Experimental card for Bastion?

“We’re not currently working on Bastion changes but are happy to listen to any feedback you have” is a polite way of saying “no, we’re not touching Bastion but feel free to send your wish-lists up the chimney for Santa to read”. They’re not going to help your favourite hero.

There have not yet been any changes that have made it from the experiment to the live game.

Are there any changes you’re considering? I quite liked the minor heal from Roadhog’s breather, it made him a supporty tank which I really liked. Perhaps not the lingering heal field but the heal itself in another form would be awesome!

The whole of the last experiment went live, IIRC. Pharah’s rocket splash etc.

Yeah but the roadhog changes were part of the first one.

When Zarya would give the entire team a bubble, remember?

Oh, I thought you meant “no changes from any of the experiments have gone live” when in fact you were talking specifically about the 132 experiment. Sorry, my mistake.

And I miss Healhog too. I suspect that the 132 Zarya/Hog stuff was lifted from OW2 talents and we won’t see it in PvP. I’d love to be wrong!

It should, he needs to be far weaker

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Oh my good lord gimme gimme. This game needs some CC nerfhammering so bad.

I’m hugely excited, this experimental card has such potential and
I hope you’re all keeping well in these trying times.

If you’d consider buffing Recon mode with something as simple as
Ironclad applying in Recon Node I think that would be just the
change bastion players would appreciate the most without being
too much of a burden on any opponents.

Bastion is hard countered by heroes who easily hit immobile Sentry
with CC that forces him to be in recon mode (Roadhog’s Hook, Ana’s
Sleep, Reinhardt’s Charge, etc) then ironclad is currently useless as
recon mode takes all the subsequent damage. I feel it’s fair that there
are some counters to bastion who can shut down the high damage
output of sentry, but I feel that then also taking effectively +25%
when I lose ironclad is too harsh a punishment.

I try to play more dynamically as bastion and not just hunker behind
barriers, but I feel I’m punished too hard venturing out in recon mode.
My hitbox is so large and I know it can’t be made smaller but Ironclad
could help give me the toughness to try more varied strategies.

Thank you for listening.

Bastion is THE hero that has me sticking with Overwatch.

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Interesting. Using psychology to soften the blow. Nice!

Keep catering to dps, can see you threatened by Valorant. All of a sudden you’ll start listening to the community, putting out twitch drops for viewership.

I know, but they are content to let him be a n00b cannon to give new players an edge coming in, sort of like Moira to rank up on. I had some small hope that with OW 2 he would get a soft rework, but with Jeff’s comment I doubt that now. Sad, one of the most iconic character of the game is left to rot as a joke.

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I definitely do not want to see more Bastion in my games, keep him as is.

More Sym nerfs incoming. Her Turrets are so OpPrEsSiVe.

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Ana is an Untouchable on Overwatch. If she gets anything, she will get a slap on the wrist.

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I am for this idea, but could you not touch hack? Hack is alright as it is being 5 second duration, and on top of that its a silence less than a CC. I just hope it wont mean a Sombra nerf…on the other hand the Symm side of me is happy as it means my squishy butt won’t get stunned and focused down within seconds.

God jeff give bastion his shield back, we are ready for it!

Pls Jeff, rework Bastion to an Offtank. Its an urgent request of the comunity! We need more tanks. Bastion has big hitbox, and his playstile is useless and frustrating nowdays after the big barrier nerf. Why don’t make big changes? Increasing his mobility. Decreasing his damage. Increasing his health and maybe giving his OW beta personal shild back would make him a great off-tank. And we do need more tanks fast! If you are going to change him in some point, dont make him more reliable as DPS, its not gonna work. His big hitbox nowdays fits more on a Tank. And we need more tanks, and less dps. you saw how frustrating it was for everyone to know that Echo was dps, even though she was an amazing character. We need more tanks, and more supports!
Even here on the replies there are great ideas to how to make this. Pls read MagyTheMage’s ideas: Experimental card for Bastion? - #15 by MagyTheMage-1534

Sad to hear Bastion wont get changes, but I think the reduction of CC is kind of a buff to a hero like Bastion. ^^

And balancing Bastion takes a lot. He is a very unique hero, similar to Symmetra or Roadhog, who arent easily balanced with some numbers but rather could become over- or underpowered even with slight changes. Similar to how 35% Ironclad ruined the Meta or Pharah’s Splash Nerf made her awful (glad this was reverted ^^)

I’ve made this for us all

I actually don’t believe it, they’re… they’re saving Overwatch.