Experimental Sym is Balanced

The “joke” patch has actually given Sym the one buff she desperately needs.

She can finally charge her primary fire at a safe range, but is still vulnerable to close range dives (her weakness).

I’ve had so much fun playing Sym on the experimental (5 hours total so far). I especially like finding high spots to charge beam from (like the spinny thing on Junkertown 3rd point) that I wouldn’t have been able to effectively use with her 12m beam.

16m is definitely a bit too generous, but 15/14m would be a welcome change. Please devs! :pleading_face:


nah she’d still have plenty of down time as explained here:

i.e. at the end of the day, primary will always be MUCH more situational compared to orbs and a +3m or so on primary doesn’t amount to much (you wouldn’t be using it most of the time anyways).

if we really want to expand sym’s range and/or mobility, the following route is much better:

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IDK Zephrin I’ve been doing a lot more damage with increased range. Charging is easier and safer, so you don’t have to int to reach level 3.

Her primary feels a lot better to use now.


I love this change because

  1. Sym doesn’t get deleted in 2 seconds because she is too close to the enemy front line.
  2. Now if you want to deal with Sym you have to deal with her as a priority (because of her high damage) since she has no way to escape (the teleporter has a 2 second cast time) from dives, snipers and high bursts of damage in general(unless you’re outplayed)

I actually had a better reasoning but I forgot it :))

It’s been so fun to play Sym in experimental because I don’t actually get deleted for being too close to the enemy tanks. Actually it feels weird to play her in Qp now, lol.
I hope they bring that change live.


She takes like ~2.5s to charge up to level 3 to start having decent dps in the buffed ~15m range (if such a buff goes through) in which most heroes in the game would have killed if not about to kill her in that time.

Like again, adding like ~3m on her primary isn’t going to change the high amounts of resources needed to let sym use m1. It’s not like there’s a lot of effective range thresholds broken for sym’s threats in her going from 12m to ~15m either (like most heroes have and effective range of 15m or longer anyways) i.e. she’s very likely as easily killed which is observable in current expc.

I can kill flying heroes a bit better. I love the change. It doesn’t seem as crazy as other heroes.


Well, even then, I would be happy to just have this buff and take it slow because we know that a bunch of whinners are going to be like: “nO sHe iS So oP”

And I don’t want another Symmetra to be just like Roadhog (gets buffed, becomes meta and then gets nerfed until he’s worse than before)


they put 16m for symmetry. 15 would bug Symmetra out.

I’m not saying not to have it, but informing people that this buff doesn’t actually do much and she’d still be largely stuck in her status quo.

like in my thread that I quoted my points from, I say this primary buff, in agile terms, is more of a “nice to have” or “should have” level of priority rather than a “must have”.

what really is “must have” would be the orb and tp changes I suggested because those are tools that defs are no where near as situational (esp when the buffs are put through) and hence would be much more impactful/valuable/meaningful in helping her gameplay.

My biggest problem with Sym is being hard countered by heroes like Pharah. But the range increase makes it possible to deal with most members of overwatch. I think more heroes should get vertical mobility buffs. This would help with that dealing with vertical mobility and reaching heights as big as the skybox.

Just… My experiences… You know :wink:


I usually agree with you vibe but I actually dont.

I do think exp sym is balanced, but its not good. As of right now sym on EXP basically feels like playing a turret, you hold LMB and do literally nothing else. You don’t turret, you don’t put down TP (well you can but its weird).

Characters shouldn’t be forced into doing a single thing, with all their power into one ability. It’s not fun, its not really fair since symmercy is now practically unbeatable.

I still think they should buff other parts of her kit.

Oh also, she still gets blown up by basically all the same things, flash bang, hook, doomfist, ETC

I played it. I like the range buff.

16m feels good, almost too good.


You should still be doing your other stuff. People aren’t playing heroes they are good with on experimental. So it’s a varied experience. The strong heroes on it aren’t picked as much as they are now.

but then…


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except flying heroes like pharah can just fly higher out of range of primary anyways and still just outpoke a sym… :thinking:

like orbs would still be the better weapon fire to expand effective range on for that…

arguably this would also be included by my suggested buffs (because tp being improved to reach higher platforms for height) :stuck_out_tongue:

like this is why I’m saying orb being renumberd + tp being made betters as sym’s self mobility are the actual “must have” changes and not a slight extension to primary. improving orbs and self mobility tp makes sym SOOO much more independent in getting uptime.

Orb is prediction. Doesn’t work well with a 3d combat. The laser that is basically a hitscan is more reliable. Porting helps gain elavation. The 16m diameter from sym is overall the best buff for the type of maps we have. Orbs feel like a spam/zoning option. They are only sort of reliable in close range. The best bang for your buck is the laser. I would say her and junkrat and reaper sort of struggle being hardcountered by heroes like Pharah. The changes to reaper sort of make it easier to deal with her for example. If more heroes will be airborne it would make sense for a laser buff.

I hope she can keep a version of a longer beam since in improved her survivability.

the faster the projectile the range where prediction is more needed is further away. like compare say ana’s no scope darts vs say sym orbs. at like 15m or so ana’s no scopes are effectively hitscan whereas sym orbs you still need quite a lot of prediction irrespective of how large the projectile size is and is inconsistent because of that. and the reason is basically because that’s how fast ana’s darts are.

that direction is what I’m saying to head for with orbs. not necessarily getting ana’s like >100m/s projectiles but have it fast enough (with considerations to projectile size and fire rate) that it is legit aimable in midrange without needing to lead too much (i.e. need too much prediction). atm it defs nowhere near that rn.

except flying heroes like pharah just need to land 2 shots which defs take much less time compared to primary’s low dps to get a kill on them… and again, they can just fly higher to take 0 damage…

Sym can path through hallways and set turrets up to deal with flyers. That plus her port plus her long range beam makes flyers much more manageable. If a Pharah is pocketed and giving you trouble switch to someone like the new soldier lol. Overall it helps with much of her gameplay.