Those are both crappy choices, imo.
The answer is not two crappy choices, it’s a good choice.
Well right now the alternative is huge queue times for many players so hopefully they’ll come up with a happy medium.
My friends and I played Triple Damage all night.
Speaking from our experience, we were in agreement that we had more fun playing Triple Damage all night instead of actual quick play. We all had an opportunity to solo tank, and it was fun.
We played about 10 or 12 games, and I queued for all three roles every time. Oddly enough, I only got tank once. I actually got damage most of the night, which I found shocking. Speaking from the perspective of a dps player, this felt good.
You guys might want to fix the description of the banner to include “Experimental” on it.
For me 2/2/2 brought back a luster to play the game. I was tired of being either the only support or only tank. I don’t even want to be a tank currently because its the most unforgiving role. I could see the abilities they added into the off-tanks being an enjoyable addition in the 2/2/2.
If 3/2/1 gets into arcade it will be like a few arcade modes that I will never play. Gave it a try a handful, and will again after the tanks become more adept at solo tanking, and the dps hopefully work better with the supports.
Yeah I’ve actually been happy to hear some high ranking players suggesting blizzard invest the time and money to make 2/3/2 a thing to help fix queue times but not ruin tanking and supporting like this.
But yeah, if not 2/3/2, then making tanks more rewarding to play, or various other things, need to be tried because 1-3-2 just isn’t it.
Masters Off tank main here, my opinion on the changes go as followed,
i Dont like these changes
Blizzard killing off an entire role just for faster que times for dps is horrible/dumb/ stupid / bad in general. Like please dont let this change go live, tanking feels horrible right now and in the current game and inside of experimental mode. Like people have spent years mastering zarya, hog, and These changes will dramatically be effecting the main tank in the game. but thats alot of stuff in game lets talk about stuff out of game, like the pros and players who spent years mastering there tanks, where will they go, they become a main tank or DPS, but i think they will be beat by both people on there respected roles. Also It will hurt aspiring pros like T2 and under. I myself was set on going to college to play esports as an off tank but all that is now in jeopardy because of this change. I ask blizzard right now to please dont put this live, Tank players will just leave the game. Please find something else to reduce Q times.
If this change happens here are my thoughts on the heros currently
note, i wasn’t six stacking at the time and wasn’t talking so coordination was really not the best, i did duo q with a support main, hes says he can play mercy and just damage boost people.
Hog: you cant really walk out into the open and brawl, if you do you have to have both healers pocketing you, with the reduced hook cool down you can go for more hooks now, with you heal you can drop that down in a middle of a fight and just play in it on point, i found it helps you alot with brawl, thought against big damage like another hog or new rein. also flank hog is basically dead now accuse there team will likely just rush your team.
Zarya: I feel like she can work well with Dive Dps, she can just bubble everyone and they can just dive people with a zarya bubble, bubble now feels less skillful and the reduced damage hurts you at lower change . also i feel like there bubble can save everyone for a brawl comp with a rein, but i can see it working against dive so zarya might be anti dive.
D.Va: With alot more armor and defense matrix. you can dive more just once you run out of defense matrix (which is really hard). you can just fly away, so overall i think dva is really good here, probably one of the better tanks.
Orisa: On Defense you can run like triple sniper and just burn barriers while the enemy teams tries to attack you. You have to keep you space on Orisa or your barrier can just be burned down and now you there just trying to run away and wait for it off cooldown. Pull is even better now with 3 DPS.
Ball: no real changes to him in this mode , but he could already solo tank so this mode can see alot more ball play.
Rein: with his massive damage buff he is a must pick for brawl comps, i feel like he is one of the better tanks in this patch, note both supports have to pocket you if you want to be aggressive.
Sigma: with his barrier he is better in this patch than current game/ competitive play but can get overrun if focused down, cant brawl or dive, he can spam/ poke but thats about it, probably better against non organised team.
Winston: With his health buff it helps him in a dive but with no now you have be more careful in dive and use you barrier better. basically have to rely on your dps alot and keep in LOS of healers( Ana is almost a must pick for Winston).
Also here a little tier list of tanks that i this is good
S: Ball, Rein
A: Orisa, Dva
B: Zarya, winston,
C: sigma
Now all thats done it bring us with this,
All tanks must be run with a mei
Now off tanks are gone Mei is the closest thing you have to on off tank and with here walls and here freezes. you need here to help your tank.
I think thats concludes my first impressions of the experimental mode.
This is most definitely the thing. And not 25 credits or a free lootbox (maybe that is fine in the early levels of just joining) but tanking currently is a terror and there needs to be something done in that end to make it more enjoyable of a role. I sure would enjoy the abilities in the 3/2/1 being introduced in the 2/2/2 or something like that.
