Experimental Mode – Quality of Life November 2020

This Brig nerf that is in the works in Experimental will make her completely unplayable. No one will want to play her. If you guys are going to go through with giving her 150 HP then you might as well just remove her from the hero roster altogether. Seriously.


Please don’t leave Brig like this. She was utterly useless at 200 hp. She needs to be tanky in order to have value. Please look into Repair Pack instead of nerfing her health back. I’m begging you. :sob::sob::sob:


Ive stopped playing months ago but like to pop in from time to time to see if it worth coming back… seeing that the bias balancing is still going on makes me sad.

See ya next year hopefully the winter break clears the mind of the balancing team.

Seriously, Brigitte, one of the most unique support heroes and unique heroes in this game gets gutted so the status quo can remain. Brigitte lost much of her uniqueness after her rework in 2v2v2 changes. And its becoming even more apperent that she absolutely what so ever is NOT supposed to be played like a tank/support, WHICH IS WHAT HER ENTIRE CHARACTER IS SUPPOSED TO BE!

Stop trying to make Brigitte a generic support, it doesn’t work with her tool kit, she’s a tanky melee support. Make her heals weaker and let her be the tank/support she was always supposed to be!

Its so infuriating to have one of my favorite heroes in this game be reduced this. Makes me not want to play this game anymore.


Please fix. This fixes Pharah hard. Please


Let Mercy cancel resurrect.


what the hell happened to the pharah buff?

its too powerful an ability for that to be the case her rez is one of the only times shes truly vulnerable due to her high mobility

Keep it up with the QOL!

  • Let Symmetra mash TP until the surface is valid instead of forcing her to wait through a 0.5 second animation to pull it up again if she misclicks
  • Put a triple chevron indicator above Symmetra to indicate to allies what charge level she is at any given time
  • Mark the sentry that Symmetra will replace if she casts another while 3 are deployed with a darker blue on the hud indicator
  • Give Symmetra a hero specific setting to default Photon Barrier orientation to vertical vs horizontal
  • Make reinhardt dynamically transparent the closer he stands to allies (or at the very least, to bastion who suffers the most with this)
  • Allow players to refuse rez and give mercy the chance to save the ability if the refusal happens within 0.25 seconds of the ability cast
  • Adjust the transparency on literally all of Moira’s abilities to reduce clutter
  • Give Ashe a “prompt-and-confirm” option in hero specific settings so she can aim B.O.B. without error
  • Have the POV return to Junkrat immediately after the detonation of Riptire instead of focusing on the explosion for roughly 1 second

These are all the changes I can think of off the top of my head, but QOL are always appreciated

I’d still add this
Wallclimb heroes:

  1. Angle of attach increased to 40º
  2. Now camera is locked at the 40º degree (you can’t turn around more the camera) and only de deattaches when you stop pressing the jump button.
  3. If you’re attached to a wall’s relieve and you’re still holding jump button when you’ve finished wallclimbing the relieve, you instantly attach to the base wall (idk if I explained myself).
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How’s about a change to the soul and rez mechanics for a QOL change? Make it so that dead teammates can hit the spacebar to displace their soul back to the respawn room while they wait for respawn. This means if they specifically don’t want revived, they can just do that and Mercy doesn’t need to waste time interacting with a soul that may not want it.

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I dont see why its necessary to revert the brig HP to 200. This hero is the only real answer to any dive characters rather than just evading them. there must be an option as a support to switch to when getting farmed. She is a shadow of herself anyways. There is absolutely no reason the remove 25HP from her pool


They removing it because Brigitte is able to fight heroes that she was made to counter. Cant have her being anything but a free kill.


a real quality of life, and a boost much more impactfull then any HP given to symmetra would simply allow her to place teleporter without the need to destroy it first then wait. The cooldown would be much higher, obviously, like 30+ seconds but when placing the 2nd teleporter the 1st one would simply vanish just like when you place the 4th turret… This would allow her a much more dynamic playstyle.

Im still waiting to see 25 armor Pharah (200 total) and 175 Genji (with better shurikens) btw.

