Experimental Mode – Hero Balance February 2021

Why are there always people in the forums complaining about not getting a symmetra buff? Do you guys forget she got a beam charge rate increase of 20% 3 times? And 25 extra health.
The only nerf she’s had was the secondary orb going back to 120 damage.


Orisa buff is insane and I say this as an Orisa main. Buff her weak barrier please, this is a bit much

Good Winston buff

Bad Ball nerf

Reaper I would have to try before leaving an opinion


In a month or two when they actually release a balance patch with more than 3 small changes.

Thanks Josh. Going to have to test the Reaper and Orisa changes, like the Winston and Ball changes!

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why are the people complaining about symm being too good always stupid?

shes had her beam dmg reduced against armor almost every patch

also the reaper changes are such a spit on the face, you buff a hero just because everyone loves him in casual play and use the same excuse you use not to buff others???

reaper already deals dozens of damage, why does he needs range when others literally need to ramp up to do that?

different kits my butt, this is just bias at this point


That Orisa change is gonna be insane.


What have you done?! You just needed to buff her shield to combat ranged poke! This makes her harder to kill against ranged poke AND CQB.

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Seems like a fine change, but probably would do well with Roadhog too during TAB. That said, these are still a lot of perks for Tank heroes like this.

Seems like an okay improvement.

Alternatively, you could’ve adjust the outward range of tesla cannon a bit and would’ve succeeded in the same way.

Fine, but you’re still going to have to address Wrecking Ball’s issues of highly-risky plays and getting away with little punishment. That’s where the real problem lies.

Meanwhile StormArrows…


I’d really like to see some minor reworks to Brig just to make her less frustrating to play against.

Something like greatly or completely removing the knockback on her whip shot would go a long way for heroes like Winston, even more than just buffing health or armor. Winston in his current state requires absolutely flawless play or pro-level team coordination to be effective. Any boop, stun, disruption etc completely destroys his chances of success.

Think of it like this. If you get hooked by Roadhog as Ball, you get shot, take 200ish damage, maybe less, and roll away perfectly fine. If you get hooked by Roadhog as Winston, you take 300-400 damage because of your massive head hitbox which is directly on top of the Roadhog, and you’re lucky to make it out alive.

There’s two solutions to the Winston problem

  1. Make him better at what he already does well. This is controlling an area and zoning. This would make Winston a slightly more viable pick in ranked but most certainly make him meta in pro play

  2. Give him some sort of knockback resistance similar to rein. What I think would be good for Winston is some sort of passive ability that allows him to negate one knockback or stun effect, excluding ultimates like earthshatter (edit: or something big like Accretion), once every 8-10 seconds or so . This could make it so that while Winston can’t just jump into the middle of the enemy team and hard feed without getting chain CC’d and feeding, he can dive a character like mccree, brig, etc without having to wait for his teammates to force out their stuns. This does seem kind of broken, so maybe some sort of counterplay, like meleeing Winston gets rid of his CC immunity for a second or two, is necessary. This change would force the enemy team to play together and Winston would be an actual threat rather than just a hero that occupies an area preventing the enemy team from going there while he tickles them with his tesla cannon. I’d love to see an animation for this passive that looks like Winston just swatting away the knockback/CC effect that hits him. with his free hand. Or kicking it away if the ability hits him from behind.

Also these Orisa buffs are terrifying.

Well I guess that Orisa buff is better than nothing. Still underwhelming.

But the issue has never been fortify. Damage reduction went down from 50% to 40% but it doesn’t matter.

Her barrier melts in 2 seconds on average, devs. For a 10 second ability, that is just awful design for a barrier. The barrier is a core ability of Orisa and you can barely use it like a barrier.

Orisa’s barrier is more like a Winston barrier, but now imagine winston being unable to jump. That’s what this barrier accomplishes.
You want her to have 600hp barrier? Cool, then change it from a cooldown ability to a resource management barrier just like Rein or Sigma, and that it can regen when manually retracted but not broken.

Rein can retract barrier, regens 200pts/sec. Sigma can retract barrier, regens 80 pts/sec. While it is regenerating they can still “flicker” it in existence to counter burst damage and whatnot. Orisa can not do the same thing, and that makes all the difference in the world.
She is not a Winston who can jump in, plop down a barrier to absorb incoming burst damage, and then jump back out again. Her barrier needs to be a stage around which the team can gather to push up or hold the line. And that just doesn’t happen because her barrier with a measly 600hp is just dead in 2 seconds, and fortify doesn’t change that whatsoever. Her barrier is pointless to stay behind and that is why she is not played; Rein and Sigma are better for that kind of thing, and they synergize better with the other tanks because of it as well.


I doubt they’ll ever buff barriers though, people hate double shields and any buff will just always result in such a meta. No one will solo play Orisa shield without stacking shields anymore like they did with Roadhog before Sigma. That age is long gone. Now they must balance the numbers around double stacking shields. The only way they’ll ever bring up those values is nerfing her overall damage greatly or cutting range to close range like Reinhardt. (or some weird rework that changes its function entirely)

Try that Ball change before you comment that it doesn’t hurt his fluidity… This will utterly ruin all the practice people put into mastering him, because so much of his gameplay relies on moving people around and then teching with that.


Granted there was a free shot at the start but I suppose people will always count it

You have 600 health and no head hitbox when rolling, I think you’ll be fine.


That isn’t a GOATS era change, it was increased to 30% last year.

Any Hanzo player worth being concerned about can anticipate a half second ahead of time, and pull the bowstring while Winston is airborne or while Winston is in his bubble.

Additionally, thats just bodyshots.

Add in headshots
Or damage boosted headshots
And it just gets to be obscene.

That said, StormArrow shouldn’t be able to headshot. Just like with FanTheHammer.


Not against me, but my team lmao

Yeah, I always count it in shot. Regarding the damage though, I always find in theory a lot of things are very strong and kill fast, but in practice a good Winston always blocks, shield dances, or is often mobile or escapes Hanzo in games. And a Winston taking storm arrows with healers supporting him is a lot better than anyone else taking the shots. So, I don’t know, I have mixed feelings on that. I did suggest the no headshot thing before when the base damage was higher but I’m not sure now considering his own win rate.

Oh right they recently reduced her shield health if i remember correctly.

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