Extreme lag on PS5

Month and a half still no fix.


I keep seeing Nicole posting that “Blizzard is aware” of the framerate issues on PS5 and linking to the bug report but I’ve scoured it and have not seen any explicit mention of the issues for console that have been described here and in numerous other posts, in detail, let alone any specific comments from tech support teams saying they’re working on a fix.

Given that this issue is so significant that even veteran players are deleting the game until it’s fixed (I’m on the cusp myself because most games I can’t even move it’s so bad), how is this not being spoken to directly? I thought the Microsoft merger conspiracy theory was a joke, but I’m starting to think that playstation fixes are being actively deprioritized. I’d love to be proven wrong.

It’s becoming difficult to keep advocating for the OW team among a lot of negativity from the playerbase— pushing for players to be patient and thoughtful in their communication with devs and to extend grace and goodwill as they try to bring about meaningful changes. I know there are innumerable issues needing solutions, but it worries me when I see posts about this dating back to 2023 and nothing on the Blizz tracker saying “hey— this is a big issue, here’s what’s going on, and we’re gonna fix it”. That also means I have no way of keeping tabs on any possible resolution without opening up the game, finding it still unplayable, closing and waiting, rinse and repeat.

Come ON, y’all. It’s so egregious that I took my PS5 in for service, fearing it was quietly overheating. Throw us a bone for our loyalty at the very minimum. This is getting silly.

I think you’re referring to an old issue that I said they were aware of. There have been several different issues they addressed via the Bug Report forum.

Their updates are in the pinned threads at the top of this forum.*

Edit: Thread was moved.

I really don’t want to split hairs on this— I’m concerned this is continuing to go unaddressed and unacknowledged by Blizzard. I haven’t been able to get through a single game without being plagued by this. My friend says she can’t even open Overwatch anymore. It’s truly awful.

Recorded a video tonight in an effort to document this hellish experience. How can I get eyes on this?

Gameplay Clip: https://youtu.be/9Q9lC6vKCwU?feature=shared

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