Experiencing FPS issues after Juno left Trial Weekend

I started experiencing FPS drops after Juno left the trial weekend, before that I had very smooth experience, the second she left my fps died out and I did absolutely everything - Including driver upgrade, lowering settings and changing other stuff on my pc, no-go;

My game would load slowly, heroes take a few seconds to load, my FPS prior to this was 140, now it’s staying at a solid 57 and drops to 30 mid-game; My system is as follows:

Intel Core i5-4570 CPU 3.20GHz, Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050, 8 Gigs RAM

Hi, volunteer here. Optimizing for fps goes beyond the scope of what’s supported in this forum. It’s usually best to inquire about optimizations on an enthusiast site, like a subreddit or hardware forum. In the meantime, here’s what I recommend:

  1. Make sure you have space on your hard drive for optimal performance. Roughly 12-15% free space is needed.

  2. Check the Windows Reliability History tool for any errors happening during the time you played Overwatch.

  3. Run a DxDiag report, click save all information to export it, and then investigate any apps throwing errors at the end of the report.

  4. Look for overheating components.

  5. Use benchmarking tools to see if any hardware is underperforming:

    Note: Some of these tests, other than the first one, can take quite a while.

Mine does this from time to time too. Like you, my drivers are up to date and the game is the only thing running. Other users are experiencing your issue as well, so you’re not alone. The devs acknowledged that this is an issue and claimed they’ve put in a fix, but there are still people saying it did nothing for them.

Best thing to do is to wait for Blizz to put out another patch. It’s not you.

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Here is the Pastebin of my full dxdiag report, about the other suggestions I have enough storage and more to fit Overwatch 2 and plenty of other games, overheating is not the issue as far as I’ve seen either;

I assume it’s the new season 11 bricking up Overwatch on my end, I’ll potentionally wait for the next update or at worst next season, thank you for reaching back!

Problem signature:
P1: NVIDIACorp.NVIDIAControlPanel_8.1.966.0_x64__56jybvy8sckqj

Did you try any of the graphics tests? This is showing your driver crashing, so they would likely fail.

Problem signature:
P1: Discord.exe

Maybe the overlay?

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