Excuse me what? This is a BUG?!

It’s not a bug however it is an unimplemented feature.

I mean it kinda makes sense that it breakes Sombra into particels and only transports Sombra and not Fire or weird anti heal nanobots.

But there is alot that doesn’t make sense logical.

Also this:

Oh, yeah. I love that. I enjoyed the times I trolled Tracers and D.Vas by escaping pulse and self destruct.

That’s weird, but I guess they can keep it as is. The forums are already plagued by a lot of “nerf Sombra” threads.

primal rage being hardcountered by nade was a bug and the removal of it was a significant buff

i feel like this translocator inconsistency was already listed ages ago but i guess not

I mean Zens orb is a kind of buff on another hero while Lucio’s Aura is part of Lucio all the time and is never on another hero.
Why doesn’t it make sense?
I mean these abilities can hardly be compared can they?




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First there was a “bug” where cryo freeze didn’t clear anti heal.
Then there was a “bug” for 6 months where Moira could heal through barriers.
Then this.

The thing about it is that it’s inconsistent with the way translocator works. Translocator gives Sombra some invincibility frames when she uses it and i-frames will always clear any status effects or debuffs. It’s how Cryofreeze, Fade, and Wraith Form operate. Translocator already removed the effect of Venom Mine and Dynamite, so it’s really just making it more consistent with other abilities that offer invincibility.

Except…antiheal prevents you from collecting health packs?

Translocator cleansing pulse bomb should be a bug, can translocate holding an uzi but attach pulse bomb and that disappears into the void.

I mean, they decided to call Mercy damage boosting ults they themselves at one point encouraged her to buff to be bugs so… :laughing:

Then it should also get fronzen with mei. Or fade with Moira and Reaper.

But wouldn’t it make sense that TL would be programmed in a way to only take Sombra and everything belonging to her with it.
Or maybe her Weapon and etc have some kind of chip in it. Not that logic is something that should matter when balancing.

Took them too long but it’s better than never.

From what i understand. The chronal accelerator doesn’t actually enable time travel, that’s Tracers natural ability. Tracers atoms have the tendency to scatter across time and the device simply tracks her particles, then drags them back into the present, keeping her in sync with the “now”. And it does it thousands of times a second.

Sombra’s gadget drags her atoms to where the beacon is (like what Tracer’s does), and it can only do it once every four seconds.

Presumably, whatever toxin or anomaly she picked up is left behind when she gets atomized for the teleport. It does cleanse both venom mine and freeze.

Next patch : Fixed a bug that prevent Doomfist players for not having more bugs than nerf.

Venom mine, Dynamite burn and Freeze slow are removed

That and the “Fixed a bug that allowed Mercy to damage boost certain abilities (e.g. Hanzo’s Dragonstrike, D.Va’s Self-Destruct, and Junkrat’s Steel Trap),”.


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Fixed a bug that caused Bastion and Sombra to be viable.

Same thing about D.Va and Orisa’s “grounding” buff that wasn’t officially addressed as a bug until last March and took a whole year to patch out.
