Fareeha GM pharah main, unrankekd to GM with genji

Fareeha GM pharah main, was trying unranked to GM with genji

stuck on plat for 2 days / 14 hours

placed 3000 something, and he stuck in elo hell 2900-3000

she even give up and swap hero sometimes trying to win

sureeeeeeee ez hero LOL


Good… for you?


I mean Pharah and Genji are two different heroes i dunno what to tell you


Try playing the game instead of being a Twitch nerd


types confused
very confused


to be honest pal you are entering diamond levels of skill in only 12 hours of playing him so you are still doing better than like 60% of the player population


I was watching her stream long time ago, she had the same situation with sombra

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Fareeha is toxic so I don’t really care…

Besides that high plat diamond is full with smurfs who are trying to boost their friends…


she was placed on diamond on new account, and cant climb even got dropped to plat

sure ez hero


ML7 also got stuck on 3.7k ranks with Mercy when he did unranked to GM with mercy.

This anecdotal evidence of one streamer getting stuck in a rank literally doesn’t prove anything about Genji’s power level or lack of.

They will get the smurf boost treatment to their real rank soon enough if they just perform well enough on Genji.

Also… some players just aren’t very good with all the characters. Or even decent. There was that one dude who placed bronze on Reinhardt because he was apparently that bad with Rein and then climbed back to top 500 by playing Zarya since his Zarya was insane in comparison.


what, i watach alot of ml7

he climb diamond to GM with mercy lol


If you watch a lot of ML7, you would have seen he got stuck in 3.7k rank for longer than two weeks real time.


im not talking aboujt genji power level though

im talking about how many people said in these forum genji are ez hero even easier than junkrat (there a thread about that with high upvote LOL)

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There’s nothing really difficult about doing his combos anymore, which is what separated the bad genjis from the good. You had to be mechanically savy to do his combos well and fast.

It’s now just rmb rmb dash and stuff dies. I have 24minutes on Genji and even I can spam right mouse button on the general direction of the enemy and I don’t even need to crit to get kills.

Shurikens used to be difficult to aim with, especially primary. But right click has been buffed so much you don’t need to aim anymore with the large spread, your shurikens hit people automatically.


The point here is that numerous people are saying Genji is pitifully easy and can just flail around now and do more than other heroes without even trying. All matches are guarenteed wins with Genji, they say.

A foolish notion indeed

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he dont do it straight mercy to GM

he only do it for few hours and change to main account

so I think anyone can play any character to their average skill level in 12 hours so in all likely hood they will begin climbing now.

but ill lay it on people because the skill snob community doesn’t seem to understand why buffing him was a terrible idea

genji will always be a terrible character in high ranks because his kit is easily counter able to highly organized teams, but he has always been a menace to low rank with no organization which surprise surprise which is what 60+% of the player population is. as such he will always will be a middle of the pack character in all ranks.

literally buffing everything about him in some vain attempt to make him playable will either create an op hero or an obnoxious nuisance for everyone else, mcree has similar problems because his kit is one half different ways to reload and one half annoying af stun combo

so if the skill snob community wants these supposed high skill characters to be more worthwhile without creating balance problems because arbitrarily increasing the dps and reducing their ttk’s has proven not to work in the past you will have to start thinking smarter about how these character can be put into environments where their skill sets can work effectively and what characters can bring the best of it out.

or in mcees case he just need new abilities because everything but his gun has always sucked

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what lol?, his shuriken spread are now smaller

so its actually easier to miss than before buff
but if u land it u get more rewarded


ye genji is so easy right now, wow
he can cancel his deflect, he is the easiest hero ! anyone can use him and climb to top500 at any moment!!!

??? fareeha is a PMA streamer LOL