Falsely suspended on overwatch for two weeks

I’m honestly BAFFLED on how poor the reporting is on this game. Overwatch is known for having salty players, but this morning I got an email saying I was suspended for two weeks and no reason why, and I lost it. and even things like “gg” “dps diff” or any type of comment is considered harassment. people are so sensitive.


You don’t get suspended for bad language, you will be silenced. To get suspended you did some bad things like cheating

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That’s the thing, I don’t cheat. I’m a console player and don’t use cheats like xims or aimbot, I have CLEAR evidence that i don’t. I’m waiting for their response.


any diff is offensive.

GG too if u put ez after it

yes you do, stop talking like you know what you are talking about cause you are straight WRONG. get informed. you can be silenced, suspended then that acct can be banned. stop spouting nonsense. you don’t know how this game works or how the report system works bud.

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Just gg literally that’s it

This is factually incorrect. Blizzard has said so themselves that they ban people for “abusive chat”.


“GG” is offensive if you are the winning team and you say it first. It’s considered bad manners.

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I don’t see how a reasonable person could interpret “DPS diff” to mean anything other than “You’re trash”.


So… you know for certain it was chat violations? Not throwing or griefing?

If you’ve been suspended for chat violations then it’s either: not a first offence, or someone whipped out the ‘big gamer words’. You don’t tend to get suspended on a first offence.

I’d ask for chatlogs from them tbh.

It starts with silencing. After like 4 times getting silenced they start suspending.

This is also untrue, as my account was silenced once in S4 after an altercation with a tank, and I just got banned today with no reason listed as to why. Not even going to bother asking for an explanation since I don’t see myself coming back to this game. It’s ridiculous that they don’t provide players with more information as to why their account is being punished.

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Good you deserve it.

GG will not get you suspended.

“Diff anything” will, unfortunately.

That being said, even if you are found innocent in a verbal suspension, they will not reverse course. If you truly want to know what got you suspended, reach out to support, but again innocence will not get the suspension reversed as it is a temp action. Only perma bans will get reversed upon realized innocence.

Incorrect. I got suspended for two weeks when a group mass-reported me for throwing and told the entire match chat to report me. How?

I had chat OFF, and when I was tanking and noticed my team throwing, I turned chat on to talk to them. But then I discover my team was in the middle of talking with the entire match (including enemy team) saying it was ME throwing because I was not following THEM. Mind you I am the TANK and going up the middle on Route 66. Turns out it was a group, and they wanted to do things THEIR way as I was queued solo. They successfully trolled me into a suspension.

In 7 years, I have NEVER cheated, talked racist or whatever kys stuff players say all the time. And I had NEVER got bans for ANYTHING. Well, since August, I got three separate bans simply for TALKING to my team. One was me justifying why I was playing Zen. Two chat bans for 2 weeks, one suspension for 2 weeks.

The reporting system is BROKEN.


At this point, I think these are spam bots by blizzard.

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