Experimental Mode – Moira Hero Updates, Take Two

The cleansing part was literally the best aspect of the ability, because anti-nade has no viable counter.

Please, do not let this go through. This is so bad. And why would you nerf her biotic grasp? She needs that for her healing resource. If you make it harder for her to maintain it, then buff her healing in some way (not necessarily higher healer).

Who are the people that say Moira is unfun? Who.


Hmmmmm, intrigued to see how this plays.

Cheers tho Molly!

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Moira orbs are all about using the level in your favor: pushing the team fight to narrow corridors so the orb can bounce many times and cumulate it’s effects. Changing it to a sticky Zenyatta-like orb with limited damage is an awful idea.

Worse yet since it will make the two orbs operate with completely different mechanics.


Well it’s not working. Time to stop trying


I remember when they said that about Mercy


This is 50-50

This is kinda bad if barriers comes back to existence

What’s next, Coalessence gets block by barrier? What even is this change, an April’s fools joke out of place?

Could be max 2 or 3 instead of 1.

Doesn’t matter much.

Give back the cleansing one, it was finally a viable Anti-Nade counter, but make it work differently than “after exiting” as it’s counter-intuitive to gameplay for self-fade.

For the love of this game, why nerf Sigma and attempt putting Sigma back and making Zarya even more meta in all situations. I can say this is the worst outcome to be added to both these abilities.

Can you guys explain the intent behind that specific change at a large scale, because combined with current patch, Zarya’s basically the jack of all trades if it occurs.

Fine with the changes.

Overall : Bad experiment, juggle more with the changes than this. It’s incredibly bad in action than what it sounds like on paper.


Seriously, I don’t know anyone who actually had a problem with the cleanse itself. It was the grav/flux interactions and the immortality. But nah, can’t have things in this game we’ve been asking for SINCE DAY ONE I guess.


ok i tested it for a few seconds.

the fade changes are fine. however.

the orb just feels…odd… the discrepancy between how both orbs work it just doesnt feel right. one orb bounces all over the place and the other one doesnt? one is aoe and the other sticks?

even if you stick it…its kinda eh…not that useful


So… I always thought you were meaning to make Moira have more potential for greater difficulty. These patch notes read like a straight nerf across the board, some of the nerfs being greater or less depending on how “good” you are.

Like on the surface, the damage orb looks pretty good, but when you realize it’s Moira’s only burst damage and it wasn’t all that great to start with, you gotta wonder why you’d make it impossible to use without hitting someone in a game with barriers, defense matrix, sigma’s absorb, zarya bubbles, etc. She isn’t a dps with lots of other damage options (except her low damage attack that you’re also nerfing) and this isn’t some incredibly powerful utility item like anti-nade or sleep dart. It’s… a low damage orb even in the version you’re changing it to. You’re just making it worse.

And then there’s Fade. Fade is the primary way in which Moira benefits the team by shaking easily distracted dps like Genji/Tracer/Doomfist/Damage Moira’s and you want to increase the cooldown to give some 1 second Fade that doesn’t even cleanse anymore? If you do an 8 second cd on Fade with added features, Moira is going to stop using Fade as a constant escape, fearing they’ll need it later. And you’re going to wind up nerfing her to greater and greater degrees if people ever do find some useful quality to it, which means that 6 second cd will become 10 or 12 second cd’s. So either your new Fade has to suck to keep that 8 second cd (already too high on her only escape) or it’s going to find some magical use we can’t imagine now and you’ll have to nerf it’s effectiveness.

Either way, that’s worse.

Uh… and on first blush, those two seconds are going to be an eternity when you also took away her primary defensive attack to scare away Tracers and Genji’s. Sure, I don’t use damage orb all that often, but the option was always there. Now it won’t be.

And just looking at the changes as a whole, I can’t help asking why you’re NERFing her across the board when, if you wanted to make her “fun to play,” you’d make her at least as effective as she used to be nominally and then have the skilled players have the potential for greater heights.

Right now, she’s going to be objectively worse for the regular players and still worse (but not quite as much) for even the best Moira players. And the only thing you’re adding to help is a Fade that is practically worthless in most scenarios.

I don’t get these changes. I don’t get why you’re obsessed with changing Fade without a clear understanding of what people use it for or why it’s important. I don’t get how you think the damage orb being made worse in every way imaginable is going to improve skillshots with the character.

There are so many other characters in dire need of a rework, why are you looking at Moira at all? She’s fine. She does her role, she’s fair except to some Genjis and Tracers that would prefer she wait the 8 seconds to die as supports are always supposed to do to flankers apparently, and she’s nothing special.

Stop trying to make Moira worse and call it, “making her more skill oriented” and either make her have a higher skill ceiling with higher damage potential or leave her alone and go rework Bastion who desperately needs help.


wait just a god dam freaking minute. You are telling me that we got a nerf to fades cooldown and you took out the best part of the previous fade experiment which was cleansing status ailments? WTF Now I have to fade into danger to give 1 second damage immunity to my team while not cleansing them? Make it stop, just stop please. You are fixing what is perfectly functional, leave her alone I’m begging you.


Moira’s orb change might have been more interesting if it stuck to a shield instead of being destroyed by it. Instead of trying to kill the ability, reduce damage and give it more utility instead. Or bake it in healing orb with an increased CD.

I think the biggest thing I have against this (in regards to removing the cleanse) is that with someone that has a cleanse ability, it gives the balance team room to give power back to the nerfed CC heroes like Mei, Orisa, and Doomfist, but not anymore I guess.

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Those changes seem more focused on nerfing her than increasing her skill. You’re just nerfing the dmg orb to the point where there’s no worth in using it, you might as well remove it.


Nice, so content creators discord is now the ones creating the experimentals?

These Moira changes were Samito’s idea… imagine nerfing a hero based on the bias of a person who dislikes the hero.


Wait, does this mean fade won’t cleanse anti?

I am sure I’ve seen Samito propose these exact changes to Moiras damage orb.

Thank you indeed molly. Now we know for sure where the balance teams loyalty lies


once again this results in another indirect sym nerf, lmao.
for some odd reason i kill off sym even more quickly with this rework, even if shes at max charge… then again everyone hates sym moira mains included so i guess they are happy with this change. skill orb isnt hard to hit either, atleast its easier to connect than a sym orb. moira still doesnt require aim either… its p much the same

That’s some scary crap dude, you believe that the hero is OP - incredibly reliable while she isn’t. She’s easy to play cause her kit is mechanically potato but you’re better off playing other heroes in most cases.


*most cases till u hit masters
5 ranks is still a lot

So Tanks and supports are in serious trouble and you are testing a nerf no one asked for on a character no one is worried about?

Also why are you nerfing Reaper vs tanks when he is supposed to be an anti tank character?