Experimental Card was taken down but none of the changes didn't hit live servers

I highly doubt that.
The amount of complaints + the fact that they took it down early makes me wonder if they’re going to bring any changes in at all.


Well, they might cancel the Moira changes, and not lengthen Genji deflect duration.

Nah, bringing in half changes is a bad idea, because then you could not test to see how genji was with half his buffs, for example. Also, statistically he is middle of the pack, I don’t even know why they did it in the first place.

System brings up a good point

Probably because people really liked seeing Genji in the recent show tournaments.

And when you got tons of snipers and sniperish heroes being strong.
Genji is a simple “Quickplay” answer to go hunt down those snipers.

The thing is that the echo nerf should have probably gone live regardless, for it was a reasonable nerf. It not going to live servers is questionable.

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So I guess this thread is relevant again, eh?

Yeah, I don’t remember anyone complaining about that. Although I disagree she needed much of a nerf (on ladder, she’s OP in OWL), It wouldn’t hurt her too much.

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Im just saying that it would be a first on their part for none of the changes going live. At least 1 or 2 of them should have made it through testing.

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They probably also wanted Genji to be a bit more dominant in the game overall by the time OW2 comes out.

Also I wouldn’t be surprised if they are going to do some changes to Tanks that push Diamond and above games to favor Dive more.

Ah, so you admit you want him to be OP? :neutral_face:
He’s already perfectly fine on ladder, No changes needed.

I would like that lol

And when i say that, we shouldn’t have gotten the changes to live this early. But the fact that the exp card was taken down is weird by itself

It’s hard to tell what they are doing for sure since they typically don’t implement changes till Tuesday and sometimes Thursday

Exactly, but it’s just that the experimental went down without any explanation is what im asking

It does seem a bit odd leaving 3 - 6 days without experimental. If I remember correctly, with the last experimental they kept it up pretty much the whole time until they released the patch to live servers. I don’t know exactly if that was the case, though.

I think it’s not that much of a problem to push some heroes to be more common than others.

I.e. Rein should probably be the best Tank for Platinum and below.

Mercy should ideally be the best healer for Gold and below.

Ana should ideally be the best healer in GM


God good no. You just explained why balance is so terrible in the first place.
Actually lost a bit of respect for you there, geez.

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I’m hoping that the exp card going down entails more changes to other heroes and/or them stepping back on some of the changes (such as the moira dps nerf), but the reason could be something entirely else like a technical issue


Honestly the only change I could see going through is the echo nerf.
The rest of the changes were just a mess, IMO

Definitely possible, especially due to COVID-19 lockdowns.

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Do the changes generally get pushed right after? I thought they add them in on an announced patch.

I figure it’s all aesthetic preferences about “this is mainly what Overwatch is like”.

That said, ideally no hero should be a throw pick. But having preferences on what heroes are the best isn’t that big a deal.

For instance, I play a lot of Roadhog and Mei, but I don’t think either of them should ever be toptier.

I mean, why?

Rein and Mercy are probably the most niche in playstyle of their role. I think it will exclude loads of people from those roles if they’re the best in low rank.