Fair soldier buff

This is a fair s76 buff and a little nerf to sombra.
Allow him to sprint while he’s hacked because preventing him from doing that makes absolutely 0 sense.


She hacks people. What part of any of that makes sense

How does hack disable his legs but doesnt disable his visor which is clearly electronic so if you wanna talk hack logic lol…


This game dont needs more buff… just nerfs

right some of heroes are really broken now look at Symm and Mcree for example.

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It makes sense. Hack disables abilities. Sprint is an ability. Therefore hack disables it.


Ill hack you from sprinting.

Current Mccree isn’t broken he is just a bit stronger than before. He will be broken once they rework him with a new ultimate and abilities and all his previous buffs stack with his rework (which is very like to happen knowing the history of this game’s balance -.-)

Absolutely not. First, Sombra is actually in a worse spot then 76, though he’s not doing great either. Second, “realistic” is a dumb argument when she can’t cancel Tac Visor. Third, and most importantly it would add inconsistencies to Hack rules.

If you want to be Sombra proof, just drop beer can as she starts hacking you.

Stun and kills you with two hits. I don’t find him to be fun anymore. I rather see him nerf to the ground and making him unplayable.

Lets not add exaptions to hack.

And thats not a buff but giving him a better matchup against one Hero thats bartly played.

Same with the sigma nerf on the ptr horrible.
Hack has rules and that should stay this way.

Heal needs a rework, just not effective

This is not the buff he needs. He needs a buff that’ll make him better in general.

so just because he kills you with one ability and 2 shots he is broken? lol

it is, and he going end getting nerf what ever you like it or not.

It doesnt make sense in our world but her hack is supposed to disable abilities and its an ability so…

Mcree would be OP if it werent for the double shield meta.

If the imenent nerf to sigma trashes him and double shield meta goes away, mcree will be the new king.

Just my opinion obviously.

Maybe but we have to wait and see.

It works because the game considers his sprint an ability. Its not like Tracer and Genji who have a higher base movement speed than others by default.

If we go by whats logical, she would disable tac visor because its a technical thing.

Maybe he has robot legs. He was raised from the dead by technology, after all. I’m pretty sure his vision is integrated into his visor now. Maybe his legs are similar. Ooo, he should go blind when Sombra hacks him.