Really? Wasn’t Jjonak MVP last year and he one-tricked Zen?
idk i literally don’t watch nor care for pros as much as forums does.
did he really only play zen for the season
He’s pretty notable for his Ana play as well.
Yeah that’s why they made him a special Zen skin
There will always be meta heroes.
Just look at the pickrates in higher ranks right now.
DPS ? not enough variety ? You can’t be serious
Typo, meant Tanks/Support, fixed.
anyway, can you list other pros who one tricked for an entire season?
I find that incorrect. As a general player, it’ll start with a curiosity, and after some time I think more players will end up becoming Flex players due to their time just playing each role to see where they place. Some may realize they’re actually better in a role they never tried. And like you said, more doesn’t mean better. Just because you can flex doesn’t mean you should flex.
I would much rather a team of Hog/Hammond/Widow/Tracer/Moira/Zen over a team of McCree/Widow/Hanzo/Symmetra/Hammond/Ana.
My reasoning to that is the simple fact that while 2/2/2 may be unorganized in the beginning, it will iron out with time and you’ll see more prevalent and interesting 2/2/2 comps once the mass hysteria dies down.
While I cannot deny this, the fact that they’re still a tank counters that argument. This is why I say 2/2/2 Lock doesn’t support one-tricking. Just because you queue up for DPS/Tank/Support doesn’t mean you’ll get your Main, so you’ll still have to flex within your role. Say you’re a Mercy one-trick, and you get forced to pick another support, at least you know how to support so it’s not that far of a stretch to play Lucio or Ana. While if you had to suddenly be forced to play Tank or DPS, your skills will significantly lack.
Again, Agreed, however, Let me propose this; Orisa counters Rein counters Winston counters Orisa. Dva counters Zarya counters Hog counters Hammond. The pattern can be seen in every role. Each hero per role has counters within these roles.
Orisa/Hog/Junkrat/Sombra/Ana/Zen counters Rein/Zarya/Ashe/Mei/Mercy/Lucio but Winston/Dva/Genji/Sombra/Ana/Mercy counters the first bunker.
DPS is a lie, but variety in Tanks/Supports is an issue that should be addressed.
There’s a difference between Flexing, and just generally being good. My Masters coach is a MT Main (Rein/Orisa/Hammond), but this man can play any role on at least a Diamond level. I’m a MS Main (Mercy/Ana/Lucio/Moira), but I can play MT and some HSDPS just as well as my supports. But I prefer supporting. Even if I’m better as a MT I will play and improve my support lineup simply because I enjoy it more.
I don’t think you want more Flex players, you want players that understand that they need at least basic knowledge of each role.
There’s also a whole team of one-tricks that have taken the esports world by craze, even creating a whole team comp meta because of their strange team.
id rather have more flex players because ppl who truely flex, wouldn’t mind or complain about “having to play tank all game wah”
i’m not saying ppl have to enjoy playing other roles but not minding being a true team player would also be better than forced 222 role lock where the options isn’t even available to flex
Couple more pros:
It will make balancing easier for the dev team if they no longer have to worry about stacked abilities like AOE heals and shields.
Not having to worry about stacked shields and AOE heals will allow the creation of more shield tanks and AOE healers to add diversity.
I have a real question for you; What’s the point of having so many flex players? Why have flex players if you don’t need them? Wouldn’t a single Flex player on a team be fine, seeing how a flex player is essentially the teams bandage?
Flex players are the Jacks of all Trades, Masters of None. A few of them are nice, but a whole team of them causes confusion.
I think it’s hard to say if this really would encourage the onetrick mentality. If by “onetrick” the term is broadended to be “role one-trick”, maybe. In my experience people who onetrick heroes usually aren’t the people crying for a meta comp in the chat because they know they’re being selfish and are part of the reason the team is dysfunctional. While yes it would make your games reasonably fairer matched compared to what we have now, the impossibility of one of your tanks or supports switching onto widow to deal with a pharmercy while you’re onetricking torb would hurt your dps role sr. Probably by a lot. That’s just one tiny hypothetical situation, don’t get caught up on it - the point is they might happen over the course of tons of games to you, and only once to the people you’re playing with. Might make onetricking harder to maintain a good sr with. Just my guess tho.
