)
Probably Zenyatta as I have a painting of him that looks awesome even if you don’t know who the character in the picture is.
Skin-wise Lü Bu Reaper is probably the coolest one with Seoul Dynasty D.va as a close second
Widow that sweet behind is very aestethicly pleasing
McCree, Ashe, Genji, and Mercy.
Symmetra, 100%
Girl pulls off everything. Not a single bad skin and every color looks great on her