Hello. I’ve played this game sense season 2, I believe. Seen many changes. However, this change has the most potential in solving many issues with the game. Here are “my” thoughts.
1.) I love the idea of adjusting the meta like this. However, 1 tank won’t work. you need to extend this to a 2-3-2, adding a player for this to work. (In my opinion)
2.) I would love to effectively test this on this experimental card, however, I like playing this game for the teamwork. I played 7 games, in a row. Over an hour of gaming, and no one grouped up and healers were not prioritizing healing me as the only tank or the rest of the team for that matter. Sooooo, I want a rank system with this card to give other gamers a sense of wanting to win the game as a team, together, rather then just doing what ever. I understand it’s a game to be enjoyed in many different ways.
3.) The few games where there were more try hard gamers, wanting to win, work together, made for a “Very pleasant gaming experience!” Loved it, but still, need 2 tanks lol
4.) And finally, on a side not, In every game mode, besides arcade cards and especially “Experimental”, need to have “Ban Timers” for leavers! How can we test a good game mode, when 3 players here, 2 players there, leave and throw the gameplay off…
---Wowzer! Hope it doesn't sound too much like a rant. I am trying to give legit feedback without offending. Just some idea's and thoughts. ;)
With love ------- RED
as a gold OT player
i really enjoy these changes…
kind of an unpopular opinion.
even though i am getting paired up with masters and diamonds, i am able to actually do stuff.
when i play as damage, i can OT with mei pretty well.
i like it
also i pick smart heroes not hog
Useless to test as those would have to be completely reworked if this went live. Which is why the test experiment is fundamentally flawed. Only works if each team commits to playing only half the tanks in the game.
I think just increasing DPS slot by 1 is a better test.
Spam and CC comps are going to destroy a solo tank unless that tank of ridiculously OP. You really feel like D.Va is a necessity in these games.
Playing healers you are bad at (like no aim Anas) really punishes your team, as well.
It does open things up a bit more for snipers, though. DPS really have to work harder to counter, instead of depending on double dive tanks rotating onto them.
My two cents:
I LOVE 1-3-2. It’s the fast-paced action of OG Overwatch and any other FPS where individual skill can shine a lot more than in 2-2-2.
Now, of course, it needs many tweaks, but I truly truly truly hope this becomes an official game mode when more refined, even if it’s just side by side with 2-2-2 (which I don’t enjoy nearly as much).
Summarizing my observations of 1-3-2:
- Queue times are great!
- The tank changes are amazing. I love Roadhog!
- The tank change numbers are somewhat high for certain heroes, low for others. Zarya feels unstoppable, especially with a Lucio or Brigitte. Roadhog and in turn his entire team is shut down by CC or an Ana grenade.
- CC is too strong since there are fewer tank shields available and now there is a third damage dealer with CC option available to a team
- Damage across the board is just too high, allowing flankers and snipers (and McCree) to sow a great deal of chaos.
- I feel individual skill can be rewarded a great deal more than simply selecting a meta comp. There isn’t a meta just yet, so will be interesting to see how things change later.
Queue time: 1 minute
I suspect the queue is so long because everyone wants to try out the tank changes. Normally it’s the least queued role.
I’m not going to go through every single one, but it feels that Orisa has solidified herself as the de facto area control tank, and that the “off tanks” have kind of risen up to be pretty amazing in a main tank role. Zarya in particular is crazy powerful and I feel like as a flanker I get way more bubbles from her than I normally would.
Roadhog in particular I think people are going to sleep on; his team heal/damage resist allows him to finally hold a position and protect his team instead of hide behind cover for a hook. He CAN and probably WILL get gold medal for healing if he’s doing his job. His only issue is CC susceptibility, but 1) no hero should work in every situation, and 2) CC needs a look at anyway.
I don’t feel the loss of the second tank, primarily because we already have off tanks in the form of Mei, Brigitte, Doomfist, and even McCree. The former two provide a lot of defensive support on the frontline. Doomfist, like Winston and Wrecking Ball, greatly disrupts the enemy team’s formation, as does Brigitte. McCree and Mei provide a vital backline bodyguard role to protect the healers from flanker damage dealers and tanks.
Queue time: 0.5 minutes
Untouched balance wise, but way more vulnerable than in 2-2-2. It feels like I have to fight a bit more to survive, so I’m less focused on spamming healing on two burly targets and more on making split decisions for the greater success of the team. I feel more like I’m playing god, deciding who gets to live, as opposed to in 2-2-2 where everyone lives (or everyone dies due to a good enemy Ultimate).
