Experimental card idea

Hello so I thought about this for like 2 weeks and I finally decided on wanting to put uppercut recovery time to 0.2 seconds on the experimental (crazy right? Who could have seen this coming) I have thought of a full proof counter argument to anyone’s responses so I’m ready :slight_smile:
Edit* make rocket punch max wall damage 200 instead of 250 for a compensation nerf.


How will I, as a Symmetra main, benefit from this buff? :thinking:


How will I, as a genji main, benefit from this buff? :thinking:


How will I, as a Doomfist main, benefit oh wait…


20 characters…
Impenetrable defence right here


How will I as a baby D.Va player benefit from this change?


How will I, as a ge-

Damn it Omni.


ahem, no.
Thank you for your time :slight_smile:
God I’m on fire today


Even though it would feel good, I think that the uppercut change should come with a compensation nerf and just nerf everything above these heroes. He actually can be played right now due to meta following

Yeh he can be played in one of his best metas but is still picked less than hanzo Cree tracer…
Push it to experimental and then decide if he needs a compensation nerf :smirk:

The 4th most picked DPS, I don’t think that blizz would give him a buff without a compensation nerf. Just think that nerfing McCree and Hanzo is a huge indirect buff to DF

He’s only 4th most picked because of the Meta though, prior to brawl he was at like 0.6 to 0.7 pick rate percent with genji. Once brawl goes away he’s gonna struggle again.

Yeah, I know and already said it. Nerfing McCree and Hanzo would boost his pickrate though, since Doomfist wouldn’t have to face a McCree as much as he does face him now. And I know we all want 0.2s recovery back, but he’d need a compensation nerf for that and just nerf top heroes. I don’t think Doom is actually bad, I just think there are so many things way more broken than him and that counter him
Same with Genji, it’s not that the character is bad, there are just so many things broken in this game that f*** him up

His pick rate won’t go up though cause I’d assume if Cree gets nerfed that rein is also gonna get nerfed making brawl go away :joy: I’ve already suggested making his max punch damage after a wall impact go from 250 to 200 and pretty much no one listened :sob:

Rein is the king of brawl, just remember that he was meta before this brawl. And 200 damage is still a oneshot, so what I’d do

Recovery to 0.2s
Punch wall dmg from 150 to 75 (175 total)
If he’s too weak punch charge to 1s and nerf top heroes

He needs a rework. Im not saying me but doom is considerd cancer to play against so buffing him would annoy a lot of people. If sombra and bastion were meta everyone wouldnt want to play. Same with Doomfist

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I don’t know if an entire rework, but some of his ccs should lose power, and shift this power to something else on his kit

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How will I, a :baguette_bread: Widowmaker :baguette_bread: main benefit from this buff?


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Rigorously prove that this is a good change.

Nah Jeff said he wants dooms rocket punch to be powerful and I agree, if he’s standing still for almost 2 seconds screaming, glowing and running at you then he deserves to one shot squishy heroes. Especially if widow and hanzo can have a better one shot and dish out more consistent damage then it’s only fair. The problem with rocket punch is it’s by far his best attack and if you nerf that below 200dmg with a wall impact for a 0.2 recovery time then it’s just not worth it and I’d rather just leave him alone. A nerf from 250 to 200 would make non fully charged punches not one shot squishy heroes and he’d bully tanks a bit less.