Experimental card for Bastion?

He’s the definition of a niche hero. I think him and Mei could actually use a rework into Tanks. I’d be down to see some changes though on the Experimental card to see him more viable. Mercy too please.

Sounds great! :star_struck:

Being able to see enemy outlines through teammates would be a very good QOL change for Bastion. Would instantly make him better.

Less importantly, I also wouldn’t mind if he just had his own personal radial wall hack on cooldown. Make him a proper surprise corner character.

Well you can change his ultimate with his turret, so he could transfom into a tank with mobility(i think a dva matrix like timer) , and make his ult a high damage turret with less damage bonus damage against barriers etc. thats it, this could really improve his gameplay

Just swap tank and turret modes (so turret becomes his ultimate), put tank mode on a cooldown, and both of them on timers.

Of course, rebalance tank mode damage, and turret mode survivability so that they make sense in context. 120 damage tank shells that cannot crit, full ability to rocket-jump, nerfed jump height, and increased run speed while in tank mode.

In turret mode, give him back his beta barrier and buff ironclad to 35% or even 50%. Give him unlimited ammo and remove his self heal (it’s an ultimate. He should be shooting, everyone should be scared of it, and the timer will become the main limiter). Make his turret mode immune to stuns and repositioning, but leave him vulnerable to specific things like hog’s hook, sombra’s hack/emp, and Rein’s pin. Abilities specifically like that should hard-counter his ult, knock him out of it, and end it early (the other major counter should be death).

If all that’s not enough, consider giving him a new ability in recon mode. Something like…

Mortar Barrage: Bastion fire the tank cannon on his back and arcs a barrage of shells onto his opponents. Ability targets with a projected reticle and enemies get warning that the ability is incoming. Anyone in the area of effect takes damage as shell blast the location for 30 dps for 5 seconds (150 damage, but you’ve got to be an idiot to stand there and eat the whole thing). Ignores ceilings and the like. Just go with it. Intended for suppression and area denial.

Flash and FTH is hardly broken. His primary fire rate however is and needs to be toned down.

This sounds amazing, but we could REALLY use a buff for Mercy, at least on Experimental Card or PTR.

Remember this? She’s not. Please help. If not upping her healing, make her one good ability, Resurrect, more viable again. Remove the movement reduction and decrease cast time to 1.5 seconds instead of 1.75.

Here’s to hoping ‘CC’ means ‘controllable chaos’ in this context and means super-jumpy heroes such as Doomfist and Genji being reduced that is, made smaller (less HP, less damage, half model size of course).

Honestly just return his personal barrier.
Echo already does quick work of barriers and Bastion’s main problem is that he’s an easy target if he’s not babysat and if his team couldn’t control or set up immediately his values goes down drastically.

No she doesn’t. She’s fine.

This response feels waaaaay too much like the “well what about Doomfist” from October 2017. I don’t like it.

Depending on how the changes are, I hope, for the majority of those changes, they go straight to Live. Less CC is good.

Please try with making bastion a tank and sym a support

first off, thanks for making such a great game. I’ve been playing OW since day one and still love it. I also really enjoy playing Bastion very much and reading this has motivated me to make my first post in this Forum!

My beloved Bastion seems to have been forgotten these past few years and playing Bastion usually comes along with a lot of : “Wow, no skill”, “Noob Bastion” or “Why Bastion?”. I do understand that Bastion can be very uneffective without a proper babysitter (shield, lots of burst healing). Personally, this is something I would not change, because it kind of creates a sense of fairness, especially with the amount of damage Bastion can do.

Things that I do personally think Bastion is missing out on, is his effectiveness against shielding while ulting, and a slightly higher feeling of “skill” level when it comes to aiming. Rather than just being a “bullet sprayer” (as I’ve heard a few times in game), I would love Bastion to be a bit more demanding on skill and aim, especially at further distances. I really think Bastion is missing a little more precision and much less spread. In my opinion, this would make Bastion more surgical and more effective with good aiming.
Looking at how mobile some of the new characters are (e.g. Echo), I think by putting a little more demand on aiming would greatly increase a good feeling experience playing the robot I love so much (never thought I would say that).

Anyway, thank you for listening to the community feedback!
…and I’m really looking forward to Overwatch 2
Regards, Ian


PLEASE do something for Symmetra, aka Poor Man’s Echo.

ChibiFox and our group have been collecting ideas over the years. I think you will find what you need there. The threads are also linked here. Please fix our omnic friend!

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Sigh… Well at least you guys have said something.
Hopefully the word “currently” does mean you do really want to help Bastion at some point in the (hopefully near) future.

On the bright side I’m happy you guys are doing something about CC. Those changes may indirectly help Bastion a bit.

When are we actually going to fix orisa. She has been in the gutter for months. A 600hp shield on a 10 second cooldown has been beyond horrific to play. She’s a bunker tank and can’t do the one thing she should be good at

I have often wondered what Bastion could be like in the tank role (since he is a literal tank). In the beta, he had a small shield on himself in turret mode to help his survivability. Why not give him something akin to a Rein or Orisa-sized shield that can let him cover teammates in a bunker-style comp when in turret mode?

You’ve increased his damage before and it was a disasterpiece, but I think most people would be fine with lowering his damage if he provided more team utility. I would also be interested to test his turret with a huge spread with lower damage to try to make low-health heroes clear a wide area (sort of like a less-lethal, but more consistent Torb turret, BOB, or High Noon). His high damage and big kill moments could come from his ultimate or his sentry mode while his defenses are down and give more risk-reward like other tanks such as Rein.

His self-heal could also be removed in favor of something that can enhance or foster this new role and playstyle. Maybe an ability that temporarily focuses his spread for a few seconds and gives him back some potential short-term lethality. Something like Molten Core visually due to his new ties with Torbjorn? Or some ability that helps his teammates. Maybe something like a Roadhog hook, but for teammates that grabs them and puts them behind his barrier to get them out of a sticky situation? Or his ability does something cute with Ganymede?

Anyway, those are just a few suggestions.

Oh yeah. I have other proposals to go along with it :
-Teleport : Make Bastion able to teleport instantly to any point of the map. No cooldown.
-Sudden death : every Bastion bullet has a 1/10 chance to provoke sudden death. 1/5 chance when hitting the barrier made by a character.

Also I find your HP increase a bit shy. I’d opt for 200 HP 400 armor. Like old Dva, cause that wasn’t broken at all. And 1000 HP for his ult, just like Winston, right ? Also increase damage of his ult, it’s a bit underwhelming.

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