Experimental Mode – Quality of Life November 2020

Another QoL for this one would be making it so it no longer cancels deployment when you click and invalid location like Reaper’s shadow step.


Sounds pretty good, will try this later.

She uses less resource when healing. It is a buff.

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PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS. It is so stupid that it cancels you out of the deployment queue just because map geometry doesn’t like you.


The real change that needs to be made is buffing Rein and Orisa. It’s actually insane how bad main tanks are right now. And if you’re scared of double shield coming back, you can honestly further nerf sigma’s shield. His shield isnt even the reason why he’s that good to begin with.

But honestly at this point, Rein does need 2000hp shield because he’s just really useless without it, and currently orisa cant be played unless it’s like junkertown, and she’s not even the best available pick there.


I’m a pharah main, and I can totally feel it. You just accelerate downwards quicker when holding control. like a fast fall in smash.


ALSO could you please make it so supports say “Come to me for healing” instead of “Group up with me” when they press X looking at an ally? I’ve seen it happen a few times, we know the lines exist.


Maybe I’m just doing it wrong or something idk

just hold control…

I’m on console oof :v

As if Ana needed a buff.

Infinite healing range. Most powerful non-ult ability in the game. Longest CC in the game. 1339487% pick rate.

Yeah, buff grandma.


(And yes, not having to position as much is a buff. And increasing the chance that your ability will be more effective is a buff!)


If I may make a suggestion for another Symmetra Quality of Life: allow her to destroy specific turrets. It sucks to accidentally misplace a turret and you have no choice but to wait for the cooldowns so you can cycle through all of them and end up destroying the old ones first when those were already where you want them. A bit of a niche situation, but it happens often enough.


Nerfing a hero with no compensation is not a QoL change, and specifically doing it to Brig when she’s still not all that effective?

Y’all can’t see Samito for the clown he is


I think it will be good. For those worried about ana, splash on ground instead. Brig needs something else than health, maybe longer bash range to get away. Moira change is poggers, I couldn’t play her after the change. Pharah players have been asking for that change. But spending fuel to go down? I dunno, we wanted more air uptime.

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Y’all have the cheek to nerf Brigitte again after she was proven useless with anything less than 225 health and call it quality of life?!

Just stop nerfing her!! She’s fine!

If you must nerf her, nerf the range of Inspire to 15m but buff it’s healing to the 16hp/s over 6 seconds (95 total).

Just give it a damn break, will ya? I’m honestly tired of her being your little damn lab rat. This is actually disgusting.


OK, first off, I really like the sound of the various actual QOL changes. :heart: Just little nice things to give people more options

But then we have this:

Brigitte: Base health reduced from 175 to 150”

PLEASE NO. I’m sorry. I am really sorry. I try to be positive see the good in everything, but this just hurts too much right now.

Brig just got the +25 HP two weeks ago. Unless I’m mistaken, lately whenever other characters have gotten buffs that the playerbase were wary of, you gave them plenty of time to see if things would even out first. You didn’t just revert it on the very next Experimental like this. Please give Brigitte the same chance.


But Mercy still can’t cancel Rez…


Why is doom still getting ignored? :frowning: It’s obvious he’s trash now.

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This is so stupid. Nerfing Brig again? Just leave her like she is. Just because Samito hates brig doesn’t mean we all hate her. She’s perfectly fine how she is now. She’s not too overpowered but not too bad either. Samito can’t kill a brig on Doom, so he goes to rant about how busted he thinks she is. Just leave her alone for one patch jesus


ahhahahahha im deeaaaaaaaaad.

175----> 150.


And for whoever says that Brig didn’t need a nerf, you’re mistaken. At this rate, Brig would’ve became one of the top supports in the game and make many other heroes unviable. I’m glad they reverted the buff, as an increase in HP was not what Brig needed. Instead, she needs a complete rework to her base kit.