I don’t think support needs too many tweaks just yet, because the biggest problem doesn’t fall on them…
Queue time: 0.5 minutes
Finally, we’ve achieved faster damage dealer queues!
But wait, we’re not in the clear just yet!
In 1-3-2, the damage is just too high. It feels that damage dealers have been balanced around 2-2-2, where more damage is needed to penetrate shields and all the healing. But now that there’s a third damage dealer and only one tank (with roughly a 20-30% defensive boost compared to the normal modes), all roles are going to be massacred mercilessly by the onslaught of incoming damage.
It’s nice to be able to play Genji again as he was originally designed, instead of a mere Nano-blade bot. But as I’ve been playing him in 1-3-2, I now remember why everyone wanted him nerfed every day back in 2016-7. Flankers, snipers, and burst damage dealers in general are going to have a field day in 1-3-2 and be relatively unstoppable. With the damage, notably the burst damage, of these aforementioned heroes reduced, I feel supports will be able to breathe a bit more and dive tanks will not feel like a hindrance to your team.
As a support, I will not be participating in 1-3-2 anymore because it isn’t fun and doesn’t make sense to me.
I played several matches today as Brig and Moira. It didn’t seem altogether different to me, but the overall speed felt a bit faster and I think there’s less room for error.
I think the tanks weren’t buffed enough given we only only have the one.
It also feels strange to have a solo dive tank. When they dive in, it leaves the back line exposed. And with three opposing dps, there a good chance the back line is threatened. The dive tanks also don’t have the same protection to retreat to, which may not be that big a deal.
Overall, I’m not seeing much reason (based on limited play) as to why this is better.
My problem with 2-3-2 is that while NA PC players would probably have really fast queue times, console overall and other regions would suffer, since there are less players. I don’t have the numbers but thats my perception so far, it would be a lot more chaotic (in a good way) and hardware demanding tho (which is bad).
Please don’t make this a permanent thing. This is what Overwatch was before 2-2-2 lock, only worse because you’re forced into the triple DPS comp that was universally hated by the community since the game’s inception. 2-2-2 was the single greatest change you guys added to the game.
DPS queues are long because of a fundamental problem with the game: there aren’t enough tanks, and the tank role is too complicated and too unfun to too many people. I think tanks just need to be reworked so that they’re fun the way DPS heroes and support heroes are.
Not good. I don’t like it. It’s too chaotic.
You should just make interesting tanks, that’s likeable for people to play, so people would play tanks. Instead of this 1-2-3 mess.
I’ve honestly hated the direction the game has gone and can’t play it much anymore out of frustration, BUT the changes on experimental felt great. I had fun again and the matches felt so much more engaging. I would actually play quite a bit more again if this was live in QP & Competitive.
It might be because everyone is back to that feeling of trying out things and experimenting, without trashing off meta picks or playing the same tired old formulas every match. Or maybe the changes just complimented my favorite heroes and playstyle. I’ve always liked 3/2/1 & quad DPS (4/1/1) comps before role queue. I won more often, had more fun, wasn’t upset at the losses, and felt the most useful in my main roles of support or DPS. I don’t play tank much though.
DPS queues were definitely shorter so that was a plus too. I just like how it felt. I didn’t care about the details or why exactly. But I think I’m done playing the main game until that feeling returns outside of experimental. The balance feels so broken. The games aren’t fun, win or lose. My heroes feel useless. DPS queues are too long. It’s not the Overwatch I once loved. At least I can enjoy that feel returning in experimental for now.
agreed. 2-3-2 meta would be better i think
Absolutely incredible gamemode! The volatility makes games way quicker, and feel much more rewarding. There is only one fatal flaw. If you or your tank do not choose a shield tank, the already ridiculously greasy Widowmaker and her tagteam grunklets McCree and Ashe can absolutely demolish your squishies before they wipe the singular chunky boi off the face of the planet. In certain situations, it is nearly impossible to deal with Widowmaker. She is incredibly disgusting in this gamemode, and completely removes all the fun. I personally would not play any 1/3/2 live if there is nothing done about her uncanny ability to pick off (sometimes) the entire team without being even close to reaching distance for a flanker/monkey. I have now spent 5 matches being stuck at a choke point with no advantage whatsoever, as long as the Widow can make that first domino fall by sneezing in its general direction. Hell, it doesn’t even matter if you pick a shield tank on some maps, as long as Widow has high ground.
If you follow through with 1/3/2 on live, DO NOT remove 2/2/2. If 1/3/2 is to exist, it has to coexist with 2/2/2. There are select players that can utilize 1/3/2, but not everyone is equipped to deal with that level of self-preservation as a squishy.