Experimental Transparency testing in the Forums

Your profile is private though op. We couldn’t see your hours on experimental even if they did have it.

How hard would it to be to save the changes made in this experimental as a workshop code?

And the word would be “oh god not again”

It’s because Mercy’s Exp patch changes aren’t fun to play, actively lower her skill ceiling, and demonstrates an overall obliviousness (on the balancer’s part) of how Mercy works that it’s so terrifyingly plausible.

After all, that’s how blizz has been handling Mercy since 2017.


Imagine spending time working on non-serious content while creators and players and professional players have been begging for real actual content for literal years.


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Yeah theyre putting her into sidelines sidekick (not a hero) territory by stripping everything that is related to her design philosphy of being a world class combat medic/ doctor, and just a enabling tether that follows around certain heroes.
Mercy is going the way of the dinosaur in terms of being a main healer, and off to pasture to be an off healer, but without the powerful defensive ult of one, and primarily used for the blue beam pocket, not only ruining Mercy, but the other heroes that rely on the pocket. Feels bad man

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