Experimental - Triple Damage Feedback Thread

My experience trying all 3 roles,

  1. Damage was the fastest;

  2. Healers took a bit longer than damage but much longer from 2-2-2;

  3. Tanks had an estimated queue time that was 3x’s longer than other roles. It’s actual wait time was about 5-6x’s longer. Making this 1-3-2 mode have nearly identical wait times for Tanks like damage has in 2-2-2.

As for how enjoyable this game mode was, I would say it wasn’t for any role. When we won, we destroyed our opponents, and we were destroyed each time we lost.

Overall, I do not recommend 1-3-2 passing the experimental stage.


Everyone wanted it, every single person wanted there to be 2 tanks 2 DPS and 2 healers in their game, they were sick of GOATs, they were sick of 5 DPS throwers. People would whine or moan if someone had to solo-tank or solo-heal. You keep whining and whining and hoping for something old to return simply because you forgot all the times the past system made you angry, and keep forcing yourself to play a game you don’t like.

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I feel like Zarya’s bubble mechanic isn’t that good. An alternative would be to give her charges like Symmetra’s turrets.

I was against this idea initially, but really enjoyed it once I started playing it. The games go more quicker which is a welcome change. The changes to tanks are very refreshing.

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Great but whats being done about:

  • throwers (particularly tank players love to do this due to short queue times and no punishment - I had tank players even laugh at me and mock me for wanting to win a Diamond game and asking a Hog swap, after I asked they would afk or intentionally suicide into the enemy team as Dva.
  • cheaters
  • boosters in 2-3 stack (a 3 stack of smurfs is much harder to beat than a solo smurf which is beatable)

Yesterday I watched Emongg playing this mode several times and mass bubble can be used to protect you and occupy space as well. He even achieved complete mitigation of an enemy graviton, which is huge.


3-2-1 could work in a game where every team is organized, communicates and never flames. Overwatch is not that game.

Making a change like this exclusively to make dps players whine less is ridiculous, in my opinion. Tanks and healers already get enough sh*t over any mistake they make, because their mistakes can cost the game very easily, and now you want to make it so that one person has double the responsibility of any other player? How about no?

I think most of the tank changes are great and should be released into live, with 2-2-2. It makes tanks feel a lot better to play and makes it seem like you’re more than just a standing shield.
The community has been asking for fun changes to tanks for so long, and you’re only doing them if you also cut out the second tank out of the game.

I think the change from 2 to 3 dps players is not going to make the queues any shorter because it’ll just attract even more players to an already attractive role. Pretty sure that’s not the idea here.

Stop making dps more attractive while digging a bigger and bigger hole for tank and support.


I’m sure you are a smart guy/girl and you know that this is not the case. First off, the “throwing” accusations were starting if there was some kind of asymmetry between the teams. For example 1v2 tanks or 1v2 supports (goats is a special case). If there were no tanks, nobody was stopping you from picking DVa/Hog/Winston (especially Hog) and get at least one free kill in every fight.

The mode is playable for both tanks, dps and supports and that’s what matters. Whether we like it or not, it is another story and it is objective. I personally like the idea because it gives you more space to make our plays.

So much hateful feedback when I adored the experimental feature and the way tanks were buffed.

Give it time people. I look fun tbh. And I’ve played tank the entire night.


Welcome to the real world! Those who are patient or like something, usually get muted from crybabies. Jeff already said that he sees mostly negative feedback. Of course the players who treated unjustly will be more vocal. Guess who these people are: One of the most vocal groups in OW forums (DVas) and other tanks who like to YOLO in the enemy team while they get pocketed.

So I main support (specifically Brigitte). Somehow, the algorithms kept putting me on Defense and, thus, I haven’t played Attack yet, so I guess this is a little one-sided.
Playing support in 1-3-2 is great. I feel like the DPS are now getting the adequate healing that they needed, since we (the supports) aren’t focused on keeping two tanks (with huge health bars) alive. Granted, after I die for the first time, it gets harder to get back to my team and healing all the “Critical Health” that I see coming out of spawn, because in literally all my games, one of the DPS would spawn camp us. But, despite that, I still enjoyed Experimental. Thanks for letting us play it!

