Extremely excited for the coming Halloween Terror event

And I’m gonna be that guy and say I’ll believe it when I see it. Especially, if Rein doesn’t get a legendary skin again. He got a good one for Winter Wonderland yes, but that better not mean it’s gonna take another 3-4 years before he gets a new one.

I think which heroes are actually getting them is a more important question.


Exactly. No one cares about Moira.

Mercy need a new skin.

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Awesome!! Kind of an unrelated question but, could we expect some more ow2 hero redesigns in the near future? Again thank you for staying in touch with the community<3

Tbh, I am more excited about the Winter Wonderland potential skins. We still need to see Christmas Ornament for Wrecking Ball and Reindeer for Orisa.

I’m always in for some new skins! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If I don’t see a REINHARDT legendary skin after 5 YEARS I will quit.

Literally the first tank of the game with Winston and only has an epic.


I know we probably wouldn’t get this in ow1, but I would love to finally have new maps for Junkensteins Revenge. They might not fit in the Lore around the event, but it’d be a great change. The Havana Sea fort would be a great map for it imo. It’d also be nice to see new map reskins. We probably won’t get any of this, at least until the new pve format in ow2, but I’m hoping for new challenge missions.

I love the Halloween themed maps.


PvE events are really terrible, imo. I also hate that my favorite mode gets moved from every other day, to once a week :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Some of the skins and sprays are usually pretty cool though.

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I wish they opened up more hero options for legendary just for fun so I didn’t have to make a custom game

I only like it because PvE gamemodes are the easiest to get lootboxes on.

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Please, make more event maps.

Even just an arcade mode where we can just play those halloween maps would be cool. I’d just play those the whole month!

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How can you be excited for the exact same event map 5 years in a row?

No. God no. I’m so tired of the exact same “events” every season.
I would, honest-to-god, prefer that they just do nothing at all rather than recycling the same, tired modes for a fifth year.

This dev team has always felt tremendously lazy. They did real things for one year and then everyone quit giving a damn.

Have the same exact event of the other years and being bored to death spamming it for stars and boxes for heroes I cannot play since meta is always the same.

so hyped.

We ALL know you’re all going to log in and have fun with new skins.


We need a new Rein… a spooky Rein… a worth while spooky Rein.

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That would be really cool. However, sometimes I wish that Blizzard had gone the other way and released a D.va Deathwing skin instead of a Deathwing D.va skin for HOTS.

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Considering I haven’t logged in in months or played seriously at all for years, I strongly doubt a couple of lame skins are gonna bring me back.