Extremely excited for the coming Halloween Terror event

Same, I never had a real Halloween…

But in Overwatch, we can dress up in the ways we want without judgement, we can have fun with one another, and pig out while we play.

I’m gunna play Junk’s revenge in every way it can be played until I can’t play any more.


I’ve had real Halloween before, it’s fun to go with friends or siblings or whatever but like ahh I just can’t handle scary things lol

But yes in Overwatch I get to see new skins and play cool modes (looking at you Junkenstein’s Revenge) with friends which is infinitely more fun and better for me


I love being scared, especially in cheesy fun ways.

Oh! Oh!!!

Favorite candy?

(This goes for everyone)

I personally prefer anything chocolaty, crunchy… nothing sour or fruity.

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Haha, you do? Gosh I can’t stand it. My heart skips like five beats and I get chills for the next half hour :frowning:

Favorite candy? Hmm… I love a lot of candy lol. Probably something sour :slight_smile:


Ghosts and demons and everything that ISN’T heights…

Bring on the brownies and brittles and KitKats… best things.

What are brittles? :thinking:

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Honestly this event might be the only reason currently that I’m excited for OW2.

I can’t wait to see where they’ll take the event in the future and I hope that they’ll make a fully playable PvE mission OW2 style for this event.


Any kind of brittle, especially peanut brittle, or similar candied nuts. ^,^

Oh this is HYPE.

Imagine a segmented story based event, where you claim areas and progress like we see in OW 2, but with Halloween themes and in-game events, based perhaps on skin choice even.

I had never heard of brittles before :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:, some of them look delicious :yum:

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Meh, just give me archives missions or better give us the rio de janeiro mission just to prepare for OW2…

This will be the year I finally get that Ana mummy skin. Mummies are such underrated monsters.

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I’m gonna be that dev and say that I can’t wait for you all to see this year’s skins.

They look outstanding!


I can wait… for sure… but… NNNNGGGH


Goodie, three more weeks of weekly boxes and i should be good to pick one of the new skins of my choosing!

(I do hope that’s still do-able and creds carries over in ow2 though. I know the skins does but i mean for future events.)


i want a new mercy skin

hasnt gotten a halloween skin since 2016



Ya but what’s the event like?

prob the same thing but just diff skins

skin diff


Honestly i wouldn’t expect much different until after OW2 comes out…

Can’t have too many skins. That’s what I always say. Hundreds and hundreds of skins. Never gets old, no sir.

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Deathwing D.Va…

Deathwing D.Va…

Deathwing D.Va…