Face it, Doomfist isn't getting nerfed

He Wont be nerfed directly but blizzard could change/rework some things to make them less “unfun”.
Which could be for the better or make him worse.
But thats ultimately up to blizzard if they feel he needs changing

Regardless of balance, he’s extremely unfun to play against. All of his abilities take control away from the enemy and he has multiple instakill combos, all of which actively increases his health in the process, then he can fly away to high ground before your team can kill him. Playing against a decent Doomfist is a chore, it’s not fun at all. You could unplug your keyboard and it’d basically be the same experience.

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I’m not expecting you to agree with me, but in vain I have to point out, this is only because the developers limited Doomfist the way they did.

His combo doesn’t kill tanks.
Most damage dealers are too mobile to be caught.

So who’s left? Do the math.

Doomfists players would be IDIOTS to not go for the healers because he was made extremely terrible at taking anyone else out. He WILL focus the heroes he can actually take out.
Surely you grasp that.

This is a situation of you’re own making since if he was powerful enough to go after other heroes, people would be whining even louder.

So don’t cry because the developers made a highly specialized assassin. That’s not a niche most Doomfist players would have chosen for him. Believe me, nothing would make me happier than for Rocket Punch to do 900 damage so I could go after your front line.


So, you like fighting bad Doomfist players that don’t even know what they’re doing, and he will be a free kill for you and your team?

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Not sure why you filled my notifications up with this nonsense

On a forum largely populated with support mains, it was only a matter of time before the character made to stunlock healers to death would have people calling for their head.

At least you still have full use of your kit and movement vs. Tracer.

I like fighting heroes that aren’t designed to destroy any semblance of fun the game has left.


By that logic Reinhardt doesn’t belong in Overwatch either.

You heard it her first folks, Reinhardt doesn’t belong in Overwatch.

If he actually had one! Sombra is considered a counter to his kit but she’s just too buggy to hack people if they use ANY movement ability.
Also there’s NO support hero that actually can counter the guy.

AND this doesn’t make much sense to switch to a character that you don’t even like to play, just to counter the enemy doom one trick guy. Face it he’s too Annoying and even more powerful than pre-Brig Tracer

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He does have counters and sombra isn’t the only one

There’s 4 other supports that can make it harder for Doomfist to kill them and that’s Mercy, Moira, Lucio, and Brigitte

I guess you’ll continue to suffer since you don’t wanna switch. Look dude, you and your team can prevent Doomfist from destroying just by switching to one of his counters.

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Sombra isn’t even a counter.
She dies to Doomfist before she could do anything…

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Look dude i can’t take you seriously, I mean why is sombra fighting Doomfist in his face and not hacking Doomfist whenever he tries to dive on someone or keep going behind enemy lines messing with Doomfist by hacking him and maybe kill him. As long as Sombra is doing this, Doomfist won’t be doing anything and might switch off or leave the match

Sombra has not been considered a viable counter to flankers ever and her pick rates reflect that. Many times It’s been suggested that Sombra could deal with flankers such as Tracer, Genji and now Doomfist by peeling for the backlines.

The issue with that is that Sombra can’t really win out if they invest themselves into peeling and as a result Doomfist doesn’t get much done because then she too does little else. Even the best-case-scenario is a trade of 1 to 1 when both Sombra and Doomfist get little done. Also there is a non-negligible possibility that Sombra fails the peel as Doomfist’s combo is rather reliable, should he get the flank off.

Sombra CANT hack people if they are using a mobility ability. which means all doom abilities. even devs confirmed this bug:

Oh he will be. Or we get an another Brigitte like hero to counter him.

Well hack him while he’s charging up rocket punch, hack him while he’s floating in the air after using uppercut, hack him when rocket punch stops propelling him, hack him when he’s just walking around

You know what i would really like?
ChipSa or Brandito coming to this forum and talking about this.

I would really like to see what they would have to say.

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I dont have an issue with Doomfist per say. I just dislike the enormous amount of tank displacement in this game. Really makes it miserable to play the heroes I enjoy. You can sort of switch for him to Orisa, but her CDs are not up enough to keep up with DF, Brig, McCree, Hamtaro etc

Rocked punch should be used as an escape (most of the time) so if you play Sombra and he charges your either dead already or you already hacked him and killed him and if you change in front of a Sombra you should learn you hero xD

Possible if he:

  1. Does not has his slam ability ready
  2. You as Sombra are not the one who gets uppercut because if you just get shot and killed by doom

The way to fight doom as Sombra is to either hack him when he focuses on one of the other heroes (what would be pretty stupid if he knows there is a Sombra in the fight) or use your translocator to avoid/dodge his dmg by throwing TL throw him then turn around and hack him while he ends his animation this work on everything besides uppercut because if you get uppercut your most likely dead

He is an annoying hero to play against even if you counter him same as Old hog you basically can take your hands off your keyboard if you slams and uppercuts you.
Sure Sombra is annoying to but at least hack doesn’t always mean your dead we see that in the current trippel support meta in which is so much healing hack just does not do ****.