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I was responding to someone else saying to scrap role lock altogether, I should’ve said “role lock” and not 2-2-2, I’m all for 1-3-2 for similar reasons.

oh I apologise then :innocent:

Ok, you reduce DPS queue time, but for tank it’s 10 minutes like DPS… It doesn’t change that we have always the same problem, just it’s tank to have long time queue.
For the team, I try DPS but even for that, it’s not fun to play against tank DPS. It looks like classic QP.

If you want less DPS queue time, playing another roles OR add more tank and heal.
For the tank buff, I was disgusted for tank queue time that I can’t have a feedback for them so…

I’m a tank main since I started playing this game 3 years ago, 1-3-2 takes me back to the days before 2/2/2 when I was solo tanking every game to give my team a chance.

The buffs are nice and all but still, I feel under 1-3-2 Rein, Ball and Winston will outshine every other tank for obvious reasons. This mode puts insane pressure on the healers who are forced to almost solo heal the tank every second of the fight, because of the sheer ammount of damage the tank is under.

Speaking of insane pressure, the tank player has way less room for mistakes, theres no second tank to cover up the space you can’t protect or peel for the teammates you can’t reach. Even if in this mode a good tank might do well, if your team gets a bad tank player you’ll have absolutely no space or protection, you will lose.

The game felt very “snowbally”, the team that killed the other tank first won every time. The team that controls the objective has all the space, while the other team has none to work with. And If in live some games are won or lost depending on which team has the better Zarya or the better Rein, that is nothing compared to what that difference in skill means in this mode, the better Rein will dominate the other every time.

I know it’s still soon to give feedback, I haven’t played a lot but I played enough, trying various tanks and playstiles. I also must have hundreds of hours solo tanking before 2/2/2 which is probably meaningful as well.

My conclusion is that this is a bad change overall for the game. I think some tank players with a certain playstile will thrive on this mode, but the rest will probably stop tanking altogether, me included. I think 2/3/2 would be a better option but I know it’s not possible in the current Overwatch. And I think if this is just a way to decrease damage player queue times, then it’s not a good one, I believe that even if it solves that problem it will create a dozen more.

Finally I think another solution for this problem would be to change one of the tank slots in 2/2/2 to “Flex” who can choose between Tank and Damage enabling both 2/2/2 and 1/3/2 comps. But a better solution to this would be to make more people want to play tank to balance out the player numbers, this could be achieved with more or better reward for playing tank, or the introduction of more main and off tank heroes with different playstiles that damage players could relate to (like Ana and Baptiste in Support). Even if it’s a slower solution, I believe it’s a healthier one.

TLDR: Games are decided by which tank dies first, it’s a snowball, it puts too much pressure on the tank and healers and it will result in less people willing to tank. Make more people want to play tank instead.


It was bad enough before with 2/6 people going wherever they wanted, but now there are 3 yay!!
But seriously this gamemode feels so arcady (and so old-quickplay-ish), is too focused on dps: good widows will be op
The pressure on the tank player is like being down in the Marianna trench with nothing but a pair of swimming goggles.
In my opinion it would be better to keep the current gamemode and adjust it in such a way that dps players are able to have fun playing other roles.

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Hello, is my first time posting here.
I want to expose my opinion about 1-3-2
I think is frustrating be a Tank, a lot of bullets over you. Same for Healer, is a lot of damage and can be stressfull.
In my opinion the solution for the DPS queue and the Meta is move all OffTanks to DPS group. When some player select a OffTank the others automatically will be canceled. In this case you can play with 2 tanks or with 3 dps, depend of your team, and same in the other team.
I think this is good for 3 reasons:

  1. Dps queue in theory will be quickly
  2. Your team always have a main tank
  3. More changes for meta game, playing 2-2-2 or 1-3-2

Their trying something new. hence why it’s an experiment. The more they get to test out new things. the more they can improve the regular game. this is them trying to fix the game, the fact you don’t seem to understand that confuses me.

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My experience playing Tank and Support:

Tank: Everything is on you. You aren’t allowed to make any mistakes and you have to be both the front line and the peel. Nobody is there for you unless you have something like a Mei to icewall and give you a little respite. D.va feels really bad. Zarya feels alright to overpowered. Any shield tank feels both needed and on farm status at the same time; your shield just doesn’t last under the assault of 3 dps and breaks almost immediately. Super long queue times so I ended up dropping out of it as I didn’t want to wait 10+ minutes to get into a match. You basically traded DPS and Tank queue times.

