Explaining the Frustration About Mercy

Since I know a lot of people who enjoy playing mercy have had to repeat themselves a lot the past two days, I’m going to explain why the GA change is so detrimental to her kit as simply as I can. Let’s get a few things out of the way first though.

I think the passive is an interesting choice, and love the new healing, it was the right move to take for the character, but unfortunately the GA cool-down messes with everything else so much, as well as the ability to do the new fun things, it makes the buff’s kind of null. And before there are “pick a different character” replies, I do, but just because there are other options doesn’t mean the balance team shouldn’t fix what they kinda broke. I’m not saying they can’t nerf a character I like, I’m just saying you shouldn’t change something about that character when everything else they do relies on it. MOVING ON-

Explanation: Everything in her kit, revolved around the original GA cooldown. There’s a reason beam lingered for the amount of time that it did behind corners and from a distance, and there’s a reason resurrect took as long as it did. Said reason is that by the time these things are done (beam no longer lingers on a target that’s not in sight or is too far, or res has occurred) your GA cooldown would refresh so you can fly somewhere else to engage again, or disengage dependant on the situation. Making the cooldown as long as it is currently has created downtime between the things I’ve mentioned, which is not what you want from a “triage burst healer” and damage booster.

Res example (I know people don’t like res but it’s just an example idc if they nerf it): A teammate dies in a somewhat risky area, you GA to res them. The res occurs, but with the new cool down you are not only vulnerable while resurrecting, but now have to wait for the cooldown to end so you can fly to safety. Let’s be realistic, mercy’s pistol has never been her defense, it’s a last resort. Res’ing leaves you vulnerable for a long period already, and not being able to GA away after makes it so that it’s almost never worth it if you are just going to be killed immediately. Maybe that makes some happy because there will be less res’ing, but unfortunately, it’s part of her kit that was nulled because of the change. This also applies when a res is disrupted or lucio booped. Because mercy heals herself by healing others now, and the cooldown is increased, there is downtime between the disruption and when you can GA again where she’s just taking damage. This leaves her defenseless, and even though it’s only a second longer than what it would’ve been, that’s absolutely enough time for her to get killed.

Pocketing isn’t actually stronger: It has become way harder to keep up with mobile dps for pockets, borderline impossible if they’re not actively thinking about the fact mercy needs a sightline to ga. Honestly, that was always the case, but at least before it wasn’t too hard to redirect and return to the rest of the team. Now if they leave sightline last second she’s stranded, or if they die and she’s been using GA consistently as it comes back to keep up, again stranded or creating downtime where she’s not really doing much.

Beam: Staying in cover while healing or damage boosting was a staple of mercy’s kit, since for short periods you don’t need line of sight. GA cooldown again has f’d with that, repositioning when teammates become out of sightline has become harder, and if mercy’s should be saving their GA’s to escape someone pushing her, again, downtime or dead.

GA to GA: Another common practice was to GA to a teammate, get height/reposition, and then GA to another teammate originally out of sightline who needs healing or has a good sightline to pocket. Again, a second might not seem that long but on some maps, I just can’t get to teammates quickly enough anymore, even after super jumping (which ya know is already a bit of a risk).

If you like other examples or elaborations that can be done, just please keep it respectful. The nerf’s don’t just make it harder to do the job they’re trying to encourage mercy players to do, it messes with her kit synergy and creates this weird in-between where before should would’ve been enabling or healing her team before, and now she’s stuck. Having a character that entirely relies on the position of her team is already dicey, but not giving her the tools to fend for herself has been the most frustrating part about all of this.

Watch these videos if this is too much to read


All because gold dps couldn’t kill mercies. This is probably why they nerfed her, because people (most likely new players) couldn’t take care of a healer. She revolved around her GA and now she’s a snail.

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The irony is palpable, a mercy player telling people to aim better. i would LOVE for you to kill a mercy thats hiding behind a pocket or corner breaking LOS to her targets. you using your movement ability on a 6-8 second cooldown for her to fly away instantly

try all dps of all ranks, the higher people get in rank the better movement and aim gets. the best mercy players could fly in ways that no one could predict because of her physics defying movement. she can still do all that, with just a lot more time to punish hher.

theres a reason sojourn stays meta, why widow and junkrat are meta
when supports sustain and ability to keep people alive becomes too good, sustain damage heroes dont get played.
you get sniper and poke metas. kiriko and mercy are the biggest enablers of this.

if we didnt have to have DPS we wouldnt, we would all just play tanks and supports because they do 80% of the damage DPS do but also have additional aspects to their kits.

All of this because Blizzard is too afraid to nerf Sojourn.


I say to keep it respectful and you immediately turn to “you can’t aim so shut up”

lets keep it to the topic of conversation aight. The GA isn’t just punishing if she has to reposition, it’s punishing if she tries to do anything that she is supposed to do, because she is a support character. Mercy isn’t “meta” because of her healing output, it’s because sojourn messed with the balance of all the characters, and pocketing a soj is apparently a win condition now. They could’ve messed with damage boost, res, but instead they mess with the one thing that her entire kit is reliant on.

They should’ve just reworked her entirely at that point, or changed speed in the air slightly but how they left her isn’t good for anyone


I’m still not convinced the changes to her healing output are good either; the loss of healing for above-half targets is rarely made up for by the slightly bursty healing for low health targets. Sure, from time to time a tank is getting hit just hard enough that the extra healing keeps them alive, but my play experience so far has been that it’s far more common the tank either would benefit more from being able to be healed past 50% quicker (particularly when they have armor health) or it’s still not enough and they’re dead. Same sort of thing happens when healing more fragile characters, except they’re obviously more vulnerable to being burst-killed, so the sustained low health healing is even less often relevant.

I’d be deeply surprised if Mercy’s average HPS isn’t tangibly lower now; so I don’t think it’s just the movement changes that are going to be frustrating Mercy players, and I this will be noticed more broadly once the novelty of the low health bonus heal wears off.

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For sure yeah. I’ve definitely noticed by the time you get to a critical health ally, they’re probably a goner already even with the under 50% buff. Getting there faster to put pressure on those pushing (also actually being able to get away as well) still seems more valuable to me than having a buff that helps in theory, but won’t sustain them cause if they’re taking that much already mercy still won’t be able to heal through it.

As well as the fact she is incentivized to leave allies around 50-75% health because staying long enough to heal to full makes her a huge target. Not that it didn’t already, but again, those weird in-between’s of the cooldown are practically begging for someone to shoot her down.

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