Experimental Mode Recap – July 27

The lock-on nerf should have gone through, but I’m happy with this nonetheless.


I respect your opinion even though I disagree as he is still quite strong, and against objectively better than pre-buff Genji for sure.

I am aware that once you recieve any buff that reduce ones Rate of Fire or Cast-Time, they are going feel more fluid and having those reverted even though it been the same for years- can make anyone dislike the whole going backwards approach. However, like I stated, just increasing his ultimate by 10% will hardly do anything… let alone people have been complaining about the damage and the RoF, in which were the two things that was reverted.

Like me? thats so nice of you to generalize, i might actually become like most of Genji mains, cause there is no point in being one of the few good guys who actually want friendly environment. Also, worry not, cause i’ll adapt and kick your butt and make you cry for nerfs again.

Hes not stronger than pre buffs, cause we only got deflect cancel and spread buffs. I rather get rewarded for hitting a good shot with his old spread than get nothing out of a new spread with reduced firerate. I literally in my entire life never asked for these buffs and was already happy with pre buffs Genji. I only wanted him buff so i could enjoy watching pro plays to become a better player, which didn’t quite happen, cause he got kinda cheese to play as.

Damage is through the roof because they increased shuriken damage AND buffed his spread making triple headshots super easy to land, which is just a stupid change. If he had the old spread with these buffs, i can guarantee you he’d not be half the issue he is, and even if he was, a 20% ult charge increase would already do wonders. If not, then 30-40-50 or just remove the damn ult from the game for all i care. I only wanted 30 damage shurikens out of the 4 buffs to go through, so that i get rewarded for putting myself at risk and hitting a triple headshot melee combo.


For the Nth time, Moira doesnt have lock on.


I honestly think the AoE Fade is not a bad idea, but it needs to not share CD with the original Fade which is the cause of the community backslash imo.

If AoE fade was on a separate cool down, like 12s or longer and can only be used when the original fade is on cool down (allowing moria player to use the same keybind), it would actually work. Furthermore, the AoE fade can be tweek to have a longer cool down and duration like be as long as 30s CD and last 2s to match Baptise’s IF and Mercy’s Rez ability.

I really don’t care.


For the Nth time, no one cares what you call it, either way the hitbox is far too big and needs to be reduced.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a lock on or not when it’s hitbox is 6x bigger than Zarya’s beam.

Fr so annoying :roll_eyes:


It’s still the easiest way of describing how her primary works. She definitely has aim assist.


The reason it was criticized its because it wasnt anywhere near as impatcful as people believed at first - it doesnt counter any tank ult other that Dva’s ult. Too short vs Grav and doesnt dispell stuns, effectively making it useless against almost every AoE tank ult, while making it good only against already weak dps like Mei or Sym.

You need to undo half his buffs outright… every dimestore weeb is getting value for nothing now…

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Honestly I’ve tried it and it didn’t see much of a difference, like you could barely notice it.

Maybe not aim assist but when your beam hitbox is fatter than Roadhog and 20m long, it’s pretty hard to NOT hit whatever you’re aiming in the general direction of.

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Its just a beam with an animation that only looks like one because you cant make beam/spray animations show/display a ‘‘succ’’ effect with clarity. It doesnt behave like a lock-on, and it goes entirely by enemy model.

Funny how you say the words ‘‘aim assist’’ because hitscan and proyetile get literal aim assist enemy hitboxes sometimes double the enemy hero’s model. Unlike beams.


Which was why in my post, I say the possibility of increasing the duration to 2s. Well the dev can tweek it still, but the issue imo, is having access to the ability too frequently. If the duration is too long, it would rival Lucio’s Ult as well as not having the weakness of Baptise IF.

There are also unintentional side-effect like the ability prevent teammates from healing allies who got the temporary team fade effects and other.

We don’t need Genji to be a better tank buster than Reaper.


Cheers dev team :slight_smile: Thank you for trying experiments! The Moira changes were interesting!

P.S. Mind sharing any other heroes you guys are looking at?

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People are insane about the Moira beam and the orb thing.

You get that those are straight nerfs? For an already decidedly mediocre hero? Why would anybody want that? It’s like nerfing soldier 76.


I hope you guys can understand that for many of us support players Moira is a necessity when we’re struggling to fend for ourselves. In an idea world our teams would always be there to help, but we all know that isn’t reality.

Teams often lack the awareness or are otherwise unable/unwilling to help the support, and Moira often makes the game playable in these situations due to her personality survivability. Seeing as Moira is one of the weaker supports at higher ranks and clearly less capable of enabling her team than stronger picks like Brig and Ana, I think it comes with a very fair tradeoff.

Simply put, Moira often makes the game playable for us regular players and her fade (and its cooldown) is a big part of that. Please find ways to adjust Moira while not nerfing her personal survivability.

Seeing as she is already one of the weaker supports anyway, I feel like upward adjustments should doable without making her less capable of fending for herself.


You got a cancel-able Deflect along with a duration increase. (2)

Spread Buff. (1)

All in which the old Genji did not have.

I feel you on this because I know with the changes to Sombra, I most definitely did not want nor asked for the changes that we have today, it is just something I had to learn to adapt to.

I also played the experiment mode a lot this go around, and you can still perform the same combo’s with Genji, however, it is not so “bursty” or “quick” due to the RoF and Spread buff.

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The ‘’’’‘unskilled’’’’’ hero abused bad Gengu players for too long, thats why! Burn the anti-flanker witch!