Support: Outside of Mercy and Lucio which felt alright, all the other supports are just BAD. You’re constantly dealing with a split team that you can’t effectively heal AND on near farm status to any of the 3 snipers or flankers who you have almost no counterplay against because of the lack of tank cover / peel. Would likely require a redesign of basically every support to have more self sustain / easier heal output on a spread team.

Other notes: Mei, like on live, is borderline a must for the space she provides. She also single handedly puts a character like D.va into the trash bin. Defense Matrix would need to block EVERYTHING including beams and freeze if you want her to be a main tank.

Snipers would need to be toned down as they basically have free reign without barriers to worry about.

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Just wanna give my feedback because most of not all comments here seem to be the vocal people who are against it.

I’ve been having a lot of fun playing this mode. And that is taking into account that is mostly quick play and not comp. I still would like to see more team play, but I can only assume it would be better for me, since I like the competitive aspect of the game. It feels a lot more like a shooter than a moba now. Things actually die even if tanks feel distinctly harder to kill (as tanks should be).

It might be too early to tell because it has only been one day but I’m loving it altogether.

I think the majority of negative feedback is due to expectations. I see a lot of tank and support players that entered the game thinking it would work like normal overwatch but worse. It obviously isn’t. People will have to relearn how to play the game and the expectations of doing things that work on live and failing are generating a lot of hate to this mode.

You can’t compare things to live, it’s basically an entirely different overwatch. There’s a lot more damage so you have to take that into account. Positioning matters more and it’s a lot easier to catch yourself feeding because it’s a lot harder for your teammates to bail you out. I think this is the major reason people have been having a bad time in this game, your mistakes matter more and for a competitive player like me, I’m all for it.

To address some of the complaints and showcase why they are a matter of expectations:

I see tank tank players complaining that they have to babysit their team instead of diving the backline. The thing is tho: that’s what tanks should do. Tanks keep the teammates alive and the best tanks are the ones who understand that their team depends on that. If you get away on live doing that is because the other tank is doing the that for you. Play a flanker dps, you feel more at home.

I see support players saying they can’t keep up with heals. But you don’t have to. Don’t blame yourself if you can’t heal as much as you can on live, it’s ok, there’s a lot more damage. It’s a shooter, some people are gonna die. I understand, people will be asking for heals and blaming you when you can’t bail them out of a feed, but they always did and always will. A sup’s job here it’s to identify where a heal will make the most impact towards a team fight win.

Also, remember that this isn’t comp and the match making is a lot broader. I’ve seen silvers playing in low diamond games. You gotta just gg next when that happens :confused:

WITH THAT SAID I agree with a lot of complaints about heroes being unbalanced (granted, I expected this, because the game has been balanced towards 222 during its entire lifespan). If this was to be implemented, a lot more heroes would have to be tweaked/reworked. Here’s a few things I noticed for the blizzard folks to think about:


  • Mei is very powerful against anything but zarya, because less abilities to stop freezing. Maybe remove multifreeze again?
  • Pharah is incredibly vulnerable now that people can pick 3 hitscan. On top of that, less damage mitigation and less heals overall because single target heals have to focus everyone else make her very bottom tier.
  • Sombra hacking a solo tank usually wins the fight. Now I don’t really have a suggestion here, this might be a big problem for the balancing team.
  • Cree and sym feel a little too vulnerable. Now, I don’t think they’re bad, but I have a feeling that the meta would steer away from them and more towards dps that have a “nop, I’m out” ability.
  • There is a TON of ults. People are charging ults like crazy. Increase ult costs across the board, please.


  • Hog is still a huge ult battery for the enemy team and has a bit of trouble creating space. If he’s going to take damage like crazy, I’d at least increase his damage too.
  • I’m not a tank player so I can’t comment much on other tanks, but I feel like Rein and Zarya are top tier, Dva is high tier and people really shouldn’t play anything else because it feels very underpowered when compared to the others.


  • Brig is basically useless against poke when she can’t proc inspire, so she might as well be converted to a tank that heals
  • Zen can’t heal enough pre and during fights. Maybe he should be converted to dps or given more harmony orbs to spread out.

Phew, that was a lot of words. If you read my post until here, I hope you have a nice day and someone gives you a cookie.

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