False Bans For Hacking

Nah I agree. I have had some issues with fine tuning it lately. I definitely need to take the time to make hero specific tunes… If they ever let me back in that game

This makes no sense, because they say voice is being recorded for quality control (or whatever it’s called). So I don’t see why they can’t do the same with game play.

On Hypixel, for instance, whenever a report is made, the gameplay around that time is recorded. So like a minute before & a minute after. So they wouldn’t have to watch the entire game, just the time the report was made. (Which is why they encourage to report ASAP when you suspect someone of cheating/hacking.)

a month, to reverse a false ban?.. not good enough… not anywhere near good enough…

and considering that is 2 cases out of the no doubt hundreds if not thousands of false bans where people will get the standard bot response and case closed who won’t continue pestering the system then no…

they “Will not” reverse the ban… statistically speaking

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What’s the point in even having the vod system and chat records if they aren’t going to use them? I had a friend, nicest guy you’ll ever meet, got suspended a week for chat abuse last month. We use discord. We aren’t even in chat


i got suspended for “Chat Abuse” despite never ever EVER! using any chat, voice or text,

because i used to play bastion in ow1… when people regarded him as “Garbage” and would false report “Abusive chat” to spite you knowing it was automated…

never got that account back

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This 100%. This isn’t just bad customer service. This rides on the border of online harassment.

I found a banned player for chat abuse on here yesterday when. I first got involved on this issue. The guy actually got the chat logs from the guy who decided to keep him banned.

Stuff like “GG” and “Hanzo can you please switch.” Permaban… No appeal. The fact they had the audacity to send him those logs too… It makes the case hard to believe, but he came off as honest as far as I could tell, and the support ticket definitely was the correct format

So uh… I also tried blizzardcs on twitter. They are also ignoring it, BUT I got like 7 responses from hackers saying they can unban it and give me undetectable hacks. The irony is unreal. They have better customer service than blizzard.

And imma be honest. It’s tempting. If imma be punished for something, I might as well do it right?


We can talk about the process, but don’t go moving goalposts my friend lol.

Your assertion was that they don’t reverse bans, I have two recent examples of such a thing happen. There’s also streamers and the whole HyperX fiasco.

Well then I’d chalk them up to fair bans.

It’s clear if you get falsely banned the system will reverse course if pursued.

By citable examples, they did :wink:

If that’s bordering on harassment, then this is bordering on an admission.

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more like a consideration. look, i got banned for no reason. Support wont do anything about it, and this was a wrong that was delt to me. They wont even read my ticket. if someone else can fix it… i mean i can see why cheating is such a huge problem now. We put all this time and effort into our accounts and overwatch just bans them for no reason and refuses to offer customer support. then you get practical spams of hackers saying they can help you. overwatch is practically feeding people to hackers.


I’m not sure that I know many (any?) reasonable people that would say, “They think I’m cheating and banned me, so I’m gonna show them and make a new account and actually hack”. That doesn’t harm blizzard… at all… it only puts yourself at risk to be re-banned, and ruins the game for other people playing legit.

I think if you get punished for doing something you didn’t do, it autmatically ads justification to doing it. look at it this way.

I played honestly and worked really hard to get where I was in overwatch. they then banned me and called me a hack without cause. they have closed two tickets now without even giving me a “why.”

now, my account is already banned. I would like to keep playing the game. If someone can unlock my account, even if its for 24 hours, well thats 24 more hours i can play my favorite game and kiss it goodbye. Then theyll actually have a reason to ban me too. its a win win. they get rid of me like they wanted to, and I get to play one last time, and i get the closure of actually having done something to deserve it


Potato potato

Support is the only option, keep pursuing it, the examples I posted took upwards of a month.

That being said, if they come back and say “no way Jose, you cheated” then that’s also your answer.

But regardless support is the only option, and taking your frustration out on your peers isn’t an avenue an innocent player should consider.

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nah, just the guys who come in here pointing fingers in acting like blizzard actually reviews accounts replays before banning them. The large majority of you have been quite supportive and I am grateful. The in game behavior is WAY different than the community behavior fs XD


I don’t think anyone believes this, I sure haven’t seen any who do, at least not in a very long time.

We know it’s automated.

Well it’s not like the two are all that disconnected.

But again best of luck with the support tickets. Keep us updated.

It’s a universally agreed number between many competitive shooting devs. You can check their podcasts and interviews.

Then why these good players won’t rank up? If they are so good that they are accused of cheating, then they should be masters and gm, where people actually can differentiate hackers from not hackers. If a gold player suddenly starts headhsotting only, it is very odd. It’s only automatic ban if there’s a crazy amount of reports in a short amount of time, which indicates to rage hacking, and this never happens to any good player.

There’s no perfect system that works 100% correctly. There’s always going to be a very low percent of innocent people. If you are one of them, you should work hard to prove it. Like I said, change your tone and approach, be more open and understand your position. If you come up as an angry npc, people will automatically assume that you are a bad actor.

This is you just confirming that you rage hacked. Just another bad actor crying in the forums.

Or they ignore him because he hacked so obviously, that they just don’t want to deal with him.

yeah, what a perfect guy, no other apps, no overlays, no special peripherals, and plays so perfectly well that gets mass reported in a short time and gets banned. The more I read, the more I start agreeing with your ban.

And sounds exactly what a cheater would say. Cuz they are professional gas lighters.

The chance of this is so ridiculously low…

So he played support so god dam well that he got mass reported and banned automatically to an extend that they don’t even want to listen to him. And he has the audacity to come here and cry

because bronze 5 is infinitely bad. you can be bronze 5 having never won a game in your life with -999999999 sr and get paired with a gold 1. good luck ever getting out of that situation. there are a surprisingly high number of these people. getting out of silver and bronze takes either MAD SKILL or an at least par 5 stack. otherwise, you are getting that random i mentioned above

it happens almost weekly

have you ever played overwatch? do a mediocre stealth zen play. see how many people report you in just one game. see how absolutely insanely toxic chat gets.

right. i forgot to listen to the people i was complaining about telling me how flawless the system they designed was -_- “universally agreed” and “by devs” arent even logical lines. it cant be universal and just the devs my guy. choose one, and be wrong either way

“can confirm they did not review the ban. sent a bot response and never looked at anything. can confirm because i didnt hack and they said i did.”
right. somehow that confirms that i was rage hacking. dude are you actually stupid? go find somewhere else to troll. everyone here disagrees with you and youre only making people mad at you. if you have nothing helpful or useful to contribute, you shouldn’t have come here in the first place.

I hope and pray you never have to learn how wrong you are the hard way.

Hahaha keep us updated about this. I am gonna love the rofls it brings.

alot of people who get put in prison for petty “Crimes” actually become hardened criminals in prison, due to the way the prison systems operate…

so it is not unreasonable to think a rational person who is being unjustly punished for something actually then go ahead an do the thing they are being punished for

Do you use macro or have been using hardware macro on you mouse of keyboard (one press to do 2 or more things at once)?
Those are detectable and are cnsidered cheating.

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Not a bug its a trash report system people have been false banned alot lately more so with skilled players on new accounts


Sadly doesnt matter if you have decent aim and enough people report your sol happend to necros on a new account