ExC in...45 mins

Just a prediction…

Who’s getting unjustly buffed/nerfed?


probably sym buffs , i hope for a small genji buff too , brig buffs , zarya nerfs, soldier could get nerfed too


As long as it has zarya nerf, I’ll be happy.


Some sort of sombra changes, hope they give genji a powershift as well.


Yeah i would like a genji buff or a powershift , currently he is just a blade bot , i literally play him for nanoblade nothing else.

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Tired of meta heroes getting buffs.

OWL is OVER. (for awhile)

Experiment with Sym as a Support already.


Brig will get another nerf.

Actually that is a good idea.

The nerfs/buffs should be more drastic, because we don’t need to worry about the pros burning out on dramatic balance swings.

I hope for a 12m DM buff

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I honestly think we’re going to see another small scale Sombra rework. Maybe not right now, but within the next 4 weeks.

As for today, perhaps a cost increase on EMP because it’s charging extremely fast now that there’s less barriers in the game.

Or just the mental pressure that Pro put out with their fans with something they don’t like.

Yea I agree, I get an emp per fight, which is absolutely ridiculous.

Why would they do something so sensible?

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Sigma buff


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If I’m following correctly, Pharah will get a new fishing mini game.

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What I want:

Zarya damage or charge nerf

Sym HP and range buff

Mcree HP buff

Genji powershift

Baptiste buffs

Potential 12m D.va DM buff


One more thing. Reverting Sym to 2.0 and keeping some 3.0 things would be the dream patch notes

that would be something that appears on ptr, reworks of that level are confirmed to happen there iirc

…But she always had a fishing game…

Unless you fish differently then me. :fireworks: