Experimental Mode – Hero Balance February 2021

Roadhog sitting in the corner. A tear streams from behind his mask.

Well when plats and below learn that there is natural cover, and don´t rely on a shield that isn´t that reliable anymore anyway.

Unfortunately I have to say that is the players responsibility not Blizzard´s.


And still no Roadhog nerfs.


I wish Experimental Mode would actually try experimenting with new ideas. The 1-3-2 mode was so much fun to play and was really the last time this mode was used for anything interesting.

That said, Orisa used to be so much fun to play. This buff doesn’t fix her not being fun to play anymore.


Another poopy patch

Still will be crap and unused. You killed off ALL of her utility. In her shield and her ability to displace enemies. I didn’t pickup Orisa from 1 tricking Hanzo and Doom because I wanted to play a scuffed Bastion. I picked her because I wanted to Tank which these changes do not bring her closer to.

Doing the same crap you did with Tracer

Nice, he’s even weaker against Rein+Zarya comps now. Why does Rein have the passive he does if you’re just going to nerf all knockbacks regardless? 5 head mystery plays from Dev team once again.

Going to repeat what I wrote back in 2018. The only actually change that Hammond needs was a revert to being able to use E while grappling. Stop minimizing weaknesses unless you can actually justify the change.


I basically ignore winrates, because there’s too much statistical noise for then to mean what people think they mean.

Usually it just seems to be that it just shows how likely a hero is to be played more on Defence than Attack.

Attack focused heroes, (I.e. Get a pick, but not great at holding off repeated attack) like Hanzo, tend to have low amounts of time spent on Attack.

So if there’s any time weighting on Winrates, then low amounts of time on Attack is weighted less.

Why would devs deliberately make queue times worse?


Tbh, that’s not going to happen. And hiding behind corners all map to avoid snipers, isn’t really compelling gameplay.

That’s what Valorant and CounterStrike are for.

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That´s how any shooter is played in this world is played except for Overwatch because it had this super strong “cheating” one side covers for ages.

Guess you’ve never played a shooter game that wasn’t strictly a tactical shooter.

I miss any "Tanks from FPS games"?

This game also doesn’t burden it’s snipers with things like aim punch, bulletdrop, lengthy rate of fire delays or lack of escape options at close range.

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Quite the opposite I never played a tactical shooter.

Almost all shooters that aren’t strictly tactical shooters, don’t have you hiding behind a corner all map long to avoid snipers.

Much less be concerned about “Feeding Ult Charge”

Or AntiHealing grenades

Or Earthshatters

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devs are just out of the loop of their own game.

I think what reaper is really missing right now is either a viable gap closer to allow him to be played as a flanker assassin dps, or the sustain to allow him to be able to carry through long drawn out brawler fights.

To implement a gap closer you could give him a movespeed buff when walking towards enemy heroes.

To allow for a more brawly style of play you could either give him stacking life steal (e.g. you gain 5% life steal on unique kill, stacking up to 6 times, which is reset after 5 seconds), or you could give him ammo resets (even 4/8 shots) on kill.

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Wait so the essentially nerfed reaper ?

You guys need to give wrecking ball an ammo meter for his ability to swing around things so he can’t swing around an objective point infinitely.


just reduce how OFTEN he can knockback??? remove infinite rolling ffs

edit: sorry tornado lol I know you were just showing the patch notes

Because the game’s balance would be better.

“And rein+other tanks were already hard to displace too”


IDK someone with hundreds of hours on him needs to FEEL the changes

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