Exploit in competitive

Ok so, first time this has happened. The enemy team was afk / stayed in spawn. So because I COULD NOT “participate in combat” I got kicked and banned.



Seriously. How is this even possible? And now I’m going to take a hit to my rank because of this? How the heck can this game even claim to be a competitive game with stuff like this 7 years into its release? I’m… honestly… I don’t know what to say. What the hell is this? Really?


I don’t know how the inactivity penalty exactly works in OW2.

It was added to OW1 to address a certain problem , some teams were either bots or derankers in Comp , they stay in spawn for the whole match (just like the enemy team in ur match) .

I’m curious were u the first player to get kicked out ?

I think so? I mean another player said in chat they had the same warning as me before I flew out so it could be we flew out at the same time. The rest of the team was shooting into their spawn but I saw no point in that so I just hung back a bit and stood ready in case they started attacking.

I still saw the team chat after and they thought I left the game on my own. :sleepy:

I raised a ticket about this, and then found out it takes them 24h to answer lol. The 15 mins is long since passed.

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I imagine staying in spawn gets afk timer sooner than players outside, so technically they would be kicked before you.

Unless they danced back and forth from the spawn door.


Yeah , players probably can delay or reset the afk timer by moving and shooting/ healing.

Yeah idk what happened.

Back when this happened I raised a ticket over at Bliz support explaining what happened. The ticket now got a response where either the GM didn’t read it, or it was just intentionally a copy paste bot response. Just talked about connection issues and how it’s intended that even if your internet disconnects you get a stacking penalty. I mean, my issue had nothing to do with connection issues but sure. :joy:

Well. This kinda tracks with my experience of the whole competitive mode so far so can’t say I was surprised.

Ahahaha this is still a thing?

This happened a lot back in OW, seems like it’s still there.
Honestly, comedy platinum that it still exists.