Experiments with Reaper changes show them to be a nerf

Why don’t they just remove all RNG from the game?

Problem solved.

Why does RNG even exist in this game?

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I will say this, after playing on PTR last night, I consistently watched Reapers mow through teams. It seemed like his ult was up pretty often, and on the times I watched him after killing me on the replay, I noticed he was getting back 30-40 health every shot on me.

To the point where he was negating the majority of the damage I was doing to him. (I was playing as Symmetra, lobbing right clicks).

Basically, I landed a full powered right click orb at him, and he healed the damage up I dealt to him in 2-3 shots, I landed another on him which took him to ~half health, he shot me once more and healed again and of course, I was dead.

Trading damage for sustain is what it looks like they did for reaper. /shrug

consistency at effective range and better sustain for reduced damage output outside effective range

that’s not a nerf

Were you being healed? The max healing Reaper can now do from a 200hp target is 60.

What do you think reapers effective range should be?

With the new consistency it sure isn’t anything above 5 meters.

If I was, I didn’t notice it. I did toss a turret at one point which took one of the shots damage from hitting me (destroying the turret of course).

maybe it’s better to say this reduces his effective range for more consistency, which is still fine

at worst, it’s a buff X/nerf Y rebalance that’s a step in the right direction for Reaper and calling it a nerf is a huge mistake as it sends the wrong message to Blizz

So basically he is nerfed against squishes…

There actually is a formula that can be used to determine the max effective range of Reaper’s shotguns against individual targets,

This is relevant because:

Which means that Reaper was nerfed at all ranges greater than 6.3m.

Basically, they increased his spread when they reduced it’s randomization. Previously, you had a good chance of having a lot of hits towards the center, doing more damage. Now, it forces the hits farther apart.

That this would be a damage nerf would be obvious to the dev team. Why the <> did they NERF REAPER?

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Technically, it is a buff at close range, but it’s also a nerf at extended ranges.

So what i’m getting from this is:
Spread is more consistent and less random but as a result more pellets miss at ranges where Reaper was previously effective.
I mean technically it’s working as intended but the devs have screwed up the spread pattern and by extension nerfed him pretty badly.
At least it’s an easy fix, all they have to do is alter the spread pattern or (if it’s even possible) make the outer pellets more RNG.

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Seriously, forget Training Bot.
Try against any Tank and see which has more hits/critical hits.

Any Squishy, aim the head at 5m, you can test it too. Because Training Bot has larger Hitbox.

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Reaper’s optimal is “inside his model” and extended range for him is all of 6 inches, so it’s almost entirely a straight nerf.

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Which is exactly how it should be. This isn’t a nerf, this is a change that Reaper sorely needed.

looks like firing too soon or bad hit reg on initial shot causing discrepancy

So… he’s even worse at anything over point blank range and has a terrible time trying to get to close range?

Pretty sure he didn’t need to be exterminated from any viability that he had.


Good question actually.

RNG and E-Sports sounds wrong.

At some point in time the sarcastic 2nd post had 3 times your likes, and now youve caught up :blush: I’ll keep this thread alive until ptr is patched through

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I said exactly that in my OP. The problem is that there is no buff to compensate because it’s a damage nerf in the majority of situations.