Extreme RAM usage

i am in the main menu and according to my task manager overwatch is using 7,369.8 MB of RAM. It is seemingly random, sometimes in matches it will be 3 GB, sometimes almost 8. It varies widely, even in the main menu. My game crashed a few times too when tabbing to my other screen. One time i got a system error that "Qt6WebEngineCore.dll"was not found.

causes random fps drops and screen freezes.


I have 64GB of RAM so it’s no problem for me but yeah I also noticed that. Also today after playing for few hours my my fps dropped suddenly from ~170fps to ~80fps. I’m hoping it’s from the last update which was a few hours ago because I just recently purchased my rtx 4080 :slight_smile:

Gaming machines today should have at least 32GB, but I recommend 64GB for a middle-of-the-line build. That is what I run and I never have issues; and I literally mean NEVER. Not once have I had a RAM issue in the past 20 years. RAM is cheap as heck.

i have 16 gb of ram and i’ve never had a problem with it either, i say this having played minecraft modpacks with 10gb of allocated ram. but for some reason overwatch getting to 8gb causes issues since a patch or two ago.

Ive noticed this too. Something about OW2 makes my system crash randomly.

I just recently upgraded to 32GB and I still get crashes. It could be because I have multiple windows of my browser open and Pandora playing in the background, but the crashes are so random. However, they seem to get worst around updates or during certain times of the day it seems. Maybe theres a link there :face_with_monocle:

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my game is having this same issue since the new update. it’s being impossible to play

Also having this issue. At menu, it starts consuming about 1.5GB and will slowly rise to over 8GB. In a match it will occasionally consume over 10GB and cause massive frame stutters.