Have you ever considered adding a long press feature to Ana’s Biotic Grenade?

A tap of the key will make it act the way it does now. While holding the key down, the exploding interactions will change. Ana will throw it but it won’t explode and will pass through friendly targets. It should still explore when it hits a surface or enemy. When you do let go, without hitting a surface, it will then act like a normal grenade and explode on everything including friendly targets. That way you can toss it through close friendly targets and then let go as it passes through them to hit your friendly target further in front of you.

Would take some getting used to. Holding for longer throws and just tapping for short ones. Not sure how the experimental set up feels but I do know sometimes people like to “prep” full targets.


I think Brigitte is in a better place with her 225 health but her heal packs are still so underwhelming. I hate throwing three packs on a low health Zarya just to see her die before they have a chance to heal her. Leaving me without full repair packs charges for 18seconds! Originally Brig had an instant heal on her repair pack (with armor) and many dps complained it was too overpowered. (Meanwhile Ana can throw a grenade and instantly heal her team while preventing enemies from being healed…) But I digress.


For each additional repair pack used on a target with repair pack active the hps increases by 5hps.

Currently 1 repair pack heals for 55hps for two seconds. (110hp per pack)

If all three packs are throw immediately on a target the HoT are still 55hps but last for 6 seconds. (330hp)

If my buff was implemented, so long as the a repair pack was still active on the target the hps would instantly increase by 5 hps for the remainder of the time the repair pack is active.

So three instantly cast repair packs would heal for 65 hps for 6 seconds. (390hp)

The hps increase would be situational and allow Brig to have more options when healing against teams trying to exploit her ranged heals.


Brigette has the longest downtime of any healer when on cooldown and out of range.

Mercy, Zenyatta, and Lucio can dish out heals at any moment if needed.

Ana and Baptist have to reload but, for the most part can also dish out heals continuously.

Moira and Brigette however rely on enemy presence in order for their heals to work effectively.

Moira needs to use her primary fire to regain her healing spray and Blizzard increased its’ passive regeneration to help Moira heal when no targets were readily available. She can at least spray every few seconds in an attempt to increase heals until her orb is off cool-down or an enemy allows her to regain recourses.

Brigette however has no way to quickly heal her team if the enemy team decides to break your Rein’s shield at range.

When in a bad situation where inspire isn’t available Brigitte’s options for healing a low health tank are:

Throw heal packs in increments of 2 seconds. Because throwing all three immediately would be a waste if the tank is burst down and ur packs are all on cooldown. This means Brigette has to monitor the Tanks health before tossing the second repair pack, leaving her distracted from monitoring the back line.

Throw all three heal packs and hope they don’t die before the slow HoT does it job.

Push the front line and peel for your tank. As a Brigitte main I can tell you the last place you want to be is on the front line when your tanks are low health but sometimes your fragile shield and a whipshot are enough to let your tank recover.

P.S. I typed this a day before the most recent experimental. If you reduce her health to 200 without buffing her somewhere else I will lose all respect for this game. You’re even buffing pharah!! Isn’t that a big enough nerf to Brigg??

Played a few matches between QP and Experimental to compare the Brigitte changes and it’s astonishing how much more easily I’m dying with just -25 HP. It also seems to me based on what I’ve read elsewhere that in the higher tiers, she’s still able to stay alive with 200 HP because of those players’ better timing and coordination. I’m concluding that this is the wrong nerf, seeing as how it makes her unenjoyable to play at mid- and low-ranks and does not make her less effective at higher ranks. Since the major complaint I read is more in regards to the amount of value she provides instead of survivability, I recommend nerfing that instead, maybe in the form of Repair Pack nerfs.

she has the lowest support pick rate in the game. +25 hp was going to make her a top pick or viable? You know she used to have 200hp 50armor with a 600 shield right?

she has the lowest pick rate of any support…

Not in GM.
Not in high-masters (which is also consistently GM if you’re a Tank or Support).

Overbuff isn’t reliable. :smile: