Experimental Mode – Moving the Meta with Hero Updates




  • No idea were this will leave the hero but the increased self heal is nice and make you less dependant on other healers.

Orisa isn’t that fun of a hero and nerfing halt will make that worse.
Being unable to enviro people anymore will suck too.

-Nice stuff

-I remember you saying hog being able to oneshot was an issue and it’s going back. I don’t care either way but buff his oneshot abilty seems anti tank.

-Nerfing him more because of double barrier sucks and forcing him into a off tank only role will limit options in tank role.


  • This is OPAF look forward to exploiting the hell out of it.


Overall, you again are making tank role worse and less versatile because of one issue in the game and OWL. Legit either make when you play double barrier the barrier’s are nerfed or let you only play 1 barrier tank in the tank role and focusing on making the tank role more fun.

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I disagree. The reasons why it’s been stagnated, have a lot to do with how powerful the dual barrier was. It’s not going to be as good, due to the tanks themselves getting crippled to a state more in line with the others.

I disagree with them not hitting both Winston and Reinhardt as well.

You better change him. The very least to do is let him use orbs when reloading. Right now, orbs cancel his reload aimation and seeing how fast he runs out of ammo and it’s a long animation (can’t cut it that much shorter with melee), he ends up sitting there reloading half the game.

Why the hell satan in a fur coat has more impact and health then Brig? 150hp, really? At least 200 must be. Brig should have slower melee attack, provide additional armour to her teammates by healpacks, and get back 50 damage from shield bash. Just nerf her melee attack, not other parameters

Like usual, It’ll all go live and there is no hope.


Why are you asking for my feedback? I’m not “at the highest level of play”. :sweat_smile: My opinion is worthless to you.


Hopefully they reconsider the sigma changes. That hero is awesome and It’d be horrible to see him nerfed like this.


We’re* viewing each character, individually against the current state, without the consideration of other changes? Does that help, not sure how else to explain it.

This is OPAF look forward to exploiting the hell out of it.

Your whole post is invalid after you said this.


Well once again we are back to damn Lucio after the Brig nerfs if they go through. Thanks Blizz, its nice to know that Ana+Lucio are the only “approved” Supports in the game.

I hope they keep their promise to “look into him” to stop him being such a damn must pick absent Brig.


What about mercy???
that’s still an option.

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They don’t like her either tbh, look at her anemic healing.

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I guess Brig is harder for Genji to kill, gotta change that.

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honestly you make sense, i was looking at only the roadhog changes and thinking that changes nothing but when i look at the roadhog changes while looking at orisa and sigma changes then that changes a lot more, still wish they tried the 3-1-2 roadhog changes but at least roadhog is better now

I am too tired this morning, cause I definitely read it wrong and thought it was nerf (like increased charge time). So thank you for spelling it out in the simplest terms.

Thank goodness! These nerfs to Sig and Orisa are much needed. For Orisa’s Halt though, I am having a similar issue to when you increased Junkrat’s concussion mine speed. Since halt moves so fast, it can not be activated in time on enemies within a close range, unless shot into the ground or another surface.

With regards to the Roadhog changes; I don’t understand them. This feels like an overall nerf to the hero. Reducing the fire rate and the ammo capacity to 5 reduces his overall damage per second, even when you take into account the overall damage output increase per shot (150 to 175) . Per clip he will do 25 damage less to shields. The extra damage per pellet makes one-shotting easier which is fine, but why is this change needed? With the removal of overheal armor packs from brig, do we really need this extra burst damage? It makes hog easier to play and better for players who are not as practiced on one-shot techniques for different hero’s character models. Again, I’m not suggesting this is a bad thing, but is it necessary? And is it a change to the hero that brings him more into the meta limelight? I do not think so. Also, he just feels slower to play and it feels like a reverse quality of life change.

All this said, coming from a GM Tank player, thank you for continuing to make changes frequently, fast, and meta-affecting.

They gave him back his nearly guaranteed ohko, but with it they reduced his rate of fire. It’s a revert.

What r u on about iris wig we’re op before this

I’m just thinking…

So this hero updates are being tested BECAUSE of high level players? All of this is for them? I mean, they’re the smallest amount of players in the game but the recent updates are being focused only in their gameplays?

Are you not worried about what could happen in your major player base? Most than half of your players are from there but it feels like you’re just balencing the game for the high level players.

Pharah will destroy the lower ranks like that, especially in console for example.

I feel a little frustrated with this. Not specific with these changes but because it feels Blizzard do not care about lower ranks. If higher ranks complains about some hero, he/she gets nerfs but as soon as that hero do not bother them anymore Blizzard is fine with it, even if lower ranks still struggles with.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not in a lower rank so these changes could and will help me but… I feel all of this is for just some people not for the most of. I love this game and I’m not complaning about these changes… but…