Experimental card for Bastion?

I still don’t think they’re nerfing CC at all… i think they’re buffing Tanks to fight CC.

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3… tanks…

Did 2-2-2 role lock never come to console?

No they INCREASED the gatling gun’s spread when they gave bastion 300 rounds.

That’s when he TOTALLY DISAPPEARED from competitive apart from the absolute lowest ranks where even then he’s had the lowest pickrate.

They did that once already.

It did nothing.

thank you
maybe I know the problem for me

a new system can only select one spam hero but you can’t select bastion and junkrat together
or symmetra or torbjörn
maybe this work for tank
select tank and off tank
for double shield problem
this good or not

flash is ridiculous. Its area of effect is insane… every time i watch mcree killcams they flash like 2 feet in front/to the side/above me and i still get stunned. CC feels horrible, especially when its used as aim training wheels for people who need to play cree cause they can only hit still targets…

earthshatter is an ult. Sleep is high skill. Theyre fine. Flashbang on the other hand…

Bastion Experimental feedback ideas:

  1. You could always give his shield back? But the shield is weakened/evaporates if enemies are within X distance.

  2. Bastions “sentry” transformation mode could be faster.

  3. Bastions “Sentry” mode could allow slow walking?

  4. Bastions fall off damage buffed but spread is increased to compensate

But the biggest problem is keeping people playing. Biggest problem is your dps waiting time.
Solution 2 Tanks -3 dps -2 supports

If it feels to “OP” Take the master dialer switch and turn everyones damage output down 10% and go from there.

What difference does a fist of death stun if you are already flying into a wall?

Throw here a record that clearly shows that you flew into the wall AFTER the flash drive worked on the fist of death

I don’t know the Numbers but i am a Bastion main i play the Hero a lot, i think all he needs is to transform in Recon mode faster so he can Escape certain situations more often and his Self heal need to start instantly what i mean is it shouldn’t have a delay,
Also Self Heal should have some Damage Resistance while in Recon mode and the spread in sentry mode should start off small instead of gradually getting small. Maybe if he had all these he might be to strong, these are just some ideas.

“sleep is high skill”
shoots roadhog for the 50th time after being hooked

omg that’s the greatest news

I agree with this. However I think you mean the shooting delay after healing is the problem?


That’s definitely an issue, especially in tank. It just feels so clunky.

I think a Bastion rework is definitely necessary and long overdue. I like to think Torb’s rework made him much less feast or famine and much more viable as well as spotting into a better role within the game. They have been able to do it with similar bad characters and Bastion is just at the bottom of the barrel right now.

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Can you examine the CC system of the old MMORPG SW:TOR and determine if it’s CC reduction/immunity system would be a great addition to overwatch?

It had the best CC reduction of any game I’ve ever played.

Basically, the game had had multiple stuns, incapacitates, roots, knockbacks etc.

Every character had a CC immunity meter. Depending on the combination of CCs that were thrown at you, it would fill the meter. Once your CC meter was filled, you were immune for 7-10 seconds (I don’t remember how long exactly). If I remember correctly, the game had 4 sec stuns, 2 sec stuns, roots, an incapacitate, a single target knock-back, an aoe knock-back, etc. Each one filled the CC immunity meter differently. The 2 second stun filled it 40%, the 4 second stun filled it 80, as well as an incapacitate.

The CC immunity meter also was displayed above the characters head/nameplate so it was visible and easy to determine if the immunity was active or not.

I feel like a system like this would greatly benefit overwatch.

You should make a topic about that right now. He’s been posting so he may see it. Worked for me with this thread.

Someone else did, I just reposted on that thread to make sure it gets coverage. Thanks for the lookout.

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Yeah, those couple seconds mess you up

Pretty tragic tbh. At this point, he needs a huge rework. You just can’t fix him without making him overbearing in low ranks and you can’t just keep him weak without making him absolutely trash in mid and high ranks.