One thing you can feel assured is that there will be plenty of meta team comps that pop up with or without 2-2-2. Especially with new heroes and maps coming every year (maybe even a gamemode? wasn’t that teased?). One thing that’s common in games with classes is balancing for the sake of meta shifts. Blizzard might get a lot of flak for how badly they do it, but they most certaintly do it and they will continue to do so. There will always be new meta comps, it’s by design.
Some people say the game already feels like a mirror game, people always say that. Goats, dive, bunker, the ninjas in pyjamas comp back in the day, it’ll always feel like a mirror game. If Jeff wasn’t lying when he said the game would be easier to balance under 2-2-2 it should be the opposite case. With easier balancing, in theory there should be more viable alternatives leading to less mirror matches.
I would be interested to see what happens with these queue times. I know personally I would queue for other roles more often if I was matched at a separate rank. I also wonder how many players would return to the game if they heard of a big rebalance and a role queue. Who knows, maybe all of the burned out tank and support players tired of 4dps would come back? Hard to predict what would happen but as someone who really likes playing a few key damage heroes it is a bit worrying.
Part of me is 100% convinced that they’ll incentivize queueing for all 3 roles somehow, whether it be bonus xp/competitive points or some new reward. Then again the other part of me is expecting Blizz to drop the ball and completely ignore that opportunity.
so are you saying ‘we don’t need ppl who are able to transfer from dps to tank to support’? cause that’s generally what flexes do
no. the only drawback there could be is everyone in the select screen not picking anything until the 10 second timer lol and i’ve has this happen twice recently. other than that, there’s nothing to be confused about because flex players also have their preferred roles too so maybe i feel like playing hog today and then ana the next.
an off-tank player says “idk how to play rein” so i play rein for them and the whole team while he picks zarya and there is synergy.
our mei one trick says she can’t deal with the widow but our zarya says she can switch to play hanzo against them. the mei does nothing on dva but the hanzo who was able to take care of the widow wins his sr and so does everyone on the team.
the point would be to lessen the “idk how to play x hero” type of problem. in the scenario, i was a flex, the zarya/hanzo was a limited flex, but the mei one trick didn’t do anything when the team needed them to because of their inability to play another sniper or dva at the level of whatever rank
I firmly believe your dislike for one-tricks is entirely personal and not based in any form of logic or fact.
A whole team of flex players is not better than a team of players dedicated to their roles. I’d take a team of 4 one-tricks with 2 flex players. That’s how I’d see a perfect team.
ur opinion on 222 and one tricks is also personal and not based in any form of logic or fact.
because that’s what they are. opinions and reasonings
- 222 role limit would set a max and min number of heroes per role, devs can rebalance heroes to be more viable in those situations (i.e. brig, lucio, mercy…)
- 222 role lock would give players’ intentions to the matchmaker, allowing separate SR for better setting teams.
- All characters deal damage, so solo DPS is not a problem, but solo support is, cause not all heroes provide healing. (Solo tank is less problematic in my opinion…) Anyways, someone also stated about solo support or solo tank
Because some people don’t find solo tanking or supporting a fun playstyle, a role queue feature was suggested to the devs and now we ended up in this 222 role debate. It’s a matter of playstyle the playerbase has evolved to. Some people want more structural rules to set up team compositions rather than end up with compositions with random number of roles every match and being forced to make them work out to win, since heavy DPS comps are way more difficult to make them work it out playing with randoms in solo queue.
You can’t compare pros to the regular playerbase tho! They’re paid to play this game so they better be excellent flex players! That being said, i think you put too much trust on people to just flex every role in regular comp, because from my own experience that is a big nope and that’s why we need 2/2/2 at least i won’t get stuck eith 5 dps one tricks.
Also, like someone else said, you can flex in a 2/2/2 and it will be better cause i can play dps in comp without dragging my team down since i’m a tank main, because i will get to play in a lower rank and i won’t throw my games since the sr team will be lower
But maybe you have a DPS player that can play Brig and Roadhog as well (See Youngjin from Shanghai Dragons). It’s easier to adapt when you have your entire hero pool at your disposal, it doesn’t matter if it’s dive, bunker or GOATS, your best hero for each comp won’t always be in the same role.
I’m not in silver but even if i was? Like i said the majority of the players are in silver/gold/plat. Don’t they deserve a good experience?