[Extra HOT TAKE] A very small mercy nerf (Please don't crucify me)

The very people who usually argue for Mercy nerfs are usually the same people who argue that people should just get better at aiming, so this thread is going to be interesting.

Personally, I think it has potential.

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Point being to just assign moral / intellectual weight to video game abilities adds nothing to the discussion.

It makes sense that it increases the output of that DPS hero because Mercy has to forgo other options to allow that to happen. Notably, Mercy will only DB about 1,000 dmg per match, which is significantly lower than the plain old damage output of any other support. So in turn, by having only 5 people dealing damage with one being a little stronger, you still have less damage on the field than if you’d picked any of the other supports.

I mean I’m not saying it should be nerfed or anything.

I’m just saying I think it’s dumb. But nerfing her hp by 25 at least would help with her being an annoying pest to deal with constantly and usually being the last person on the enemy team to die unless she gets out right one shotted.

I mean like…I can keep saying this…

All those heroes have pretty massive damage output potentials. Mercy doesn’t. I think that’s the core difference.

Totally, but if you were to have to nerf Mercy (which I really really don’t think you do) this would be an interesting take on it.

Mercy literally has to stand close to the target she’s healing.

She’s not like Ana or Zen who can heal across the map.

She has to frequently put herself in dangerous positions to do her job.

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175 hp? I don’t agree.

I think it’s also more about the TTK that mercy lowers that makes damage boost lowkey just not okay. Same thing with discord.

At least if mercy DID have to do damage she would have to put forth effort in doing so.

When she just boosts her teammates it just makes it so that they do idiotic amounts of damage that basically insta kills people or the TTK is so low it’s practically instant.

Other supports who do damage actually have to DO SOMETHING to output that damage, with mercy holding an auto lock damage boost, on a DPS so that they can instant wipe people just isn’t the same.

The only way it’s a “dangerous position” is if the person she’s boosting is in a dangerous position. Which at that point is just garbage positioning and you shouldn’t be boosted that person anyway.

The problem is, Damage boost is needed for her to be viable in the upper ranks, so nerfing that is basically putting a hard cap on the rank she can be played at. So that is out.

Healing is what makes her work in the low ranks, so that is mostly out.

Rez has already been made clunky…

That leaves her gun (hahahah) , Valk (which to be fair IS a target) - her self healing (I’d rather not see that) - GA / AD (please no) or her health.

I’d nerf Valk FIRST but this is interesting anyway.

And I think that sometimes, FTS mechanics can wind up feeling pretty dumb. IE, Dying as ana after you get the sleep on a RP’ing doomfist, a dashing genji, and sleeping the high-nooning mccree at the same time he shoots you dead.

But I don’t use that in arguments bc I’m aware it’s just my personal bias and adds nothing to the discussion. If you don’t think it should be nerfed, then don’t bring it up. 2nd off. A healer doing their absolute best should always be the last to die. Their goal is to be in the backlines, surviving. There are plenty of ways to deal with her, and it doesn’t exactly help, it just makes her more vulnerable to certain burst damage.

The main issue with mercy (IMO) is that she’s usually the last person on a team to die because of her ridiculous mobility, that has now been amplified with techs. Mercy either dies last, or dies first from a one shot.

At least with an HP nerf, she still has every part of her kit that makes her viable, but punishes bad positioning more than what it does now. Because now you can at least be in a pretty bad position, but as long as you have someone to fly to you’ll just zip out of there at F-16 fighter jet speeds.

I’d rather see a HP nerf, rather than nerfing an already mid ultimate. (If mercy WAS to receive a nerf ofc)

There’s a difference between healers working hard to position well, and hit their life saving abilities… than a hero flying at mach 5 to a teammate for help, because she clicked a button on her keyboard…

So when a fight breaks out, Mercy should just ignore people in the thick of things.

Meanwhile, other healers should be allowed to heal from a distance or be durable enough to join the fight.

Right but that doesn’t work in high ranks. you STOP moving about, and switch to a pocketing style.

Well no but her staff has a 15 meter range.

That’s at least 10-15 meters of space that she can create from said dangerous situation, which will in turn keep her alive. Instead of just sitting on top of the person she needs to heal / boost.

Most high rank mercy’s pocket yes, but not for the majority of the time. They still will be flying around healing multiple people.

15 meters is pretty terrible in this game.

The effective range of virtually every other character is way better.

Mercy has to fly in and stay close to do her job.

15 meters is 15 meters.

That’s still 15 meters out of danger to give her time to do literally anything.

Also, now that you mention it unless it’s a tank literally there’s no reason a DPS that mercy should target should be “in the thick of things” it’s literally meant to be tanks fight close, while DPS stay back and have some space in between the mess.

If your DPS is in the thick of things they are hilariously out of position, to which you DO NOT fly in to try and help cause then you’re just feeding along with them.

You can say the same thing about many other mobile heroes. It’s the reason Tracer got her range nerf for example.

I find those arguments to be bad too. When Genji was broken with his super buffs you had people saying the same thing. I’m not saying he and mercy are the same but all I’m asking is to open up the window to catch a mercy mistake by just 25HP.

Mercy is only slightly overtuned. The problem is it has to be a very small nerf…
I think this could work but you would need a -5% less ult charge for valk or 28 second Rez.
175 mercy would be healthy for the game; however, she would just need some tiny compensation
She’s been meta for a year now. While mercy is the principle of a well designed hero, she’s a little too good. I like your idea.

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That’s fair and tbh I’m talking as someone who almost never plays mercy so I’d be happy to accept any compensation buffs mercy mains have for this If they feel it’s a bit much.

That’s a good question. :thinking: