Experimental Mode – Baptiste, Mei, and Fine-Tuning Health

This made me LOLLLLLLLLLL.

They said they already did. You may want to post/submit as a bug, not here.

Let Mei be healed in cryo again or reduce its duration and increase healing and ammo recovery and buff her fire rate from 0.8s to 0.7s or let her ice skate for mobility. She will still be terrible and won’t get picked.
Let McCree roll while jumping, no need for 225HP. He needs to stand on his ground against flankers who have oppressive CC.
Buff Brig and Sym healthpool to 250, they are melee characters. Or give Sym a longer beam and better base damage.
Don’t nerf Baptiste’s heal recovery. Make his matrix 7-8 meters, 9 is too wide.


I do not think the widow nerf is good. she had enough health and can pretty easily be countered by a mccree,reaper,ashe or D.va sure it makes her easier to kill but it isnt a good nerf since it can make the game one sided if the losing team widow keeps dying and wont switch

Best ult in the game which everyone can escape from, sure

She’s a high skill character and should let be feel impactful. It’s a bit stupid that her damage gets outhealed by meta characters right now and she doesn’t even have area denial or mobility to make up for it.

Cree doesn’t need extra survivability, Echo does :frowning:

I hope you reevaluate your opinion and understand that the 25HP does virtually nothing in terms of widow duels. You are battling to shoot the other person in the head first no matter what. If you have damage on you, its likely enough to be 1shot by a body shot anyway or 1 body shot and another quick shot. And widow plays so far away that it’s incredibly easy to see somebody coming to you. You can easily just grapple away and kite the dive abilities leaving them vulnerable. All this change does is make you think about positioning more, and make it so dive heroes can actually have a chance of killing widow before she kites all your cooldowns and grapples away. Overall this is just a very bad take.

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That literally just comes down to bad use, and the Mei not left clicking the people in the ult to make them freeze faster. It’s incredibly easy to throw the ult, block the enemy team off with Mei wall, and have a lucio speed boost your team in to kill everything. Not to mention its zoning potential. Having high damage and CC on the ult is just incredibly stupid and bad for the game. Mei is not good right now because bunker comps are not played anymore, and people are comm’ing less more than ever, but that in no way means the ult isn’t incredibly powerful by itself. It’s a completely oppressive ult on King’s row even now when used correctly. Your name is nerf mercy, it’s really hard to take you seriously. It’s also hard to take you seriously when you want a purely CC character to have mobility in a competitive game.

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No, as long as her impact is based around removing player control for pretty much everything she does and stall… stall …stall as her play style I have no problem with her being a niche pick.

Mei being meta was terrible, terrible game breaking drive away your player base level of game play. Even watching it at the OWL level was trash. Oh look no one can move and she shoot them, great. Wow.
Like it or not part of game balance now is keeping the players left happy so they play the game.

So inch up certain heroes so they can sort of work in the hands of a specialist, but keep Mei, Bastion, Orisa and Brig out of the meta at all cost.
Subjective issue of course. I don’t expect mains of those heroes to like or agree with that statement.


Nice to take a break from OW and then come back to some more good changes. Huge credit to the team, they’ve gradually and healthily turned this ship around.

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I’m surprised, these are all very reasonable changes.

Okay Blizzard, okay, that is cool

You impress me

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This Widowmaker nerf is going to make her worse in low ranks and barely changed in high ranks. I don’t think this is the right move.

I love the Baptiste changes except for the change to his healing. I rather his healing be lower and faster than higher and slower.


I believe this is change is for a couple of reasons, but two in particular

  1. It helps Mccree with duelling flankers (it breaks Genji’s 3 HS dash combo, makes it almost impossible for tracer to one-clip him, it breaks Lucio’s one shot combo and also makes a little harder for doom to one shot him without rocket punch).
  2. It helps him compete with Soldier, who is currently a lot better at dealing sustained damage over medium ranges, by allowing Mccree to take more risks, as he will just naturally survive longer now.

Love them all except +25 Symmetra, I would have buffed her by increasing the lenght of the beam.
I want to try that first tho.

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I wouldn’t agree at all. If hypothetically we had a higher fire rate but lower heal output, it would first of all be a nerf to his overall HPS (as he’d be forced to reload more often) but it would also take away some of the skill required to play him, this change is essentially just making it a bit more punishing for Bap players to hit shots, which I think is fair, considering they’re pretty easy to land anyways.

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No increments of 25 its always been

i absolutely adore all of these changes

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I like the idea of health pool adjustments, but i’m not a fan of the 25 point step. I recall playing Symm on release when she was able to give every teammate 25 shields on her E ability. It felt like it it didnt do anything and was a waste of an ability.

We the common folk players know that this is just bread crumbs to keep us playing. Nothing major will happen till next season of OWL when they prove what is cheese and not.