Ex-Lead VFX employee, screwed by blizzard


in case you don’t wanna copy and paste the link, i’ll type down what Chris Sayers said;

so, enough time has passed now for me to talk about why i decided to leave Blizzard. a mixed year with great teammates, but a management that mistreated, lied to me, gaslit me, gave me a fake promotion, and HR that refused to help.

buckle up friendos. :muscle:

i wanna start by saying that all of the people I got to work with on Team 4 (Overwatch 2) were incredible. they were warm, welcoming, fun, friendly and just so talented. there were so many great people on my team championing for me and i am so grateful for their support. unfortunately however, i spent most of a year stressed out of my mind, working 4 peoples jobs at once, and having management make promises they had no intention of fulfilling and i ultimately felt like i had no choice but to leave for my own mental health.

in July of 2023, i was invited to a meeting by Art Leadership and production, to let me know they were interested in promoting me to Lead VFX Artist of the cosmetics team. (skins, emotes, POTGs, etc.), i had only been there 6 months and I told them basically “if youre sure?? lol”. but before accepting i was adamant, that we were all on the same page about the full role, what it meant, what i would be doing, and also, what the “promotion” would come with. (pay increase, title change) and confirmed all of those details before going further. these conversations included other Lead VFX, Art Directors, Associate Art Directors, Production Directions and also HR. and as we were all happy, i started the job effective immediately, with the details to come at the end of the week, in writing.

the new role was

  • all of my existing responsibilities and workload as a senior
  • becoming a line manager of 3 people immediately
  • managing our entire outsourced vfx pipeline in china
  • plus additional Lead things (planning, much more meetings lol)

friday of that week comes, nothing, but, the Production Dir does announce my promotion to Lead to the whole team on the thursday! its official! its happening! the whole team knows! i even tweet about it, because im so excited. we’re all gucci! on my first week as lead. my new manager, tells me that we are going to have to fire one of my new reports cus he wont RTO

me: “he is waiting for a medical accommodation because he is a carer for his parents”

them: “yeah [laughing] we’re not gonna do that for a junior”

another lead on the team offers to deliver the news for me, because it is my first week as lead. and the person we are supposed to fire is one of my closest friends on the team. he is given until the end of the month to either relocate, or leave. we’re all distraught. im now doing my senior role, my lead role and now all the work that this great vfx artist was doing. they then refuse to hire an intern, another one of my reports, who is incredibly talented and we all love. so i add all the work they were going to do, to my plate. a month goes by, and i have now sent an email or slack message, every other day to find out what is happening with the pay increase and title change.

im told i have to wait until August, because thats when all the promotions happen but “dont worry. its all happening”.

i then discover that as I am earning less than 50% of every other Lead VFX Artist at blizzard, so much so, that as a Lead, my salary is lower than every person I am managing. i send more emails. im told its cus im in the UK, and my salary is based on market value, not my value.

i ask HR if they think that it is ethically okay to pay me less than 50% of every person for doing the same job? They tell me “why would we pay you more than we have to? that doesnt make any business sense”

i realise i am talking to a person who doesnt give a crap about people.

another month passes and i get to august and turns out, “no no, its actually september now” for some reason. but “dont worry, its coming. its definitely a promotion, and theres definitely a pay increase.”

i continue to be overworked, and exhausted, but hopeful. (fool)

another few weeks pass, and its getting to 3 months being a lead. so i send an email out to everyone, directors, VPs, HR, leads, you name it, telling them that if there is no written information by Sep 1st, i will stop doing the role immediately.

SUDDENLY, people have something to say!

this entire time, HR have not responded once and they finally reply inviting me for a quick call. it is in this call that HR ask me “what promotion? i have no idea what you are talking about?” at this point i raised a formal complaint. i had months of messages, emails that i sent to HR to explain what i was talking about and they finally reply with

“you seem to be confused” … “there is no promotion” … “leadership is a lateral move” … “its just a change of responsibilities” … “there is no pay increase”

i was livid, naturally, and asked what any normal rational human would “why would anybody want that promotion then?” which obviously they then did the old “i can see you’re frustrated, i can see how you misinterpreted this”.

the investigation from the formal complaint comes back after a few weeks and after some careful deliberation, decides that HR did nothing wrong, and followed all processes correctly. SO, i hand in my resignation about an hour later. but it doesnt end there!!!

because no!!!

HR then told me!!! that because of my role as a Lead!!! i had gained inexplicable knowledge that would put me at a business risk to work anywhere else!!! so they are activating a Non-Compete Clause that restricts me from working ANYWHERE AT ALL for 3 MONTHS!!!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes: and, you may be rightfully thinking “oh, so this is a paid 3 months, right? you cant stop someone from working at ALL for 3 months without paying the-…” INCORRECT that is exactly what they did, and unfortunately, completely legal, because get dinked on, i guess???

i said I cant survive for 3 months without pay, I have a mortgage and they looked me in the eye and said:

“well, you probably shouldn’t have signed the contract then :slightly_smiling_face:

within a few minutes i was locked out of slack/email, and that was the end of my time at Blizzard. :tada::tada::tada:

honestly really sad, and really disgusting on blizzards end. not surprised they did such a thing, but i feel so bad for chris. i messaged him multiple times on twitter and asked him if he could take a look at some things (like annihilations horrible visual clutter, mercy’s rez animation not performing smoothly due to latency, etc) and he responses multiple times and said he would pass it along.

he’s a great dude, and i wish him well.


If my manager told me that, I would probably quit on the spot, “so we want to increase your workload”,
“Ok cool, that means you will pay me more right?”


“I’ll get paid more right?”

Why am I not surprised?


Always remember HR is there to defend the companies interests AGAINST it’s employees.


The more I hear about Blizzard’s internal workings, the more I despise the company overall. Which hurts to say, given my extensive time playing their games.


see? this is why I never buy anything blizzard related.


Quite literally this change in leadership with Microsoft could not have come at a better time. Not to say theyay not also be scumbags but hopefully they have better policies in place for the people so they’re not shafted like this.


They have completely different upper management as of 5 weeks ago.


That’s outrageous. Those people should get hook combo’d irl.


But yeah…old ActiBliz management…


how people see hr is how unions actually is

i’ve noticed that company likes to surprise people with unrelated meetings or blitzkrieg style confrontations to avoid people calling for the union rep


Didn’t you mean hook whole hog animation cancel yeet combo directly into jail?


some say NCC is hard to impossible to enforce but aaron was the team leader of team 4 and we all know how terrible he truly is along with bobby being the ultimate douche


Jesus Christ. That’s one of the most disgusting and frustrating things I’ve ever read. I hope he was able to make copies of any deliberately misleading communications and that he’s able to pursue legal action.

That company has become an utter cesspool. Here I am complaining about dealing with their customer service. That experience is nothing compared to how they treat their own employees. I hope things drastically improve for the people there under MS.


I have my doubts. I’ll wait till someone quits/is fired and can share some real informations.

Right now I trust these articles like my dps in ranked . :cold_face:


still developers of this game are so lazy and incompetent


Well now I question this whole statement.


Basically ruined his career, who is going hire someone who smack talks their former company after leaving? Intelligent move pal. “But people have to know I felt oppressed!”


He left Blizzard back in November. He already has a job.

*But people have to know how terrible the working environment at this particular company was.


For the person in the message:

typically the best thing you can do is talk to an attorney on this, and have them advise you. I would assume under your 5th amendment rights you can find some good coaching from a good attorney.

Non competes are scummy and 3 months can ground a person down.

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They treat the employees like garbage, wtf? Im surprised the employee endured this for so long. Damn…

I wish him the best.