Explain how MMR is fair...you can't

Please, God no. Playing against people I cannot hope to stand a chance with is a miserable experience.

hidden ranking stats are terrible in any comp game, it only happens in certain online games because they canā€™t admit to fault of their own to make it fair. Name one RL game where stats are hidden and Iā€™ll accept OW MMR is fair.

a person deserves to know how good he is, not make it hidden. Its only hidden because blizzard are not 100% sure.

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a lot of people believed in witchcraft in the past, as well as believing that the earth was flat. did any of that have any bit of truth? no, it didnt.

Be more concerned with the facts and less with the people.
It is relatively easy to prove that the earth is not flat. Do you know why? Because the science of physics is not secret. And thatā€™s the big difference between a person who believes in the flat earth and someone who says that the matches in the game look manipulated. --> Verifiability. Blizzard has to deliver here or it stays as it is.

I think there is some confusion about PBSRR and MMR. PBSR affects your SR gain or losss in a match. MMR is for matchmaking and the fact that it is hidden is suspect.

Blizz is tight lipped on MMR, but what they have said is that it is used to make fair matches. So basically, if Iā€™m 1500 or 2000 or 2500 or 3000, MMR will attempt to make my match fairā€¦

I dont know, I feel like the people I play against are consistently better than me. I can carry only about 1/10 games. Why dont I get placed in more fair mayches with players closer to my skill level?

Its because the MMR and SR use averages. And it feeks like I am commonly the weak link. Losing isnt so bad and I enjoy the game and am getting better, but I do feel bad for my team sometimes. I do not feel like the matchmaking system is very effective, in general, in the tiers I am playing.

There is far too much discussion in here about ranking up without looking at the real issue related to MMR, and this is match quality. Match quality has tanked significantly since season 2. You cannot attempt use MMR as a tool to balance teams where as if one persons mmr is a good bit above their sr they should not be balanced by another player. That person should just perform better and move up. Ranks and skill levels would then balance out organically like any other competitive game.
I think bliz tried something new here and it didnt work for whatever reason. Its time to revert to a classic competitive rating system where either

A) It places you fresh every season or
B) Everyone starts at a predetermined sr and moves up(or down) from there.

I think enough people have played thousands of games and gotten an fair bit of expirence with how garbo the match makers is. This is double apparent when you play other games and come back to overwatch and see just how bad it is. If Blizzard truly wants to stick with the mess thats underdog/pbsr decay ect, then they need to move to a glicko based match maker and just nix mmr altogether.

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Gold is even worse as its the default placement dumping ground for 90% of players, almost regardless of their actual skill.

Would you and other be open to a SR Decay cap so this canā€™t happen? Just because someone hasnā€™t played their account in a while doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re 1200 SR worse in this example.